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Re: Hate Thread

I dislike how I am so sensitive about my artwork. I remember I made fanart to Zeta, and the first thought I had was she didn't like it. I had to PM her for clarification. She is nicer about it than I assumed.

I made another to another artist named neoeclipse and his lack of response is making me self conscious. Maybe I should contact him.

I'm so sensitive. x.x;
Re: Hate Thread

Actually, please do give me an example where stereotyping will be positive.

And I'm not pinning you to be a hoarder of evil, those examples I gave where not of stereotyping, but rather or morals. Because you were angry about people being brainwashed into having society's morals, despite the fact that those morals can be what keeps us good... or at least an attempt at it.

I don't know why I'm getting involved in this, but I can actually think of some positive stereotypes. For example the German's are usually thought of as being precise, the Canadians as being friendly, the Irish as being....well maybe we all don't get a positive stereotype. Still though there are positive stereotypes out there, you just don't notice them as much.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't know why I'm getting involved in this, but I can actually think of some positive stereotypes. For example the German's are usually thought of as being precise, the Canadians as being friendly, the Irish as being....well maybe we all don't get a positive stereotype. Still though there are positive stereotypes out there, you just don't notice them as much.

True, but when these stereotypes come up to actually influence things, is this a good thing? The German guy getting a promotion over the others simply because he's German and will do the job more efficiently, for example.
Re: Hate Thread

And people letting down their defenses in good old friendly Canada only to get stabbed and robbed for crack in a back alley...

Though yes Ronny I do see where yer comin from.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Apple-Cranberry Sparkling Cider. As soon as I finish this glass, BAILEY'S IRISH WHISKEY BAY-BEE, FUCK YEAH.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who spam the same thread over and over again in areas that said thread doesnt belong and avdertising products that nobody wants to partake in.
Re: Hate Thread

I drank a whole mug of apple cider but then I didn't feel so good...
Re: Hate Thread

Maybe I misinterpreted what you were talking about, I was just showing that there are positive stereotypes as well as negative. Positive doesn't necessarily mean that it would lead to good consequences, as Incubus pointed out.
Re: Hate Thread

Shut your filthy lying whore mouth.

Maybe they're actually good over in Britain-land, but here in America-land - at the very least every one I'VE been to - they SUCK ASS.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who spam the same thread over and over again in areas that said thread doesnt belong and avdertising products that nobody wants to partake in.

Oh! Thanks for reminding me!

I'm here selling people's credit card numbers, social security numbers, and cat ass flavoured breathmints.
Re: Hate Thread

Actually, please do give me an example where stereotyping will be positive.

And I'm not pinning you to be a hoarder of evil, those examples I gave where not of stereotyping, but rather or morals. Because you were angry about people being brainwashed into having society's morals, despite the fact that those morals can be what keeps us good... or at least an attempt at it.

My father was once best friends with a Japanese man, of course, he tended to speak with him very casually most of the time, at one point he was in a business endeavor with this chap, and because it was a friend he gave him a little slack, trusting him.

For some reason or another, the guy was offended with the way he conducted business and refused to speak to him ever again, because of the cultural difference.

Because he was raised in a different place, it would have been good for my Father to assume that he conducted business the way other people from his home did, this is an example of a stereotype mind you, the only ones that are famous are the negative ones in my experience.

Also, being wary of people who have been in prison before and other such cases can make your life safer, knowing that prison in a lot of cases is a sort of Academy for criminals.
Re: Hate Thread

I'd say be wary of ex-convicts isn't so much a stereotype, more in being wary of what that person has done in their past to warrant being imprisoned.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who, after hearing the five closing announcements that we've been doing telling them that the store is closing, still lolly-gag their way up to the register and have to be encouraged to check out because WE WANT TO GO HOME AND DRINK! Mostly because of all the stupid customers! And then we *still* had people trying to wander in after 6 and it's like 'Hey, we're closed.' "I just have a quick question." Question was neither quick nor for a product that we carry! What part of "Amazon exclusive" don't you understand? Go away. And once the doors were locked, we had people pulling up to check the hours. It's freaking New Year's Eve, assholes! Go away! And swear, every time the phone rang from 4:30 on, I got on my walkie and went "What time do you close?" And the guys that were handling the calls radio back "Yup. Exactly." And then we had a scare about this one woman who kept some of the other closers for nearly a freaking HOUR after one night because she had to order textbooks for her daughter but she doesn't use credit cards and the ones she does use have different mailing addresses and she's a pain in the freaking ass and as soon as I realized it was her, I told the guys that they were to *not* let her order anything because we were freaking five minutes from close. (The time she came in before, she was in freaking *ten* minutes to close. And she was in two nights in a row trying to do this!)

But I have chocolate wine now. Life is good. And I don't have to work tomorrow! Squeeeee!
Re: Hate Thread

Wall of text

My God that sounds irritating as hell, I'm glad I don't have to work for new years :3

On a more relevant note, I hate the fact that I feel bland and unexcited on new years day.

Further more, I hate that I had the most uninspiring conversation with the girl I like over the phone, and I said, "uhm" and "uuh" at least six different times each, I would say that I feel like an over-sized dildo, but even a dildo has luck with the ladies, goddamn.
Re: Hate Thread

Chocolate wine sounds tasty... interesting but tasty.

I also hate the fact that I busted my J key. I can still press the little nub beneath the key, but it feels weird when typing.
Re: Hate Thread

Busted it doing what? ;)
Re: Hate Thread

I remember something I hate now...I hate driving other people's cars! I took my dad's car to the party last night because mine was blocked in. When I went to go home I couldn't figure out how to release the parking brake. I'm sitting there in the dark, half drunk, pressing buttons around the steering wheel...popping the hood and the gas cap and just looking like a total idiot. I even moved the brake pedal up and down somehow and got some wierd lights to appear on the dashboard! Finally I looked up how to release the brake in the car manual....hold down the regular brake and depress the parking brake pedal...I would have been stuck there forever without the manual!
Re: Hate Thread

I also hate the fact that I busted my J key. I can still press the little nub beneath the key, but it feels weird when typing.

You could always find a replacement "J" plate.

I'm sitting there in the dark, half drunk, pressing buttons around the steering wheel...popping the hood and the gas cap and just looking like a total idiot.

..... I hate when people try to drive at any level of drunkeness.
Just to be clear, don't hate YOU, I just hate when people do that.

Also, just trying to give ya some advice here is all, ALWAYS check out the vehicle you're about to drive before you take it anywhere if it's not one you're familiar with driving.
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Re: Hate Thread

I fucking hate my stupidity and absentmindedness sometimes. I bought an 8gb micro SD card for my phone today so I'd have plenty of space to put music on it so I could listen to music on my travels, and once I took it out of its packaging I put it on my chest as I was lying down while on my laptop. For some reason I forgot it was there, sat up and got off my bed at which point it fell off me. Now, my room is small but what it lacks in space it more than makes up for in untidiness. I've spent the last half hour looking for it with no luck. Looks like thats £25 I wont be seeing again.

EDIT: Phew, found it.
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Re: Hate Thread

I need to get out of the house again. Over this long break I've seen my family way too much x.x Fortunately I think we're gonna try and get a group together Monday or Tuesday, but IDK if it'll happen.