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Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Well, nows your chance to pull a big bluff, Blue.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

I thought we were past the point of bluffing and going for an alpha strike?

I can have Yenna try playing dumb, but I reckon that only gives more time for Corgana or priestess fanatics to wander over.

Pervy, how far from interference of other bimbos or worse are we? Does this appear like a good opportunity to fight?
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Well it could let us get closer, and given you and Sangria are closer ranged than me, well... It's your call, we don't have surprise though, she is aware of us.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Rolled a 3. :(
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Well it could let us get closer, and given you and Sangria are closer ranged than me, well... It's your call, we don't have surprise though, she is aware of us.

Correct. That said, a 3 ain't gonna cut it.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

11 Initiative total. I'm rolling below average these days.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Zilrax and Blue, gimme a backup plan roll. Sangira has.. geesh a 17 strength roll , thats definitly enough to hold Corgana, but to hold someone helpless and make them imbibe a liquid she'll need help. ^^ She's been doing nothing but roll good all this time.

Dex or str for Zilrax, str pref, Dex for blue.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

14 for a straight up dex check.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

good good, now time for that nat-1, Zilrax.. :p
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Not like I need it, I'm a bloody wizard :p. Frankly if we need her held down I outta hit her with a tanglefoot bag or Entangle. But alright.

Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Yay, Corgana is free and we level up.

Need to see if we can test that serum and make an antidote. Any chance I could brew a tea that helps?

I suppose it's an awkward leap but Yan's first master, a slaad master who created weird medicine in the form of tea from raw chaos, has made me want to have Yenna be good at potion crafting too.

Is there any good synergy for this, zilrax? Or should I leave the brewing to Sekla?
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Alchemy and potions don't overlap unless you're an alchemist. Note you can only make Bard spell potions though unless Pervy says otherwise. And as a spontaneous caster, only spells you actually know at that. Though there might be rules for letting me give the spells, so you can make potions of spells I know but not sure.

Either way, up to you. Craft wonderous is a safer choice generally though.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Actually I think thats an interesting angle, that said, without alchemical equipment you can't analyze the potion and afterwards you may need to go questing for components. If you'd like to explore the tea-leafing backround further I could see it happening, but don't expect it to be a quick sollution.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

I do have alchemical equipment. So by our powers combined, guess we'll see what we can find out.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

No offense, but this is a character background thing - not a check to see if I can solve future problems. I don't want to mix her abilities with Sekla's, as that's not the point.

I want to represent Yenna's understanding of her former master's abilities. If the mechanics of her class don't support that, then I'll just say her usefulness to him was simply in selling his teas and getting stuff for him that he didn't care to do himself.

Her bard class represents her learning under Madame Zun, a githzerai bard, and therefore probably it was this background personality that gave Yenna the abilities she has today. I just wanted to know if there was an easy way to represent both things in my background that I cooked up without a second thought to looking at the rules.

If not, then it's no worries. I'll continue being normal bard.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?


I don't see a bard being an apt alchemist, not in this case, perhaps you could stumble upon a plant that has similiar mind restoring properties and brew Corgana a tea from it, but you'd first have to have some herbalism or alchemical skills.

seeing as your skills lie primarly in performance I'd rule that, while not impossible, it is rather unlikely you find a fitting herb on the prime material plane. You could go searching for it with about a 25% chance of sucess after a few hours of search in the wildernis, 50% in a herbalists shop.. if those still exist.

Or to put it more simple, it could help delay the inevitable but wont provide a sollution, you need a real way to deal with the slave conditioning and whatever more was done to Corgana.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?


I don't see a bard being an apt alchemist, not in this case, perhaps you could stumble upon a plant that has similiar mind restoring properties and brew Corgana a tea from it, but you'd first have to have some herbalism or alchemical skills.

seeing as your skills lie primarly in performance I'd rule that, while not impossible, it is rather unlikely you find a fitting herb on the prime material plane. You could go searching for it with about a 25% chance of sucess after a few hours of search in the wildernis, 50% in a herbalists shop.. if those still exist.

Or to put it more simple, it could help delay the inevitable but wont provide a sollution, you need a real way to deal with the slave conditioning and whatever more was done to Corgana.

So you're saying she needs to sing some songs and retrain Corgana's mind, eh? Okay, *takes out the whip* So you say you've been conditioned and enjoy being told what to do, eh? Okay, new plan....

"I'm the overlord now."
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

So you're saying she needs to sing some songs and retrain Corgana's mind, eh? Okay, *takes out the whip* So you say you've been conditioned and enjoy being told what to do, eh? Okay, new plan....

"I'm the overlord now."

That shouldn't shouldn't sound as erotic as it does. :p

Think of what you know of the setting so far and then hit spoiler if you dare:
First time anyone cast a charm spell, Kiyomi, it completely mesed up Corganas conditioning.
Magic has been outlawed.
Overlord was originally described as a sharp mind, but certainly not a master enchanter, before he came to power.
Yet theres influencing magics making you slutty everywhere, apparently..
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Well, I've had her take Suggestion as a spell for her level. And in another level she'll be able to cast suggestion with her bardic performances (albeit for a shorter duration).

I figure she can do that and make Corgana agree to be her plushy little warrior sub bitch - Yan Yenna's been a dominatrix before anyway. If that's what it takes to keep Corgana out of wanting to please the overlord, then she'll do it.
Re: Overquest - What if the good guys had already lost?

Well, I've had her take Suggestion as a spell for her level. And in another level she'll be able to cast suggestion with her bardic performances (albeit for a shorter duration).

I figure she can do that and make Corgana agree to be her plushy little warrior sub bitch - Yan Yenna's been a dominatrix before anyway. If that's what it takes to keep Corgana out of wanting to please the overlord, then she'll do it.

Just make sure she doesn't return the favour if you get her properly cured.. :p