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Re: Hate Thread


:D Oh lurky... I remember Kusa posted this pic before... Seems appropriate ^_^
Re: Hate Thread

Hmm... Something I'm equally passionate about... I'll hafta think about that.

And you set the self-destruct codes?

"5....4....3...2...1....Have a nice day."
Re: Hate Thread

...oh god damnit. Another Johndoe argument. Abandon thread.

Bwahahahaha, you can run but you can't hide!

“To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.” Abraham Lincoln

(This is a joke, no offense meant or intended...)

To stay on topic, i hate it when the download speed jumps randomly from 300kB/s to 12kB/s, you never know how long it'll take to finish...
Re: Hate Thread

The high pollen count in spring is a really annoyance x.x
Re: Hate Thread

The high pollen count in spring is a really annoyance x.x

It's that bad in America? So far my hay fever hasn't affected me yet, or if it has it's only been very minor though I've chalked all this recent bout of sneezing to be due to a cold. But hay fever could well be it. Guess I should start taking my tablets just in case.
Re: Hate Thread

It's that bad in America? So far my hay fever hasn't affected me yet, or if it has it's only been very minor though I've chalked all this recent bout of sneezing to be due to a cold. But hay fever could well be it. Guess I should start taking my tablets just in case.

Well, generally no. But with the really crazy weather this year, especially in the past week or so, has really been kicking it up, coupled with the cold weather sniffles. My nose would be running a bit as is, at the temperature it's been, but because it keeps almost getting up to normal temperatures, the plants are starting their thing too.
Re: Hate Thread

Well, we're still drenched in snow. Have I mentioned that I hate snow? I'm actually kinda curious as to what will happen when the spring finally arrives. I'm allergic, but last year I didn't get the symptoms.
Re: Hate Thread

My alarm clock decided last night was time change, and not tonight.... wtf
Re: Hate Thread

Someone decided to take a shit in a trashcan in the back of the store today. A trashcan. Not ten feet from the bathroom, no less.
Re: Hate Thread

Who the fucking fuck decides to fucking HAMMER at fucking 8:30 in the goddamn fucking morning whilst blasting the fucking radio.
Re: Hate Thread

Who the fucking fuck decides to fucking HAMMER at fucking 8:30 in the goddamn fucking morning whilst blasting the fucking radio.

Well, take out the radio part and my next door neighbour for a time; until they finally finished renovating.
Re: Hate Thread

Who the fucking fuck decides to fucking HAMMER at fucking 8:30 in the goddamn fucking morning whilst blasting the fucking radio.

I made a similar rant a few months ago about construction starting outside my window 6 days a week and around 7 in the morning on average. It's been going on for about a year and a half now.

You'll be happy to know that I am still suffering with this. =(
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the time change. Ugh. Glad it's always on a Sunday morning though
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the time change. Ugh. Glad it's always on a Sunday morning though

Yeah not only does everyone have to change clocks we also lose an hour of sleep it sucks.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah not only does everyone have to change clocks we also lose an hour of sleep it sucks.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for the falling back later on, but the weekend right before a test? Narfing date change.
Re: Hate Thread

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad for the falling back later on, but the weekend right before a test? Narfing date change.

I hate it too. x.x For me the worst part was being up last night at like 1:45 and then all of a sudden a few minutes passed and it was 3:15 since my cable box resets automatically. I went from feeling kinda happy to "ugh I have to go to bed..." I do love that extra hour of sleep though...I usually treat myself to a night of late whatevers. :p
Re: Hate Thread


It's a really nice shirt, but it's simply not long enough down the body. I must have tried to tuck it in 200 times today, but it keeps popping back out and leaving a draft! Rawr!

It sucks. I don't have enough t-shirts/undershirts. I'm gonna order some more german army shirts. Only things that are long enough.
Re: Hate Thread


It's a really nice shirt, but it's simply not long enough down the body. I must have tried to tuck it in 200 times today, but it keeps popping back out and leaving a draft! Rawr!

It sucks. I don't have enough t-shirts/undershirts. I'm gonna order some more german army shirts. Only things that are long enough.

Long torso is long.

These days I generally get most of my tee's from America, though that's because I tend to buy the 'witty' internet tee shirts. Last four I got cost my a little under £100, though I have ordered a Homestuck tee shirt which cost me about £17 including international shipping fee's which is really good. Unless I'm going to get assfucked by the shipping people again. The only other tee's I have are plain black and white tee's though I do have two Ghostbusters tee's, one I had for Christmas and one I bought myself a year ago.
Re: Hate Thread


It's a really nice shirt, but it's simply not long enough down the body. I must have tried to tuck it in 200 times today, but it keeps popping back out and leaving a draft! Rawr!

It sucks. I don't have enough t-shirts/undershirts. I'm gonna order some more german army shirts. Only things that are long enough.

Why is the cyrilic D in there, amongst a bunch of boxes and some slanty lines 0_o.
Re: Hate Thread

I believe it's someone flipping a table over in anger.