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Re: Hate Thread

I have to add that I never have had a problem with Steam. I have to say that I don't use it all that much, but I have had it for a few years and other than a poor interface for joining CS servers never really had any issues with it. It's not great, but it's not awful either.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when people stink to high heaven, and waltz into a store, expecting me to just ignore said smell. Either you take a shower, or GTFO my place of business.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate asshats who decide to narrate everything they see in their damn life. Yes, mom. That means you too. I hate indiscriminately.

I'm just driving with my mom and no matter what the hell's going on, she always feels that she has to say EVERYTHING that crosses her mind. "Oh, I didn't hit the brake soon enough for that stop sign," "Oh, that person looks pretty old," "Oh no, gas prices when up again," "Oh, that house looks nice,"

God damn it, if you're going to spark a conversation, stop pretending like I'm interested in these one liners! Find an actual topic of importance and give it straight out! People who do this when they're with other people are basically saying, "Hey, I don't have enough social skills to know how to start a decent conversation, so instead listen to my babbling about nothing!"

Yes, mom. That means you too.
Re: Hate Thread

So would you prefer if you're mom just moved straight to your sex life, because that's what mine does.
Re: Hate Thread

What sex life?
Re: Hate Thread

Okay, first off, if people around you are so bad at conversation Obe, why don't you man the fuck up and show them how it's done? Or is it that you're so socially inept yourself, all you know how to do is sit there and be angry in your mind to other people, and you can't even do those horrible one-liners yourself?

Now, on to what I hate. I hate how hard it seems to be for people to play by the rules. Even when the rules themselves are changed to encourage bending or whatever, people never seem content with that and blow it out of the water, all the time.

Case in point. I was talking to my DM for the old game I don't play anymore. His old game, where one person managed to get himself vampirism, turning him into a level 18 while everyone else was still 10, then proceeded to do the same for the cleric of the Sun God, fer chrissakes, had ended that shenanigan called a campaign, because he was tired of players arguing with him over the rules.

His new campaign, he decided to see what he could do to change that. So he told everyone to make their own race, and country, and he'd mash them together, have a Vatican City type of ruling country, and make the PCs representatives of their race, and have them sent to do stuff.

Now, this sounds like an amazing idea, but when I asked what rules he had for building races, he said that there weren't any, that he approves them case-by-case. And looking over what he had already approved, I don't think he even bothers to do that! And of course, people aren't holding themselves back, either. It's a wonder some of these need classes at all, god dammit!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate most other people's kids and lazy parents. They make my job a pain in the ass. :/
Re: Hate Thread

Okay, first off, if people around you are so bad at conversation Obe, why don't you man the fuck up and show them how it's done? Or is it that you're so socially inept yourself, all you know how to do is sit there and be angry in your mind to other people, and you can't even do those horrible one-liners yourself?

That was Dark not Obe.

I think I blacked out for ten seconds from laughing so hard.

But I think you forgot the part where I said I was basically talking about my mother. I guess I could man up and show my mother how it's done, but I'd probably need a rubber first.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate when people get their panties in a twist and think that you're personally attacking them when you don't agree with their opinion. I was just accused of "jumping on someone's shit" because I said in a post that I didn't think Johnny Depp would make a good Balthier (FFXII). Of course, I didn't have a counter-offer but apparently someone thought my opinion was an attack toward them rather than, y'know, expressing my fricking opinion on the matter.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when people get their panties in a twist and think that you're personally attacking them when you don't agree with their opinion. I was just accused of "jumping on someone's shit" because I said in a post that I didn't think Johnny Depp would make a good Balthier (FFXII). Of course, I didn't have a counter-offer but apparently someone thought my opinion was an attack toward them rather than, y'know, expressing my fricking opinion on the matter.

That's been happening to me a bit recently... by one person in particular.

When I told them to fuck off they actually cried...
Re: Hate Thread

I positively hate it when people find that when they can't take advantage of another person, they just stop communicating with said person. What, is the world now one big contest to see who can step all over the most people or something?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when people get their panties in a twist and think that you're personally attacking them when you don't agree with their opinion. I was just accused of "jumping on someone's shit" because I said in a post that I didn't think Johnny Depp would make a good Balthier (FFXII). Of course, I didn't have a counter-offer but apparently someone thought my opinion was an attack toward them rather than, y'know, expressing my fricking opinion on the matter.

Never disagree with Mo. Ever.
Re: Hate Thread

That's been happening to me a bit recently... by one person in particular.

When I told them to fuck off they actually cried...

Well done. I'd give you rep for this but I can't. =(
Re: Hate Thread

It wasn't Mo, but you have fun with that train of thought.

No, I was just giving you advice. Never disagree with Mo because you pretty much described his reaction to anybody disagreeing with him.

Why would you even think I thought you were talking to Mo? He doesn't fucking care about Final Fantasy.