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Re: Hate Thread

I have adblock turned off for youtube, and sit through them if they're short. Reason being is I watch a lot of indie content providers, and that's how they make a living. They're not rich, by any means, so every little bit counts, especially if it means they can afford to continue to make videos full time.
Re: Hate Thread

I have adblock turned off for youtube, and sit through them if they're short. Reason being is I watch a lot of indie content providers, and that's how they make a living. They're not rich, by any means, so every little bit counts, especially if it means they can afford to continue to make videos full time.

Same reason I have adblock turned off on quite a few sites I go to. Usually video sites I can deal with because their ads are in the video. However, when the ad with sound is somewhere on the page, and not part of the video, yeah, no, not dealing with that. Especially when it keeps putting up a new one when the old one is done.
Re: Hate Thread

Firefox add-ons at least are OS-agnostic, meaning adblockplus will run just fine on your mac if you use firefox. I agree that having NoScript(or equivalent) is almost as necessary as adblock.

On the topic of ads, I'd love to be able to not use adblock. I'll stop using it just as soon as advertisers trying to shove intrusive, obnoxious and annoying ads at my face.

You sure about that? because apple are bastards all the browsers on mac are basically just a re-skinned safari. And by basically i mean they actually are.
Re: Hate Thread

You sure about that? because apple are bastards all the browsers on mac are basically just a re-skinned safari. And by basically i mean they actually are.

On iOS, maybe, but not on the actual OS X.
Re: Hate Thread

Things have been bothering for a while now, but at times you just have to decide on what's important to you and what's not.
So without going into further detail, as of today I officially hate the Hentai Games section.

Also I hate procrastination. Two weeks ago I started a blog, nothing except "plans" since then. I have started to compose new pieces for the piano, nothing completed.

I am so stupid. I literally saw that you can scroll down on the "Reply to Thread" page to see the rest of the thread JUST NOW. I have always been copying the text and going back and forth if I wanted to quote several people.

As you can see, I'm furious about a lot of things, some of them being only minor. I would guess that you sometimes just have to let off steam. Of course the Hate Thread can't be abused in that manner.

So I was thinking of doing sports, maybe take up kickboxing. However, with training schedules etc. you can't do anything spontaneous. Also you can't find a sparring partner at 2 am, either.
What do you guys do when you're mad and have to release all this pent-up shit?
Re: Hate Thread

Things have been bothering for a while now, but at times you just have to decide on what's important to you and what's not.
So without going into further detail, as of today I officially hate the Hentai Games section.

Also I hate procrastination. Two weeks ago I started a blog, nothing except "plans" since then. I have started to compose new pieces for the piano, nothing completed.

I am so stupid. I literally saw that you can scroll down on the "Reply to Thread" page to see the rest of the thread JUST NOW. I have always been copying the text and going back and forth if I wanted to quote several people.

As you can see, I'm furious about a lot of things, some of them being only minor. I would guess that you sometimes just have to let off steam. Of course the Hate Thread can't be abused in that manner.

So I was thinking of doing sports, maybe take up kickboxing. However, with training schedules etc. you can't do anything spontaneous. Also you can't find a sparring partner at 2 am, either.
What do you guys do when you're mad and have to release all this pent-up shit?

I got into PvE shooters ','
Re: Hate Thread

Buy yourself a piece of PVC pipe take it to someplace like a shed or a garage and smash it until you feel the anger go away, or get a punching bag. They both work though one is a bit saner than the other I guess.
Re: Hate Thread

So, first hiccup in making my lamellar armour, I need to get some sewing scissors.

You could say my regular ones... just aren't cutting it.
Re: Hate Thread

Buy yourself a piece of PVC pipe take it to someplace like a shed or a garage and smash it until you feel the anger go away, or get a punching bag. They both work though one is a bit saner than the other I guess.

I hear thats a had thing. It conditions you to act aggresivly when you get annoyed.
Re: Hate Thread

As Nunu brought up, catharsis has been shown to increase aggression.
Re: Hate Thread

Well I guess that rules a lot of things out. Do some deep breathing exercises, they're kind of boring but they do relieve stress.
Re: Hate Thread

Well catharsis is actually the state felt AFTER you "let off steam". If I remember correctly, the expression comes from Arts, especially the classical/romantic times. For instance it is the feeling when you walk out of a really good live concert and don't WANT to listen to music anymore, for an hour or so. Beethoven's 9th symphony at felt 200 decibel can do that to you.

But I have heard about this study Tox is referring to, as well. However it applies to instances where you try to relieve yourself of aggression by doing aggressive things - like screaming really loudly or using a punching bag.

I don't think there is an ideal way of dealing with anxiety/aggression issues. If there were, the world would be a different one, after all.
No, I wasn't asking what you WOULD do if you were angry either. I am interested in what you ACTUALLY do - assuming of course that you actually have some kind of ritual or hobby or something that you feel helps you achieve that goal. For instance ronny, do you actually do breathing exercises? :)
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah but I don't usually do them when I'm angry. I do them as part of my morning taekwondo exercises. When I'm angry I use my punching bag or just growl at whatever the offending object is. Just growling isn't very effective though.

The PVC bit was actually just something I did one time cause I was actually trying to figure out how to get rid of the PVC. It was strangely fun to smash but a bit messy to clean up since it shatters kind of like glass. Wear eye goggles if you try it.
Re: Hate Thread

I want to start a "Catharsis clinic." Basically a small room/building covered in plastic and I hand you a pair of safety goggles, make you sign a waver and charge 30$ a pop for you to smash plates and cups around. 20$ if you bring your own dishes.

Anyway, I hate not getting enough sleep.
Re: Hate Thread

i hear someone in England did that
Re: Hate Thread

People have set up similar shops using junker cars and broken electronics over here in the States. Has a free sledgehammer, some safety goggles, and go all Psycho on them.
Re: Hate Thread

At my brothers school, at the end of every year, they did something like that with broken furniture and electronics, where people would donate the items and people would pay to smash them, and the money would go to charity.

Well catharsis is actually the state felt AFTER you "let off steam". If I remember correctly, the expression comes from Arts, especially the classical/romantic times.

But I have heard about this study Tox is referring to, as well. However it applies to instances where you try to relieve yourself of aggression by doing aggressive things - like screaming really loudly or using a punching bag.
In modern psychotherapy, the word is used to describe the expression of those emotions specifically, though the word originated with Aristotle.

Oh, and there were multiple studies on it. Yes, obviously it's only the ones with violent behavior, but the suggestion was "Buy yourself a piece of PVC pipe take it to someplace like a shed or a garage and smash it until you feel the anger go away, or get a punching bag."
Re: Hate Thread

I always wanted like a 2mx2mx2m block of polystyrene to just wail on.