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Re: Hate Thread

Dark's really been spamming and multi posting a lot lately huh. Someone should probably talk to him about that.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate news. It's all wrong in some direction or other, everyone's trying to sell you something. And most of it isn't even news, really. One disaster, one politics piece, and then feel good stories. Or, worse yet, there's now these stupid polls asking people what they think of the news that get broadcast on air, taking more time from what could be used to transmit useful or important or even interesting information. The news should be for news not twitter. Call that shit the FOX/ABC/NBC/CBS Feel Good Variety Hour or some shit, but don't call it news, because you're goddamn liars.
Re: Hate Thread

Watch the "news" programs on comedy central. Hilarious and more accurate to boot!
Re: Hate Thread

I get all my news from web-comics and Craig Ferguson.
Re: Hate Thread

People actually watch the fucking news? I watch Stephen Colbert.
Re: Hate Thread

People actually watch the fucking news? I watch Stephen Colbert.

Like I said, Comedy Central FTW.

But the real reason I popped back in here: mosquitos. Must... kill...more!
Re: Hate Thread

I'm walking around everyday, rebusting my knees, spraining my ankles, arms getting extended, getting knocked in the head, covered in cuts, and bruises, and yet the most annoying thing out of the summer is the one lone mosquito bite that finds its way onto my calf. It's a bitch
Re: Hate Thread

As an extra note, I don't know why, but the bite marks are really wierd this year. Not circles, but welt shaped. About half a cm thick and two long. At first I thought it was a wierd rash and started to worry, but then other people got it who had no contact with me, so we figured they're just really wierd bites.
Re: Hate Thread

As an extra note, I don't know why, but the bite marks are really wierd this year. Not circles, but welt shaped. About half a cm thick and two long. At first I thought it was a wierd rash and started to worry, but then other people got it who had no contact with me, so we figured they're just really wierd bites.

oh shit new epidemic!

everyone break out the gas masks!
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck the gas masks, we need shotguns. I'd bet this is how Umbrella actually starts it's experiments.
Re: Hate Thread

Umbrella Corporation is a perfectly legitimate pharmaceutical research and development company. How dare you spread such libel, sir!
Re: Hate Thread

Copper works for them! She's already been infected.
Re: Hate Thread

WTF has Umbrella Corperation been doing to my pool then :eek:
Re: Hate Thread


No, grains! I need to go to the market and get some bread. Yes, that's what I meant.
Re: Hate Thread

Copper works for them! She's already been infected.

My one boss, the ninja, used to always hate it when I wore my Umbrella shirt to work. He used to shoot me the nastiest glares *grins*
Re: Hate Thread

I hate women, I hate how they spend all their time complaining about how hard their life sucks while wallowing in their defeatist attitude and refusing to see they don't *have* to feel so shitty about everything. I hate how they'll throw themselves on other guys and apologize when I say it hurts me before doing it again TOO SECONDS LATER and still bitching at me when I find myself liking another woman more because of it. I hate how they can inconsiderately ignore me, and walk away mid convo and yet have the gall to say "I love you" and lash out at me when I question their feelings. I also hate worrying that my friends will find out I like hentai and hate me, or find out I like really *fucked* up hentai because I like seeing girls in a vulnerable position (though not raped, anyone ever find consenticle?) and I hate how "hentai" is marked as a spelling error in a damn HENTAI forum.
(also I love women)
Re: Hate Thread

You do realize that the spell-checker isn't dependent of the displayed web-page?