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Re: Hate Thread

That totally blows. Been there, done that. Or when you've typed something and for some reason the text gets eaten or whatever and you can't type the same thing the exact same way.

Yeah that's the worst because you know you have to redo it, but it always feels like its just not as good as it was the first time...whatever that was.

And I hate it when I make a new friend and then they move away a week later. :(
Re: Hate Thread

I second that. I've been waking up most days this week with a headache or developing a headache not long after getting up, though I think its a combination of late nights-early rises and not drinking enough.

Yeah, there's lots of reasons headache's pop up, I think mine was sleeping a bit funny, I noticed my back hurt a bit too later, must have been twisted wrong or something. Drinking coffee fixed it, for the most part.

Oh yeah, and the family van just got a flat! x.x
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Re: Hate Thread

Sometimes I end up wasting valuable net time I could be using productively and constructively to watch/ look at porn and end up hating my self aterwards. I also hate that I have little to no devotion a lot of time. And I seldom seem to be able to concentrate or focus to come up with something.

EDIT: On top of that when I went to take a drink of my coffee drink i somehow ended up spilling some on my laptop, I'm just glad I caught it fast enough and cleaned it up and hope it doesn't completely screw up my computer. >.<
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Re: Hate Thread

I've spilt plenty of stuff on my laptop, so unless mine is some military grade laptop I imagine yours will be fine. Hell, I use it as a tray for my plates sometimes.

If there's one thing I hate about my laziness it's that I never really get round to tidying my room. It's not like its dirty, just messy. But I'm getting a new television tomorrow and there's stuff I need to box up to make room for it before I can put it in my room and now I'll have to tidy everything up before I can box my the other stuff up.
Re: Hate Thread

Is it bigscreen? Or did you just run out of room to move stuff from table/dresser/desk/etc?

My room is quite messy. Often with dirty dishes from dinner/lunch left on furniture and dirty clothes on the ground. Not to mention a perpetually unmade bed. :p
Re: Hate Thread

My room is tiny, I need to take down the old wall mounted television stand and the shelf underneath that so my father and I can put up a bigger shelf to house my television, 360 and PS2. I need to box some stuff up so I can put that under my bed so it isn't in the way of the new shelf. And the television I'm getting is a 22 inch wide flatscreen HD television. And while I'm not a graphics whore I do prefer my games to be in HD because for some unknown reason games developers like to use such a small font that it can only be read on a HD television. Plus the television has a built in DVD player so I wont have to use my laptop to watch my DVD's anymore.
Re: Hate Thread

I've never managed to break an electronic, despite spilling things on them and generally being kinda clumsy. Though the cat liquid barfed on the satilite box once and killed it.
Re: Hate Thread

I hated last week, and I'm going to hate this weekend.

Last Week: I returned from my brother's wedding (that was awesome), but to get up to Tallahassee I had to switch days with another coworker. That meant I'd have to work six days straight. That didn't bother me, but the night before I'd finally get my rest my boss called and said he blew out his knee or something. He needed someone to fill his spot so he could go to the hospital, and that was me. So that meant I'd finish my shift, go home, sleep for four hours, then wake up to go back to work at 5:00 am. That just sucked the life right out of me, and I'm still kinda tired.

This Weekend: It's Halloween. Normally I love this time of year. But the community I guard loves it even more. They call in people from all over Florida to come visit, and people that have no business being in the community try to sneak in just to grab some of the rich people's candy. It gets too busy. Last year I manned the gate all by my lonesome, and the only time I got any kind of relief was when the person who was supposed to drive around in the patrol car arrived and called the office for backup. I was so busy I couldn't stop and make the call myself without having a million people honking at me.


tldr version:
Worked too much last week, and Halloween's gonna be a bitch.
Re: Hate Thread

Ack, that sucks Termite. *Gives a muffin on a block of wood.* I hope you get a break from that sir.

Righto... what do I hate now...

I mildly dislike...

...Unreal-Editor 3 being a bit of a spaz.

Attempting to loosely re-create a Halo Reach Forge-Map called, da da daa, Forge-City, it looks simple in principle... and pretty good. It appears to be four metal islands connected by bridges, look out towers and faintly resembles a city, and as it also looks like prime-territory for anybody wanting to take cover rather than jump/sprint/fly-glitch -high pitched screaming warcries... Metaphorgotten. Oh right, it's good for people that like popping in and out of cover.

'Error this'
'Error that'
'Can't let you do that, Draggeh.'
'Sorry, kinda need to crash now, did you save you work? No? I pity you fool. Bau.'

*Raeg noises.*

And losing motivation when there's resources literally within one's reach.
Re: Hate Thread

Here's a tip; just play Reach instead.
Re: Hate Thread

I'd like to actually, need to get a 360 and the game first. I was venting about the tool I use to make maps, I've done arenas before, mostly terrains such as broken canyons, swamps or entire cities... But this one seems to be stubbornly awkward, despite being little more than a interior-box to others.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate team-mates who are as aware of their surroundings as a Gerbil smoking weed while on crack and LSD.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh, we had the list going today.

I hate finding out at the last minute that something I planned on wearing doesn't fit.

I hate when I'm trying to do something quick and simple on the computer, the program I'm using decides to either lag or be "out of sync with the server," thus turning a 5 minute-if-that task into something that takes about 15.

I hate when a game insists upon doing something when all it's really doing is wasting your time.

I hate that the Halloween store in our mall is not doing a 50% off after holiday sale.

I hate mandatory store meetings.

I hate the fact that the managers fired the cleaning crew and now expect *us* to clean the bathrooms until they get off their asses and hire someone new.

I hate how every freaking social website I'm on has 50 bazillion things to do for Halloween (or holidays in general) and don't give you near enough time to do them.

I hate how I let my friend know I'm online and then, forty-five minutes later, she acknowledges my presence, but god forbid I take more than 10 seconds to answer her.

I hate that there's Christmas ads in the newspaper already.

And I hate falling asleep in the chair. Again. So away I go.
Re: Hate Thread

Would you like an itemized list of possible solutions, or not in the mood?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that amazon.de are fucking idiots and simply titled the seventh Hack/Slash paperback "New Blood Old Wounds": Hack/Slash.

They didn't include the number, they didn't include the title. Just Hack/Slash. How the fuck am I supposed to find your products if you apparently go the extra mile to hide them? That's just bad business, Amazon.

Oh, and fuck Dragon Cave for malfunctioning and making it unable for me to hide my Halloween egg in time so it fucking died. Right now it's malfunctioning again. Damnit.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate how clumsy I feel playing guitar. It's been a year and half since I stopped going to weekly lessons and I just tried playing some old songs.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate I've been following this project for quite some time because I really like his artstyle on the eyes and whatnot. (No, I'm actually serious, it's the eyes that got me.) And my favorite flash that he has been working on is one that would require a lot of work but that has seen slow but steady progress. And well... Try the link and play the last demo...
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