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ACT [八角家] ハチナ怪異譚 (RJ431925)

Get caught by the rope thingies and let it cycle through a couple times to get a status. If you walk around after that, it fills the meter and that dildo thingy will come out and start fucking her.
Get caught by the rope thingies and let it cycle through a couple times to get a status. If you walk around after that, it fills the meter and that dildo thingy will come out and start fucking her.
If only the attacks weren't so damn easy to struggle out of. People will literally miss content because its so easy to avoid the supposed "dangers" in this game. It's been said many times but it's such a huge flaw, I'm not sure if anyone ever told him about it.
If only the attacks weren't so damn easy to struggle out of. People will literally miss content because its so easy to avoid the supposed "dangers" in this game. It's been said many times but it's such a huge flaw, I'm not sure if anyone ever told him about it.

He definitely knows. He complimented Mc Swagger on his difficulty mod for Mission Mermaiden, so he is aware that at least a certain portion of his audience want the game to be more difficult enough that they are willing to make mods to do it. It's one possible solution for the future I suppose. We'll have to see what happens.
If only the attacks weren't so damn easy to struggle out of. People will literally miss content because its so easy to avoid the supposed "dangers" in this game. It's been said many times but it's such a huge flaw, I'm not sure if anyone ever told him about it.
To be fair, this isn't exactly an easily fixed issue you're pointing out here. I'd personally call it the biggest issue with making a Combat Rape game: when the sex grabs are both a (and arguably THE) major selling point of the genre but also a mechanic that the player should be trying to escape from/avoid, how do you get the player to interact with it outside of deliberate self-sabotage?

It's not like the MCswagger mod, amazing as it was, really solved this issue either, with a slight exception in the case of the curiosity status. The enemies were tougher and high lust did complicate escape, yes. But that still didn't stop me from tearing through the game with minimal time spent grabbed, because once you get the hang of the struggle minigame you can escape pretty quickly and consistantly with little lust gain, at least when at low lust. Most first stage grabs don't give lust, and what lust you do pick up from bullets and the few exceptions to that can be addressed using consumables. End result? You can still blitz through the game essentially ignoring the sex grabs once you get the hang of the new difficulty and mechanics.

Lets talk about curiosity. This was one of the new statuses the McSwagger added in his mod, and it'd probably my favorite change made to the entire thing. In world 3, lingering in certain areas builds up the curiosity %, with the areas being subtly marked by unharmable drones the glow when you go near them. reaching 100% forces you to sit on the next charging station you find, and even if you escape the grab quickly you'll still end up with several status effects that will make it more likely for you to get caught moving forward. This kind of thing works really well for Combat Rape games, because it forces the player to interact with the sex side of the game, and makes it more likely that they'll get caught up in it moving forward.

The issue is finding a balance between the two extremes of forced interaction. Most games sit on the shallow end of the pool, this one included, where everything can be escaped with a couple seconds of effort, with next to no consequences. On the other extreme, you have situations where grabs are basically inescapable in all but ideal situations, which reduces the mechanic to a 15 second-long unskippable cutscene you have to sit through every time you get grabbed before you can get back to playing the game. Obviously this is not desirable either.

I've played around with the idea of making a CR game before, and the way I think I'd approach it would be a combination of limited resources and an alert meter.
Lets say the player has a bar called 'resistance' or something like that, and it hitting zero causes some kind of gameover, or at least makes you have to restart the stage. It's reduced when the player is brought to orgasm by an enemy, but it can also be spent to struggle free of grabs. How much you have to spend depends on how alert the grabbing enemy is; an enemy is at their most alert at the start of the grab, but feining submission will cause them to lower their guard, allowing you to escape for a lower amount of resistance.
This way the player has the option to bust out of a grab immediately, either because they're close to orgasm and don't want to risk a status effect, or they just aren't interested in seeing it. But this comes at a cost of more resistance spent than waiting for an opportune moment, and if they keep breaking out immediately they may later find themselves too low on resistance to escape, and knocked out when their resistance hits zero.
Alternatively, a player could endure the grab, wait for low alert and bust out. This carries lower cost in resistance, but means more lust/pleasure from the grab and the risk of status effects from orgasm/advanced grabs.

This is far from the only way of doing it of course. You could go the MCSwagger route of making the escape minigame more involved, and ideally take longer. This would make grabs a race to beat the minigame before you hit orgasm, or whatever other fail condition the grab can inflict. The issue with this method is unless you make the minigame centered of the grab animation itself then you're drawing the players attention away from the animation, which is supposed to be one of the key selling points of your game. There are ways to make this work, like some kind of rhythm game tied to the animation itself, but this is quite a lot more involved than slapping a left/right button mash bar on the animation and calling it finished, which is why most devs seem to do just that.

Honestly, i think the question of 'how do I handle grabs and escaping them?' is actually one of the first questions a game dev needs to ask themselves, right after they decide on Combat Rape as a genre. Whether you're using player resources, an involved minigame, some kind of rhythm tied to the sex animation, or QTEs that pop up mid-animation as quickfire 'escape opportunities', pretty much all of these solutions to the easy struggle issue feel like they'd need to be decided pretty early on. My resource idea would need a resistance bar on the ui for example, which is often one of the first presentable things done. If you're using a rhythm game of QTEs tied to animations you're going to want to design those animations with a clear rhythm to follow, etc.
The point I'm trying to make here is that slapping a solution onto an otherwise finished game would be a lot of work, because you'd have to go back and change, or even replace things to make it all work. Most H-game devs seem to lean more on the art side of the art/code divide, so probably aren't thinking about this until they've released a demo and start seeing player feedback.
I prefer the way games like Echidna Wars DX did it. Once you're grabbed you take the full damage immediately; it was on you to not get grabbed in the first place. That way it's basically just up to you if you want to watch the sex or skip it (Though I wish Echidna Wars had looping orgasms personally). I'd go another step further and say my ideal H-game would make you have 0 control once grabbed until the enemy *lets* you go, but that's mostly just cuz "loss of control" is my primary kink. This would be really annoying from a game design perspective lol.
I prefer the way games like Echidna Wars DX did it. Once you're grabbed you take the full damage immediately; it was on you to not get grabbed in the first place. That way it's basically just up to you if you want to watch the sex or skip it (Though I wish Echidna Wars had looping orgasms personally). I'd go another step further and say my ideal H-game would make you have 0 control once grabbed until the enemy *lets* you go, but that's mostly just cuz "loss of control" is my primary kink. This would be really annoying from a game design perspective lol.
Interesting. Obviously this is up to personal preference but I'd argue that is just as much a failure at solving the core issue as we have here with the trivial escape, just in the opposite direction. I feel like the player needs some agency in the grab, subject to the situation. For example you might be able to escape after say 10 seconds with some 'damage' under normal conditions, but after getting hit with status effects, or worn down by repeated attacks/grabs, escape takes longer and becomes harder to the point of becoming impossible.
i remember there was a game where you took damage on being grabbed if you resisted. i wonder if that would be preferable?
personally, i could think of ways to use it better than what currently is. one can make it so, you can choose to be caught and brainwashed a little to save some hp. could make it a resource management maybe?
i remember there was a game where you took damage on being grabbed if you resisted. i wonder if that would be preferable?
personally, i could think of ways to use it better than what currently is. one can make it so, you can choose to be caught and brainwashed a little to save some hp. could make it a resource management maybe?

I believe you're talking about crisis point: Extinction. If you let the animation play out, you took no damage, but if you tried to escape, you would begin taking damage until you get out.
There's a lot of discussion going on here about the grab mechanics. While such discussion is greatly appreciated, please try to keep the topic related to the main thread if possible.

If I have to comment on this, I think successful combat rape games tend to put the player into a handicapped state once you're grabbed, all while making sure that you, the player, can still escape, to produce the illusion of "heroine in a disadvantageous situation" effect.

Personally, I'd like to see the clothes removal feature in Hachina gets fleshed out more to reinforce this "heroine in a disadvantageous situation" idea on top of the gameplay-interfering status effects that have yet to be revealed. Right now, losing the clothes and retrieving them have no significant meanings whatsoever, and I'd be delighted to see that changes.
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I believe you're talking about crisis point: Extinction. If you let the animation play out, you took no damage, but if you tried to escape, you would begin taking damage until you get out.
yeah, that had those and i think some other games.
There's a lot of discussion going on here about the grab mechanics. While such discussion is greatly appreciated, please try to keep the topic related to the main thread if possible.
hey, if someone here or maybe the dev decided to use the discussion here to make a mod or some addition to the game then this could be useful, but i can understand thenotification spam it makes so sorry about that.
If I have to comment on this, I think successful combat rape games tend to put the player into a handicapped state once you're grabbed, all while making sure that you, the player, can still escape, to produce the illusion of "heroine in a disadvantageous situation" effect.
true, but this game and the last one technically one ups that by making the grab be a disadvantage not at the moment but after it with debuffs in my eye there is no reason to take damahe at that time, even if that is via orgasms (would make sense if it drained mana or stamina or willpower you know. not hp) i mean if you brainwash a heroine, you wouldnt be beating her head in while brainwashing. the only way she would take damage is it she resisted.
Right now, losing the clothes and retrieving them have no significant meanings whatsoever, and I'd be delighted to see that changes.
yeah. heck in the demo it was annoying how i wouldtry to get my clothes taken and accidentally walk up to it and have it equipped. maybe if the enemy that picked it up flew away and you had to kill it before it did? or maybe the the they do drop clothes a bit away but.... it is not your clothes... or clothes but... tentacles (armor)!
Personally, I'd like to see the clothes removal feature in Hachina gets fleshed out more to reinforce this "heroine in a disadvantageous situation" idea on top of the gameplay-interfering status effects that have yet to be revealed.
yeah. heck one of the best parts of the last game for me was the part with the collar, latex suit and chair. while there was no nudity there technically, it was hella sexy. since this game seems to be less techno based and more magic one, they might have to adjust for that, hence the tentacle armor suggestion. or heck maybe slime armor, those arent that much done in games.
or they could even make it so you can get imprisoned if you are brainwashed enough and have to escape with massive debuffs or hope for help. could be a level where you have to explore a 'dungeon cave' where there are little enemies but a lot of traps (or could make that the escape the capture room).
the problem is that this game is too unique. it's like moral sword asagi all over again except for some reason no one has tried to copy the mission mermaiden games probably because it is hard to do.
Lets say the player has a bar called 'resistance' or something like that, and it hitting zero causes some kind of gameover, or at least makes you have to restart the stage. It's reduced when the player is brought to orgasm by an enemy, but it can also be spent to struggle free of grabs. How much you have to spend depends on how alert the grabbing enemy is; an enemy is at their most alert at the start of the grab, but feining submission will cause them to lower their guard, allowing you to escape for a lower amount of resistance.
This way the player has the option to bust out of a grab immediately, either because they're close to orgasm and don't want to risk a status effect, or they just aren't interested in seeing it. But this comes at a cost of more resistance spent than waiting for an opportune moment, and if they keep breaking out immediately they may later find themselves too low on resistance to escape, and knocked out when their resistance hits zero.
Alternatively, a player could endure the grab, wait for low alert and bust out. This carries lower cost in resistance, but means more lust/pleasure from the grab and the risk of status effects from orgasm/advanced grabs.
I really like that idea!
I also think that your observations about my mod are quite good. An implicit goal of mine was to evaluate game design basics of hentai games so I love to read comments like yours. But let’s not go too much off topic…
im a simple minded player, I see an enemy grabbing me with a position I enjoy, "i" get stunned and unable to escape. so far no enemy in the game has givin me that stun effect yet, but im sure in the full game one enemy is bound to hit me with those negative effects.
personal opinion, I'd like to see an effect that builds up over time. Something that isn't immediately detrimental, and can be taken care of in safe zones easily enough, but if you forget to (or choose not to) take care of it, it becomes a more major inhibitor on your ability to escape or avoid enemies. It would play into the themes of baste games, wherein the characters are meant to be strong unless they let overconfidence make them sloppy.
New blog update. The predicted release date has been pushed back from the end of 2022 to spring/summer 2023. Apparently they're not planning on doing another 2d action platformer immediately after Hachina, so they want to cram as much of the content they've thought up for these into it as possible. Plus they also want to have a lengthier debugging period before release. Full demo will be released in the autumn of this year.
New blog update. The predicted release date has been pushed back from the end of 2022 to spring/summer 2023. Apparently they're not planning on doing another 2d action platformer immediately after Hachina, so they want to cram as much of the content they've thought up for these into it as possible. Plus they also want to have a lengthier debugging period before release. Full demo will be released in the autumn of this year.

Damn I was late.

also contains new map with reflective water area.

Damn I was late.

also contains new map with reflective water area.

View attachment 42797

Would be cool if there's some sort of doppelganger or invulnerable type enemy in which we need to attack the reflection, attacking the "body" in front of us would just led to her getting grabbed.