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Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when people get grossed out when i spit my sunflower seeds into a water bottle with a cap. Its honestly the best i can do without being super gross and spitting them all over the trash can. I have a bad chewing habbit, so if i dont have something to chew, my jaw gets bored.

Sunflower seeds are edible, ediblize them.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate, I hate I hate...Hrmmmmm, let's see, hyuk hyuk hyuk!

I hate all these fat kids. They taste like corn syrup, they give up too fucking easy. Filthy bags of grease, burst blood black with sugar filth. REVOLTING!

But, that's just meeeeee! I try not to let it get me down too much, hyuk!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate creeps on our forum that treat every post like a roleplaying post. Playing a role is one thing - that I can understand - but seriously? A clown?

I mean, we have our trolls.. our off-topic posters.. one or two users that try and be more of an asshole than the next guy, and make sure everyone knows about it. We have our comedians, our straight guys, our crazy-as-rainbows Admins. We have Darkfire. We have our kawaii-desu-desu-desu-des.. you get the picture, people. We have the cute bromance between Toxic and just about everyone. We have the *winkwinknodnod* jokes aimed at RaptorJesus's avatar, and the size of Darkfire's regrettably small penis. And I'm okay with that.

But why the FUCK do we need clowns? And why must they use so many colours? Green and red? It's like a CHRISTMAS CLOWN. And he thinks he's cool because of Stephen King, but he's really not.

Re: Hate Thread

Why do I get mentioned twice!?
Re: Hate Thread

Hyuuuuk hyuk hyuuuk! Silly silly silly, not everything has to do with Pennywise.

Overrated hack!

Some of us just like to...beeeeeeeeee ourselves!

Re: Hate Thread

Darkfire1004 said:
Why do I get mentioned twice!?

Because I love you twice as much, silly.

Nunu said:
You think I'm crazy?

Yes. As a rainbow.

(It's a compliment.)

And Mr Clown, if that was a defence that your inner self is in fact a clown, I suggest you go stand with the "I'm an animal on the inside" furry-lovers. They smell funny, but I'm sure you can sympathise.

I hate them too by the way :).

Re: Hate Thread

(Experiencing technical difficulties, will be back to bitch and moan on this thread in a few.)

Re: Hate Thread

Because I love you twice as much, silly.

This is more terrifying than the clown... I don't even know how to respond to that.
Re: Hate Thread

A location full of hate was bound to attract evil entities, I'm certainly not disappointed with the results. I love over-the-top corny cliche' clowns!

Ignore Pale, she clearly has no tolerance for anything less or more than the norm here on ULMF.
Re: Hate Thread

Ah yes, furries are the perfect metaphor for what beppo's doing [/sarcasm][/retardation]

I've grown to hate sunflower seeds in general. But I guess the fact that they're solid shouldn't be too much of a problem. Unlike those wrestlers who try to cut wait by always chewing on something to get their salivary glands going, and then spit into a bottle. A friend of mine filled about 2/3 of the bottle he was carrying, then accidentally spilled it all over the floor.
Re: Hate Thread

Ah yes, furries are the perfect metaphor for what beppo's doing [/sarcasm][/retardation]

I've grown to hate sunflower seeds in general. But I guess the fact that they're solid shouldn't be too much of a problem. Unlike those wrestlers who try to cut wait by always chewing on something to get their salivary glands going, and then spit into a bottle. A friend of mine filled about 2/3 of the bottle he was carrying, then accidentally spilled it all over the floor.
I hate spit all over the floor. Like the area near where the French Hornists played. There's a reason we say a french horn holds more water than a toilet bowl. Soaked and nasty paper towels everywhere ;_;
Re: Hate Thread

Never been a fan of clowns myself either... and the oversized signature is what bugs me the most. Spoiler tag or smaller picture please?
Re: Hate Thread

and the size of Darkfire's regrettably small penis.

I don't regret it being small, that way my ass doesn't hurt as much.

I suggest you go stand with the "I'm an animal on the inside" furry-lovers.

Ha, I knew someone like that. We all ripped the shit out of him but I think he was too stupid to realise what we were doing.

Ignore Pale, she clearly has no tolerance for anything less or more than the norm here on ULMF.

Please explain to me what is the 'norm' for ULMF.

Now onto my seething hatred for today;

I really fucking hate blackouts. We had one earlier and the electricity came back on, but now the electricity keeps cutting out for a second or so which is enough time for the modem to be restarted. It also means I can't go on New Vegas tonight for fear of the electricity cutting out again. Also, the factories just down the road from where I live have their alarms going on constantly because when the electricity came back on it tripped them. Really fucking annoying.
Re: Hate Thread

Please explain to me what is the 'norm' for ULMF

Tentacles, and people attempting (And sometimes succeeding) to be intellectual, also rape.

On an unrelated note, I hate Tentacles, Intellectuals, and people who roleplay and/or fap to things relating to rape.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate being sick. I've had a stomach bug for near a week.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate too much snow. I like snow normally, but 1.5' prevents you from doing anything... and it's still falling.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate ice on the roads. Usually its fun, if your by yourself, but if other idiots are speeding on the ice, its about to get painful.