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Re: Hate Thread

That moment when you get in your car and a song you really really like is on, but it's ending. Or, when you get to work and you can't stay in your car to listen to it because you'll be late. Bleh.
Re: Hate Thread

That moment when you get in your car and a song you really really like is on, but it's ending. Or, when you get to work and you can't stay in your car to listen to it because you'll be late. Bleh.

*sympathy huggle* I hate that too. Especially the second part, and it seems like it always happens.
Re: Hate Thread

Heh, well I'm currently in a town of 14,000, not counting the college students, and have a 20,000 nearby, but grew up with a town of slightly less than 2000, so that's what my perspective is.

The current town is about 13,000, roughly halfway between a 2.7 million and a 160,000. I was born in a town of about 560,000 and spent a good portion of my youth in a town of 320.

I also hate what Copper just hated, I did both of them on the way to work earlier. Though I guess you could say I heard the whole song between the two times.
Re: Hate Thread

That moment when you get in your car and a song you really really like is on, but it's ending. Or, when you get to work and you can't stay in your car to listen to it because you'll be late. Bleh.

I know that feel pal. There is also that moment when the song is reaching the end and the commentators start speaking over the song, ruining everything.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who are either too drunk or too angry to drive straight. Got a very rude awakening last night when someone who was one, the other, or both didn't bother putting their car into reverse before trying to peel out of the parking lot. End result? There's an apartment on the first floor that's missing a window and most of the wall around it, and I lost about two hours of sleep with all the noise.
Re: Hate Thread

So, that giddy post I made... yeah world decided I was too excited. So I found out today that a "North American Release" basically just means the US. Canada doesn't get it until August 20th.

Okay... that's annoying. But don't get my hopes up by telling me you'll release it to a continent, then fucking half the geographical landmass. Way to flip the bird whoever thinks the US is the only fucking country on this side of the world. Arrogant pricks.
Re: Hate Thread

I know I've ranted about crosswalks before, but today some idiot ran it while I was in it despite clear room to stop, narrowly missing me, started an argument, but fled when I attempted to call the police, could not get a licence plate number. Also, a detail I forgot the first time around, as I was still a bit shaken up. He had to run a stop sign to do this as well...

Edit: Writing right after the event isn't a good idea. Now stated more clearly.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when thugs try to rob me knife at hand; mostly because after the fight I always look like the bad guy, and also 'cause I have to stay for three hours in a questioning room explaining to the police that I was the one being threatened.
Re: Hate Thread

I hear you AMP. And people go on about gun control. Automobiles are just as bad. If you let an idiot or drunk or psycho behind the wheel of a car just as many people stand to get hurt or killed. But do they come down on motorist? NOOOOO! It's always firearms. And theres several condotions that have to be met befre you can get a liscence. :mad:
Re: Hate Thread

I hear you AMP. And people go on about gun control. Automobiles are just as bad. If you let an idiot or drunk or psycho behind the wheel of a car just as many people stand to get hurt or killed. But do they come down on motorist? NOOOOO! It's always firearms. And theres several condotions that have to be met befre you can get a liscence. :mad:

It's understandable how strict most people at DMVs are about giving licences, but I think they can be a bit too ridiculous. All the buildings within an hour of me only allow around thirteen people to take the test each day, and they're pretty unorganized.
Re: Hate Thread

The biggest problem is we need to stop letting people off with a slap on the wrist for DUIs.
Re: Hate Thread

Can't get the smell of pyridine outta my nose. It's probably psychological, but it's driving me crazy right now.
Re: Hate Thread

I hear you AMP. And people go on about gun control. Automobiles are just as bad. If you let an idiot or drunk or psycho behind the wheel of a car just as many people stand to get hurt or killed. But do they come down on motorist? NOOOOO! It's always firearms. And there's several conditions that have to be met befre you can get a license. :mad:

'Course not having a license seems to not matter to people, at least over here. If you get into a wreck with someone, the odds of them not even having a SDL or possibly insurance is far higher than them having it.

@ Oamp: There's a some people that have went through jail that have over half a dozen DUI charges on their history.

@ fullmetal: At least you came out of it unscathed? They deserve every bit of the beating if that's what you gave them.
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Re: Hate Thread

Being in the car for a 4 and a half hour drive today and realizing my air conditioning is broken. It is like 900 degrees outside! .... !!!!!! I'm like still drenched and ugh all around and was just trying to cool off by letting a huge gust of air hit me in the face.
Re: Hate Thread

No air conditioning? In a moving vehicle?


I'm always a window down type o' guy myself
Re: Hate Thread

Having the windows open isn't even close to the same. :p It's just like a huge gust of hot air instead of a dry, sweltering haze. Also, this popsicle just melted in my mouth in like 30 seconds...
Re: Hate Thread

The above is a satire, containing the following quote.

“If a woman is raped… We have hospital emergency rooms,” insisted Laubenberg from her seat in the State Capitol. “We have funded what’s called rape kits that will help the woman, basically clean her out. And then hopefully that will alleviate that.” - See more at:

At the bottom of the page, is a "show facts" button that highlights what is actually real. The quote is highlighted. To hopefully alleviate my rage at this stupidity, I looked up a bit more on this woman.

Yup. Not quite as put, but the displayed sentiment is the same. Rape kits are apparently a form of birth control now. I mean, they're not even close and do next to nothing to prevent pregnancy, much less alleviate the trauma of such a horrific event, but they're still practically the same, right?

Now, I would never genuinely wish rape on another human being. It's one of the very worst things that can possibly happen, and is often physically and psychologically harmful long after the actual event has come and gone. But for this woman and the people that think like her? I almost did.

Can we please let Texas secede now? Let them form their own shitty, backwater, inbred piece of shit country? One where women are treated as property, non-whites are second class citizens, and anyone that isn't a white christian male can't vote or speak in public? It's obviously exactly what most of them want, so we might as well give it to them. I think they've dragged the rest of us down for long enough, and we're pretty behind in the US in a lot of things even without their help.
Re: Hate Thread

Not only is it a female representative who has no clue about contraception who is avidly pro-life, in 2007, she was the same woman who denied fetuses counting as people for health services for pregnant mothers.

Screw letting em secede. We'll just annex 1 or 2 cities and then give the rest to Mexico, see how the Texans like that one.
Re: Hate Thread

Screw letting em secede. We'll just annex 1 or 2 cities and then give the rest to Mexico, see how the Texans like that one.

The funny thing about that is the cities we'd actually want are probably where most of the Mexicans in Texas actually live! So it'd be like - here Mexico please take our stupid white people. We know you probably don't want them... but please take them anyway!

But yeah that woman... don't even know what to say about her, but she definitely doesn't have a clue about anything.