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RPG RPG Maker [PICOPICOSOFT] Rune'sPharmacy ~ティアラ島のお薬屋さん~ / Rune's Pharmacy ~The Druggist of Tiara Isle~ (RE139385, RJ139385)

Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

so I have to ask which cave is glow past since everything is in Japanese. Was it the cave on the left side of the map? Basically trying to get the sword.
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

It's the mountain one, with harpies and bees and stuff. Note that there is a West and an East entrance. The location on the far left of the world map is the Ultramarine Caverns. So in order from town towards the west is (1) Town (2) Popoko Plains (3) Glow Pass East (4) Glow Pass West (5) Ultramarine Caverns.

You can also check out my wip translation (/bbs/showthread.php?t=28883) by the way, helps a little, unless you meant that I didn't translate whatever you were looking for yet.
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

There is a small cave in Popoko Plains that Rune says "Looks a bit impossible to enter"

Can you actually enter it? I tried using the elexir that made you younger that was used in a quest with the idea i could pass the entrance but no luck sadly.

Also in the forst area the area where the fairies and the entrance to the cave leading to the boss for the area is another section that i cant seem to find a way to get to. There is a big waterfall with a bridge.
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Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

The cave is there just for flavor, you can't actually enter it.

In the forest before the map with the waterfall is a... foresty area that loops infinitely left and right. There are two exits going upwards from this map, both of which lead to the map with the waterfall, but on opposite sides. Do note that for the entrance on the right side of the waterfall, there are vines that you can climb. This map also loops left and right, by the way.
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

WAT ?! There's no Monster HP bar ?
This is a bug ? or the game system itself ?

Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

Game got a new update again, some new blacksmith 3 event, we monster and all that go with it and some bug correction

Patch log 1.10 :
i didn't give a patch like alway, because prety all files changed exept the audio, the dev revemped all graphic, lowering them from 32/16 to 8bit, making the game less big (he now make ~610mo)
so i will give the full game

that will be directly a version with name separator 【 】

Edit : i totaly forgoten that this game have a loli event... :x, my previous post was deleted and i got my hear pulled by the modo ^^
so i will give the link for those that want it by PM like alway ^^
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

Does lowering graphics from 32 to 8 affect the quality? I would assume yes, but why would he do it then?
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

Does lowering graphics from 32 to 8 affect the quality? I would assume yes, but why would he do it then?
that hardly perceptible for most of the graphic i have compared :x, CG and most sprite, i was just able to see some diference in some attack sprite

but after, my eyes are not very good, so maybe someone else will see the diference mush more than me :x

and as for why he make that, that a good question :/... he didn't say it in the patch note or his blog, other than for to be more small :x,
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

Lowering the graphics to 8-bit colour depth will almost certainly not effect the quality. The reason? . The article I linked is a little old these days, as some fairly expensive 10-bit monitors exist as well, but the point basically stands. For most people, there will be no difference between 32-bit and 8-bit colour depth, unless you want to start printing the CGs on a decent laser printer (these can have surprisingly good colour depth).
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

Where is the Stone Door in the Ultramarine Cave?
I've searched for it everywhere and couldn't find it.
Do I need some quest for it to show up?
nvm, finally found it.
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Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

Anyone know how to use Breast pump and Living rope ? :confused:
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

Anyone know how to use Breast pump and Living rope ? :confused:

As far as I know, there no use for them.
Probably some intended content that were never finalized...
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

Apologies for the necro but I just wanted to point out that the circle is working on another game featuring a different protagonist as a blonde knight or princess (according to their Twitter). Not sure if the next game will be made in MV or VX Ace but hopefully it'll be made in the latter since they've already accomplished much of the scripts in Rune's Pharmacy. :)
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

Another necro with no real content here, Rune's Pharmacy has been updated to version 1.11.

Dev's blog states an addition of 5 brothel scenes and 3 slum mini-scenes. Also something about an image/scenario touchup regarding the farmer's milking event?

There's nothing but the MC's art and sprites and some concept mockups as of now, but the dev seems to want to make one of those dungeon exploring roguelike games as the next project.
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

  • milking hscene add CG Milking.jpg
  • brothel add 5th prostitution hscene
  • after slum rape 2nd times. go slum west area has 3rd hscene slumN1.jpg , then go slum west area again has small H slumN2.jpg

game can find in eyny, the v1.10 one inside has v1.11 link
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

Welp, guess I read the kanji wrong.

In any case, the game is 1.12 now. Typo fixes, a bugfix relating to the hint to the new mini-event in the slums, some change relating the speed and default position of a breast groper(?) character in the slum, and the mansion 2f trap no longer causes a game over (but increases the 'deaths' counter in the statsheet)

No new content, probably why it kinda went unannounced...
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Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

for the quest Medicine that Reverses Time
How can i find Yggdrasil's Drop, there is no item in the production list? Do i need the book for this one?

"find it"
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Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

Lowering the graphics to 8-bit colour depth will almost certainly not effect the quality. The reason? Monitors tend to cap out at 8-bit colour depth. The article I linked is a little old these days, as some fairly expensive 10-bit monitors exist as well, but the point basically stands. For most people, there will be no difference between 32-bit and 8-bit colour depth, unless you want to start printing the CGs on a decent laser printer (these can have surprisingly good colour depth).

You wrote something so absurdly wrong that I had to login just to correct you.

You confused total colours, with colours PER CHANNEL.

Most modern monitors are limited to 6 bit PER CHANNEL, meaning you get 64 shades of blue, 64 shades of green, and 64 shades of red.

But if you mix up all those shades, you end with 262144 colours.

8-bit images can only do 256 colours (per image, not per screen), so changing images to 8-bit DOES reduce quality, specially in highly complex backgrounds and whatnot, usually not obvious in heavily sprite-based games.

8-bit colours per channel monitors can do 16777216 colours.

32-bit images can do 4294967296 colours.

10-bit per channel monitors can do 1073741824 colours.

Some CRTs could do more than 10-bit per channel, with the highest tested limit being 16-bit per channel, that monitor could render images with 281474976710656 colours.
Re: Rune's Pharmacy [RJ139385]

Back to the topic: someone know if this game is in english or has a completed translation?