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Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when sometimes I sleep all day and awake totally out of it. Last night I woke up at 4 pm, then went to fix some leftover chicken for food. I grabbed the food, put it on a plate, set the microwave and start it- only to return to the computer desk to find the chicken still sitting there awaiting to get nuked...

First time I've facepalmed in RL at myself.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate having to reset my computer back to the factory standard. Nothing is user friendly when trying to get all your shit back because the computer failed to defend itself against some virus or another.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate having to reset my computer back to the factory standard. Nothing is user friendly when trying to get all your shit back because the computer failed to defend itself against some virus or another.

Did you take it to a shop where they did that? A lot of the time that's just a cover for them being lazy and not wanting to really fix it, yet they want your money still.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh that freaking sucks, Sin. I had to do that not to long ago myself. Hopefully they managed to save your files and stuff before doing that?

On the upside, comp runs fast again...
Re: Hate Thread

Did you take it to a shop where they did that? A lot of the time that's just a cover for them being lazy and not wanting to really fix it, yet they want your money still.

No I didn't take it to a shop. The system said it needed to restart to properly deal with a virus, so I restarted. Upon doing that, it then told me it couldn't start up again fully. I went through a few options to try and fix it, but finally had to completely wipe everything. The back-up that I did was somewhat lack luster, so I've lost a fair amount of stuff...

And the computer is just as slow. Factory standard my ass.
Re: Hate Thread

No I didn't take it to a shop. The system said it needed to restart to properly deal with a virus, so I restarted. Upon doing that, it then told me it couldn't start up again fully. I went through a few options to try and fix it, but finally had to completely wipe everything. The back-up that I did was somewhat lack luster, so I've lost a fair amount of stuff...

And the computer is just as slow. Factory standard my ass.

That sucks. Perhaps unavoidable upon infection then, though I wouldn't be sure of course. Anything you need help finding to download again?
Re: Hate Thread

Here's my attempt to help:

It's like google but for rapidshare and similar sites. It ought to be a small help to you, and useful to others.
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Re: Hate Thread

Mmh. Reading stuff like this makes me think that Linux is worth using for reasons other than because Windows is way too slow for my current hardware.
Re: Hate Thread

Whatever the hell happened to sensuality in porn? Seriously, not even masturbation porn is putting up any effort anymore. Quite disappointing.
Re: Hate Thread

No I didn't take it to a shop. The system said it needed to restart to properly deal with a virus, so I restarted. Upon doing that, it then told me it couldn't start up again fully. I went through a few options to try and fix it, but finally had to completely wipe everything. The back-up that I did was somewhat lack luster, so I've lost a fair amount of stuff...

And the computer is just as slow. Factory standard my ass.

Sorry to hear that, but I feel your pain. I need to do that to my computers every year or two. Last time it was because a Microsoft update didn't work properly. Three hours later all I could get out of Microsoft and Toshiba was "sorry, it's not supposed to do that."

I still don't have Microsoft Office because it was installed on my computer when I bought it..
Re: Hate Thread


So, my internet has been running slowly the past couple of days. Ran all the scans I could, but couldn't find shit.

My step-dad looks at the router, and it turns out one of the wires was disintegrating. Lovely.

So, a trip to the hardware store later - because apparently he can't remember where he put his wire crimpers (and he complains about how messy MY room is, yet I CAN FIND SHIT JUST FINE, surprise surprise) - and the problem SHOULD have been fixed.

SHOULD being the key word. Apparently he still has to call our ISP tomorrow and tell them that the less-than-cable speeds we're getting is bullshit, and that they need to get us back up to full speed.

Fuck, I wouldn't even call the speeds we're getting less than cable. That implies that we at least have a tolerable speed. No, this is worse than 56K.

I would ask why the fuck he didn't just call them once he realized the problem hadn't been resolved yet, but then I remembered that the sun had gone down.

Re: Hate Thread

Gonna be ordering a new graphic tablet tomorrow. The hate I have is that I won't be able to use it until I've built my PC, which won't be until I've moved into my flat which won't be until at least another two weeks.

Also hate the heat we've been having this week. I was not meant to be in this temperature.

Also hate that despite it being at least three days since I last left an online match in Reach I'm still getting penalised for it. Everytime I go online it says "you've disconnected too many times recently so if you do it again you won't be able to play for a while!" Or something like that. I get why they do it because it's unsportsman-like to just quit in the middle of a match, but when you're down to two men and the enemy is beating you by 30 points you're bound to say fuck it when you'd rather be in a match you're enjoying. That's not to say I don't have fun when I'm losing, because there's been plenty of matches that I've taken enjoyment from that I lost in.

Still on Reach; I hate the douchebags who constantly choose Sword Base to play on because the match ends up being a tug of war at the top of the yellow grav lift with action very rarely in any other part of the map. It used to be my favourite map when the game was in beta but now it's quickly becoming my most hated map. I kind of hate Asylum too, but that's because the map is a horrid mess of a battlefield. Cliffhanger (I think that's the name anyway) is a pretty awesome map, so is Cage.
Re: Hate Thread

I put down an order to get silent hill 2 to shipped to me interstate. two weeks later they tell me apparently they dont actualy do that. Hmmm...
Re: Hate Thread

That fucking sucks, since Silent Hill 2 is Arguably the best one in the series in my own opinion.

I hate it when i go to a restaurant and a family comes in, and they have a little girl, and the little girl doesn't like the food there, so she throws a little fit and the dad yells at her harshly and she starts to cry, because i start to cry when i see her begin to cry.
Re: Hate Thread

My PSP has broken as it won't charge (yes the charger is plugged in and turned on) and the power light won't come on when I turn my PSP on. Looks like I'll have to buy a new one now.
Re: Hate Thread

I skinned my knee all nice a good by sliding on carpet x.x

As per ususal, I didn't really feel anything... until it was time to take a shower, ow that stings.
Re: Hate Thread

I skinned my knee all nice a good by sliding on carpet x.x

As per ususal, I didn't really feel anything... until it was time to take a shower, ow that stings.

The same thing happens to me except with cuts. I don't where I get them either
Re: Hate Thread

I hate crackhead bitches who borrow money and always have an excuse as to when the money will be returned. I hate my ex-best friend for being led around by the dick by his controlling cunt of a girlfriend. I hate rainy and cold weather because it triggers my illness. I STILL FUCKING HATE TOONPIMP, BECAUSE HE REMINDS ME OF INCUBUS--- STILL. (I also hate incubus' mother, for having him.) I hate how Toxicshock is cooler than me and everyone else in the forum. I hate the police because they could fuck up a wet dream -- especially when I'm trying to smoke some weed and chill. I hate having temporary blindness in my right eye from excessive masturbation (actually that happened because of my sickle cell again, it tore a retinal artery). I hate lame ass people who always expect something for nothing. I hate it when women look good but act like they have a tentacle up their ass when you talk to them. I hate when my car runs out of gas because of user friends who always need your help.
