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Re: Hate Thread

Damn, that sucks Incubus.

Hopefully you'll find someone willing to see past you being unemployed.
Then again, so long as you have money, I doubt anyone at all will care about that.

So yea Sin I'm not saying "fuck the police," but I do got some shoes for sale, no better yet MILITARY COMBAT BOOTS that I earned serving this country if you'd care to wear them (assuming you feel I'm being on the level with you and they're not stolen, because us black anarchist police bashers love to beat people up and steal shoes... and bicycles, right?). But until then I feel I've got some say in the matter too, seeing as how your sorry asses wouldn't be here, or able to read this in THIS language, and you'd all be wearing turbans right about now if it weren't for our great nation's military.

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Cannot tell if serious?

Re: Hate Thread

So yea Sin I'm not saying "fuck the police," but I do got some shoes for sale, no better yet MILITARY COMBAT BOOTS that I earned serving this country if you'd care to wear them (assuming you feel I'm being on the level with you and they're not stolen, because us black anarchist police bashers love to beat people up and steal shoes... and bicycles, right?). But until then I feel I've got some say in the matter too, seeing as how your sorry asses wouldn't be here, or able to read this in THIS language, and you'd all be wearing turbans right about now if it weren't for our great nation's military.

Yer gonna pull that shit on me? Of all the people in this forum, your going to pull that on me? Holy... fucking... shit...

I'm not American, I never made any assumptions about your ethnicity, and your not the only military person on these forums.
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Re: Hate Thread

So yea Sin I'm not saying "fuck the police," but I do got some shoes for sale, no better yet MILITARY COMBAT BOOTS that I earned serving this country if you'd care to wear them -snip-

Let me at least start by saying this:

You're an idiot.

I stopped reading your post because it's all I needed to read to realize you have not a single coherent thought I could give one single shit about in your entire god damn head. Before you start spouting 'I SERVED YOU DIDN'T', at least try to learn about the fellow forum members.

I could go on - and really, I want to, just to show how much of a complete fucking moron you are - but I'll decide against it, and make my second post in the hate thread:

I hate Magus, and I now understand why Inky does.
Re: Hate Thread

Doesn't explain why ink hated me on that day too.

Sucks to hear that ink. Best of luck with things.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah that sucks Ink, but hopefully it will only be a temporary problem. it's like they always say, whoever they are, when it rains it pours.

As to what Magus said, I'm pretty much held speechless by the fact that none of that made any sense.
Re: Hate Thread


In closing, Toonpimp can still suck a dick.

Saying tht Toonpimp sucks (which by now is established fact just by your attempt to worm it into any offensive post as a band-aid) doesn't end the amount of idiotcy and outright hypocritesy that you just put at almost the entire fourum at insult. Good job sir, take yer hatless head and flee before the ULMF gods of wars and trolls chase ye out.
Re: Hate Thread

Ugh. Sorry to hear about the unemployment situation, Incubus. I know quite a few of us here, self included, feel your pain. At least you've got part time work, you said, which will hopefully help. Good luck searching for a new job, not to mention the house hunting. Don't know if I've asked before. You get any sort of compensation for being unemployed or are you pretty much on your own?

As for the rest of what's going on, I'm just going to sit over here, in the corner, with my popcorn and watch the fireworks. Anyone care to join me?
Re: Hate Thread

Ugh. Sorry to hear about the unemployment situation, Incubus. I know quite a few of us here, self included, feel your pain. At least you've got part time work, you said, which will hopefully help. Good luck searching for a new job, not to mention the house hunting. Don't know if I've asked before. You get any sort of compensation for being unemployed or are you pretty much on your own?

Thanks :3

I can apply for government assistance, I've had to in the past. I've already got some prospects coming up because I got my previous job through an agency so I'll see how they pan out before going back to the government. There's a risk they turn around and say I have too much money so they won't start paying me for a certain period anyways; forcing me to use up my savings before they'll start giving me money. Note that when this occurs, they do still expect me to fill out all their paperwork on a regular basis.
Re: Hate Thread

Sounds kind of like unemployment compensation here in the States, or as I refer to it, my government sponsored vacation. You technically can work during it, but only part time and you have to report what you make, which means you get less unemployment pay, but it does tend to stretch your UC longer. Haven't heard of a situation where you *have* too much money, unless, say, you're applying for welfare, government assisted programs, etc. UC just goes off of what you earned from your last job.
Re: Hate Thread

As for the rest of what's going on, I'm just going to sit over here, in the corner, with my popcorn and watch the fireworks. Anyone care to join me?

Hi. Couldn't help but notice you in the corner there and subsequently inviting me into it. My name's Hagghaquur, pleased to meet you. In-joke is in.
Re: Hate Thread

Now that I've got a pretty red dot, I would like to thank you all for feeding into my bullshit.

1. I didn't even graduate basic training in the Air Force :p
2. I got what I wanted, which is all that matters
3. My apologies to Sinfulwolf for using them this way
4. Crowd manipulation toward desired effect= +skill
5. I'm an idiot... so in my small mind this is a grand feat.

"True knowledge is knowing that you know nothing"
Re: Hate Thread

Now that I've got a pretty red dot, I would like to thank you all for feeding into my bullshit.

1. I didn't even graduate basic training in the Air Force :p
2. I got what I wanted, which is all that matters
3. My apologies to Sinfulwolf for using them this way
4. Crowd manipulation toward desired effect= +skill
5. I'm an idiot... so in my small mind this is a grand feat.

"True knowledge is knowing that you know nothing"

I'm getting fed up of people pretending they were "trolling all along" as if their blundering was some kind of grand scheme or made any more acceptable by claiming such.

1. Thank god.
2. Some boots to sell?
3. -_-
4. Being an idiot in public and getting called an idiot is not crowd manipulation nor requires any skill. It just makes you an idiot. End of.
5. Adequately proven.

End with a pointless quote used out of context to top it all off.

I don't usually do this 'laying into someone for doing something stupid' stuff, but really...
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Re: Hate Thread

I'm getting fed up of people pretending they were "trolling all along" as if their blundering was some kind of grand scheme or made any more acceptable by claiming such.

1. Thank god.
2. Some boots to sell?
3. -_-
4. Being an idiot in public and getting called an idiot is not crowd manipulation nor requires any skill. It just makes you an idiot. End of.
5. Adequately proven.

End with a pointless quote used out of context to top it all off.

I don't usually do this 'laying into someone for doing something stupid' stuff, but really...

Pretty much this.
Re: Hate Thread

Feeding the troll. I don't CARE if you want to argue that you're proving him an idiot. He's still a troll and you're still feeding him.
My point was that he wasn't even trolling in the first place. Perhaps it's come to that now, but really it's just a poor excuse used as a defence for those that aren't willing to either accept/admit fault or capable of clearing their name. Though it's not just Magus I'm talking about with that comment really, it's something I was considering posting in the hate thread anyway. I've noticed an increasing amount of people around the net who after cocking up resort to claiming trollship, "lol I'm not just an ass hole, I'm a deliberate ass hole! It was all part of my plan! Muhahaha...", like they think that makes them cool. It particularly often comes in the form of someone trying to pretend that now they've been shunned for something, they never actually cared about being accepted anyway, despite quite clearly making a fuss about it in the events leading up to it. Come on, this sounds familiar right?

Annoyingly it actually seems to work far too often. The moment any one uses the word troll to cover up their failures, everyone starts with the don't feed the troll thing and grants them instant immunity. Sometimes fools are just fools. There may or may not be any need to say more, but there's no need to give them special treatment because they put on a cheep mask.

It's not like there really is anything else to say (troll or not, if bullshit continues I tend to stop replying), but I wanted to get that out there. People, please stop using the concept of trolling as a strange form of cover up. It only makes you look worse.

Also, did I actually get singled out for using the word troll? Because y'know, that only adds to my point on "troll paranoia" and my dislike for the trend of using this excuse. : /
Re: Hate Thread

Hi. Couldn't help but notice you in the corner there and subsequently inviting me into it. My name's Hagghaquur, pleased to meet you. In-joke is in.

F'in A. That's the name of the Hound of Tindalos, isn't it? I'll just be over here in this nice round room...
Re: Hate Thread

Yes it is, I take it you didn't realize that Rule is the corner god then. That's why I always try to sit exactly in the center of a room because you never know when he'll pop up.
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Re: Hate Thread

Cause Rule gives 'corner shot' a whole new meaning? :p