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RPG RPG Maker Loli [Mephisto] くのイチ忍法帳 第四幕 ~戦乱をイクよ乙女達~ / Kunoichi Ninpocho vol.4 (RJ202855)

Its just me or almost whole content from pivix dissapeared?
Its just me or almost whole content from pivix dissapeared?

You need to login to pixiv account and set viewing R18+ to see them now.

Though he's posted some images before, last one being late March so good to know he's still alive.
The blog seems to be gone now, courtesy of the ci-en migration.

EDIT: This is the supposed new location:
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Pre-emptively updated the OP with his Ci-en ( ). It doesn't seem like he has anything on it right now, though.
He updated ci-en with informations about circle and possible future , seems like he want to solidify values and keep to them since they lost 1 year because they wanted to appeal to fanbase with things they dont find appealing them (pregnancy started this more the 1 year when he stated in comments about delivering fans expectations he made less and less updates till he went mia). For now he try to stick to what they want and like to do and try to finish game as fast as he can.
Glad to see he didn't just tap out on this one. I've had my wallet ready to purchase for like 2 years now. Shame he got baited into that who preggy thing and ended up in this unnecessarily long production period. Hope those preggy pushers by 5 copies of the game to make up for the stress they put em through.
Not sure if this means that they have decided the drop the pregnancy so I will continue to leave it out of the OP and tags for now.

It is good that they have decided to stick to a direction though, been waiting for over 3 years so I really want to play the full game.
Sounds like he undertook the main issue most artists and creators have, they tried to create things they didn't like. Much like anything you don't like, you need to work yourself into it, these biases, walls in a box, have to be opened panel by panel, before you can see yourself at minimum not giving a shit, at most enjoying it as well. If you rush into shit, you're going to get all dirty. Ah well, I was looking forward to an impregnation addition to this creation, but it's fine if the plate we're given doesn't have everything you want. Life rarely ever does...
Well they did some pregnancy preview on pivix long time ago and they metion as more like what if scenario (after event it reverse as it never occurred?) So we dont know if they dont have more art or if they wont use what they already have.
I would have liked the impreg stuff to stay in but if removing it would mean that the game actually comes out and the artist is happier doing it then I'm all for just dropping the whole preg thing.
Anyone heard or seen anything, seems to be hiding in a cave again.
I'm pretty sure this one is going into the bucket with NTRPG3... hope i'm wrong but... yah.
Won't get my hopes up anymore, occasionally the dev shows some activity but it has been well over a year since they have posted any real update on the development progress of the game so I am assuming this is pretty much dead at this point.
A long shot but has there been any indication from the blog that he’s even glancing at the project?
Not really his last post in pivix was on 14 September 2020 after that dead silence from what i know .
Best not to get your hopes up, but he's resuming his pixiv again:

Best not to get your hopes up, but he's resuming his pixiv again:

Hah, beat me to it.

it does seem like he’s expecting a while for progress but he did mention about making regular updates.

we’ve waited years for him to come back, he can take as long as he wants As long as it leads to a new game.
As I sit in my rocking chair watching the postman leave the nursing home. I turn to hear Douglas falling out of his chair dying from a heart attack. On the screen before him, a single message, Mephisto has returned.