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Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

2- diplomacy is the way to go if a creature is sentient, if it tries to attack/rape then go for a run and gun method of fighting.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

2 as well...
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

2. Talk with it
--But keep a distance and gun at the ready in case it goes to try anything

AKA - its intelligent, so it might know something we don't. Shooting at it right off the bat(whether to disable or no) would definitely lower its desire to speak with us, but not to let our guard down, so if it does try something funny, we get the first shot in
I'll agree with Twisted - option 2, try and talk with it (him? her?), but keep her distance and the Magnum in her hands, pointed at the ceiling (or floor) but obviously ready to use.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Vote- 2. Ask questions first, shoot later.


"I'll pass," Sarah deadpanned dryly, taking another short step back to get a bit of room between her and the giant female snake-tentacle-mutant-thingy. "I'm a bit busy but I'll keep this short, what are you and why on earth you hiding in a museum?"

The serpent seemed a bit put off at Sarah's cold behavior, especially considering the large gun she was holding idly. "Aww, no need to be so frosty little one, the dead avoid creatures like me," she said in a soft purr, the serpent slithering closer even as Sarah continued to retreat subconsciously. "I already know you've taken a short interest in one of my siblings, I can smell the blood...."

"Wait, you're related to the Horror?!?" Sarah stammered in surprise. It was the only thing that really made sense at the moment- before leaving for Wyke's Hill, Sarah had ran into a strangely-mutated creature, more out of a nightmare then a true zombie. After a lucky break at subduing it, she took some samples, which is where she derived her serum from.

The serpentgirl grinned a bit wider, as Sarah found a wall hitting her back. "Clever, however, allow me to get a bit of time to return the favor...."

And with that the gigantic serpent slithered forward, the tendrils on it's back aiming at Sarah even as it pounced!

Grapple Attempt: Hit Chance 20
Sakura Horror: 82 (Critical capture?)

Sarah barely knew what hit her. As the massive snake-creature slam into her, she felt herself fly back into the display case she ran into, only to suddenly find tendrils lash out over her and whiplash her forward, giving a loud scream as the mass of tendrils started to grip and twist around her flailing limbs. "I'm going to enjoy this..." the serpent's voice hissed somewhere around her, it was hard to tell where the ground was... Luckily Sarah's gear hadn't spilled away this time.


Note to self- if anyone decides to ask if you rather give up instead of fight, RUN! Seriously, I've seen football plays more odvious then this, and they took twice as long...

Then again, this creature's related to the Horror, so perhaps if I modified the Horror Serum's balance... (Insert random scientific jargon here)

1. Try to cut my way out!
2. Act dead? It would make sense considering the nasty little snake just waggled me around pretty hard.
3. Just give up, after all, I barely saw her move! o,O
4. Um... Better think fast? (4)

Status: Wounded, Sheer Terror, Clothing Compromised (Upper) - HP: 36
Inventory: Diary, NecroTech Binder, Pistol (11 Ammo), Pistol (11 Ammo), Magnum (7 Ammo), Switchblade, First Aid Kit x1, Pistol Clips x5, High-Caliber Ammo x4, DNA Extractor, Revive Syringe x5, Horror Serum x3
Skills: Basic Firearms Training, Pistol Training, Hand To Hand Combat, Free Running, NecroTech Employment, Lab Experience, NecroNet Access, First Aid, Construction, Tagging, Headshot
Scans: Zombie, Horror, Harpy
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

1, too soon to give up.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

4. get a dna sample, it would be interesting to see how this horror's dna compares to the last one it might even give some clues as to how to make a cure.

After that we can try 1.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

[Six-armed tentacle snakegirl!]


Lurker you have the best monstergirls. I vote we fuck it's brains out.

Try to keep hold of the scanner and get her with it when she cums or something.

Actually, I'm not sure how sturdy the scanner is. If it's fragile enough that she cold break it if we piss her off, we should try to diplomance her into letting us stab her with our scanny shit.

Oh, also, in the future, we should hold our knife/gun out like Snake does in MGS3. That came out before UD, so we totally could have played it, right?
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Ruining Gargantuablarg's fun for laughs,

Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

You're mean.

Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

4 - Pretend unconscious until get a chance to hit something vital.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Three Goddammit, THREE!!!! :D
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

4. Try and get a scan.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

1s- ii
2s- 0
3s- ii
4s- iii

Guess getting a scan is high on the list, though I admit that was the first one I had to tally in a while. Yay for tossed salad!


Lurker you have the best monstergirls.
Oh, also, in the future, we should hold our knife/gun out like Snake does in MGS3. That came out before UD, so we totally could have played it, right?

Thank ye, thank ye very much. As for the duel knife/magnum thing, it's quite a bit harder to hold a handcannon and a knife one-handed at the same time with any real accuracy without any major training. Even with the experience of surviving the place, I'd think that be only really possible with the standard pistol. Thanks for the input though!

Winning vote: 4. Attempt to get a DNA scan at all cost, struggling can wait until afterwards.


As the tendrils writhed all over her skin, Sarah continued to struggle slightly, especially as one wrapped around her neck, not squeezing but holding enough pressure to keep her back well-arched. Meanwhile the tendrils continued the tangling around her frame, digging into the clothing and holding her limbs firm. On the bright side, there's plenty of biological material to stab in the DNA scanner, and catalog the mutation!

However, the prick was enough to make the creature pause for a bit before Sarah found the tendrils looping her limbs and squeezing hard. "Naughty naughty little pet, science can waaait..." it purred, gripping her as a spare tendril slipped into her bag. "I'm gonna have to punish you for that..."

"Ah! Hey! Get your gibs outta there!" Sarah protest, only to give a loud squeak as a tendril suddenly slid into her mouth to keep her silent. It was rubbery and scaled, quite tough and resistant to her attempts to bite down.

"Ssssh, I want to see what you little brats are up to with my siblings is all, I'm a curious little science experiment, makes me glad NecroTech got what it deserved." The creature continued her searching until finally the tentacle retreated, holding one of her glowing-red Horror Serums. "Aha! What have we here?"


Due to the Sakura Horror being a specialty case, Sarah had no resistant getting the Sakura Strain Sample- this being a variation of the Horror strain Sarah ran into ages ago, there is a good probability she'll make a secondary serum out of this!


If I had time to enjoy it, I would, but seriously, what is that snake thinking- H-hey! Give that back ya copper-scaled cretin!

1. The Sakura uses the serum on me. (Definte Erotic Content)
2. The Sakura uses it on herself. (Probable Erotic Content)
3. The Sakura does something else entirely (Other)

Status: Wounded, OSHI-, Clothing Compromised (Upper) - HP: 36
Inventory: Diary, NecroTech Binder, Pistol (11 Ammo), Pistol (11 Ammo), Magnum (7 Ammo), Switchblade, First Aid Kit x1, Pistol Clips x5, High-Caliber Ammo x4, DNA Extractor, Revive Syringe x5, Horror Serum x3
Skills: Basic Firearms Training, Pistol Training, Hand To Hand Combat, Free Running, NecroTech Employment, Lab Experience, NecroNet Access, First Aid, Construction, Tagging, Headshot
Scans: Zombie, Horror, Harpy, Sakura Horror
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Kehehehe... I'm gonna vote 1 - Ms. Sakura goes "Hmm, hmm, hmm... don't feel like testing it on myself, not when we've just met... so how about you?", and injects Sarah.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Kehehehe... I'm gonna vote 1 - Ms. Sakura goes "Hmm, hmm, hmm... don't feel like testing it on myself, not when we've just met... so how about you?", and injects Sarah.

It makes the most sense actually :p...so 1.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

1, because bandwagons are fun.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

Kehehehe... I'm gonna vote 1 - Ms. Sakura goes "Hmm, hmm, hmm... don't feel like testing it on myself, not when we've just met... so how about you?", and injects Sarah.
I'll go with this one, I'm hoping for a Sarah has now turned into Alice (Resident Evil movies) or a female version of Albert Wesker.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

3, I don't think the monster would just go and do that right now when it can satisfy both itself and Sarah conventionally.
Re: Paths of Adventure: Advanced

1.) The Sakura uses the serum on me.
This one has best chances of something really interesting happening.
3.) The Sakura does something else entirely.
As long as we she snake rapes us.