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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread


Uh... Hi guys.

I'm out of computer commission for a while. Classes started up last week and I already had a test today. So it looks like this quarter will be devoid of downtime.

Love you all, mean it. But classes are coming first this time.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Your butthurt only serves to feed me.

There's a fine line between butthurt and general intolerance for your bullshit. In your world, I'm experiencing the latter. In reality, nobody is laughing with you and you look like a complete moron.

Go read a book on how to troll. You'd think after so long, you would have picked up a few new tricks, but you're still an obvious underage ban just like you always have been. Oh well.
Re: Member Announcements Thread


They Live Among Us Once More!

Re: Member Announcements Thread

There's a fine line between butthurt and general intolerance for your bullshit. In your world, I'm experiencing the latter. In reality, nobody is laughing with you and you look like a complete moron.

Go read a book on how to troll. You'd think after so long, you would have picked up a few new tricks, but you're still an obvious underage ban just like you always have been. Oh well.

Well, considering I've not been banned yet, there's an obvious flaw in your logic. And thus commences the flame war.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

i doubt that inky, because chadstone borders is doing massive close down sale and wont honour gift cards any more.

also i guess if your loosing your job any way you can be as rude as you want as long as its funny. i hope you had that realisation earlier than i did.

Oh, I realized that at the first store I worked in that got liquidated. I had a customer bitching that the prices were still higher than the nearby Best Buy, so I looked at him, flat out, and went "So go to Best Buy" and went right back to what I was doing.

This time around it was:
"Do you work here?" "Nope. I wear the nametag for fun."
*phone rings* Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
I'd slip into various accents and see how many customers I could get to ask me "where I was from."
I wore my red contact lenses the day after I got them.
"Can you help me find--" *Immediately starts laughing*

And we also started the "Love ya, bye!" game. For those unfamiliar, you basically say that when you're about to hang up with someone and you try to get them to say it back.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

To all my gms and the people who are interested in ikli or raidy my posting will be sporadic this weekend due to me attending an anime convention in St Louis. When I get back to my room and after packing tonight I shall attempt to post in our respective threads.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

At the bottom of Oni's link..

914,095 people linked to this article using the #epic hashtag

....This is sad.

Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, technically they could just be doing it because the article is about epic, rather than actually being epic...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

At the bottom of Oni's link..

Nonono, that's just how Maddox presents his page view count. He has things like "1,398,088 people think Marc Forster is an idiot. " or "4,162,642 women just got their faces packed with practical fashion advice. " A million people didn't ACTUALLY link to that article. A million people just read the article.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

For all that it may concern: I'll be gone for most of the weekend. I'll leave tomorrow morning, though I may post before leaving and I'll be back sometime sunday evening.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Will be at Anime Boston from Thursday to Monday. Try not to burn the place down while I'm gone, kay? Or if you do, make sure to bring lots of marshmellows!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Ya'll heard the lady, grab the torches and marshmallows.


Have fun at Anime Boston, Copper. And watch for Creepers, I've seen an increase in numbers of people dressed up as them in photos I've seen of other conventions.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Will be at Anime Boston from Thursday to Monday. Try not to burn the place down while I'm gone, kay? Or if you do, make sure to bring lots of marshmellows!

I am so fucking envious of you right now. Andrew Hussie will be there and I'd give my right arm to meet that glorious bastard.