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Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Or maybe you could just have her do some slapping in a sissy fashion.

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Its pretty nice that no one read the tread. *face palm*
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Just when you thought on-topic discussion couldn't be any less important than the title/subtitle, we get the defense pose discussion. Was there such a massive outcry in the original jungle girl with the "do not want" pose?
Think of it this way, would you rather have time spent redoing a new defense pose / middle tentacle type. Or would that time be better spent making the sex animations.
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Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Think of it this way, would you rather have time spent redoing a new defense pose / middle tentacle type. Or would that time be better spent making the sex animations.

Oh, I know. You could just have her bat it away by flailing her arms at it. Y'know, in a comedic manner.

Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Just when you thought on-topic discussion couldn't be any less important than the title/subtitle, we get the defense pose discussion. Was there such a massive outcry in the original jungle girl with the "do not want" pose?
Think of it this way, would you rather have time spent redoing a new defense pose / middle tentacle type. Or would that time be better spent making the sex animations.

Agreed. Game developers have obsessed about little things like this when they could of just made the game better overall instead of worrying about one little detail. I'd rather have more sex animations any day. This defensive posture thing, like Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw once said in his Shadow of Colossus review..

Quote: "These are the complaints of a tiny irrelevant mouse clinging to the back of a roaring lion with a jet pack."
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Oh, I know. You could just have her bat it away by flailing her arms at it. Y'know, in a comedic manner.


Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

You know, one possible defense for middle would be to use some martial-artsy defensive pose and then have a short punching animation when a middle tentacle comes into contact with it. It would provide a hilarious contrast with the hiding behind a bush thing.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Aggressive jungle girl? o_O
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I hope not. Aggressive Jungle Girl doesn't sound like it's in character. Having her flailing one arm in an "Ah! Get away!" manner while slightly cringing sounds a lot better, and the mid-tentacle can react by actually climbing up the vine it's hanging from to avoid getting smacked.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Thats why I was confused. Somehow I cant imagine jungle girl punching a tentacle like an experienced martial-artist. That just does not fit the damsel in distress theme.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

A suggestion if possible, is to have some kind of flower enemy that sprays out an aphrodisiac at JG making her hornier and nullifying the blocking buttons for a few seconds or so.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

A suggestion if possible, is to have some kind of flower enemy that sprays out an aphrodisiac at JG making her hornier and nullifying the blocking buttons for a few seconds or so.

Interesting idea - reminds me of an "enemy" in Angel Girl, a cloud of aphrodisiac gas that would come from the ground. It didn't do any actual damage to AG, but it would make her fap until the cows came home, bumping up the pleasure meter, which could allow other enemies to take advantage of this to max the meter and zap her HP.

What if the flower is set off after a certain amount of consecutive dodges? For instance, say that you dodge the tentacles 30 consecutive times, the flower shows up and nullifies the dodge buttons, to balance the field.

Another thing to mention: the original Jungle Girl was exploitable by holding a dodge button so she stands still, and not moving forwards while the tentacles came at you - by slowing down that time period, you could dodge more of them without moving, making long lines of blocks easier. The flower could be a defense against this: say the player holds the dodge button to keep from moving, and dodges 20 or 25 consecutive tentacles. Suddenly the flower comes along hanging down on a vine from a tree (or maybe several flowers on one long vine) and JG is doused with aphro-nectar or such, maybe even slightly altering the sprite (say adding a luminescent blush and open mouth/hooded eyes, nothing super drastic), with the dodge buttons disabled for 7-10 seconds.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

I really didn't see that as an exploit. You're eventually reduced to doing that anyway after dodging enough tentacles that they start to spawn non-stop. The window to change the dodge became so short that you eventually had no choice but to get hit by something.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

not sure if this has been suggested but; why not have like the same idea as demon girl, and have her wear clothes that get ripped off? to give the player lifelines as such?
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Ok, here we go again... Hettie, please excuse these people, they really mean no harm.

I can see where this thread is now going, and I will not allow it. We agreed, that this would be a remake of jungle girl, same gameplay, same style. Hettie was so generous as to offer multiple positions, we accepted like a following accepts a gift from their god.

What I'm saying is this, I really, REALLY want her and nunu to just be able to follow their plans, and get it done, instead of having it go like 99% of all forum-made games, get half finished, then because people are starting to expect new features halfway or more into development the devs get nervous or something and it never gets finished.

Please, why are we discussing basic parts of the game now that they're so far into it?

Also, Hettie, I'd like you to know that even though I'm mostly just lurking, and not really hanging out at ulmf atm, I still keep myself updated on this thread...

Way to go girl!

*Disappears into the darkness again.*
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Ok, here we go again... Hettie, please excuse these people, they really mean no harm.

I can see where this thread is now going, and I will not allow it. We agreed, that this would be a remake of jungle girl, same gameplay, same style. Hettie was so generous as to offer multiple positions, we accepted like a following accepts a gift from their god.

What I'm saying is this, I really, REALLY want her and nunu to just be able to follow their plans, and get it done, instead of having it go like 99% of all forum-made games, get half finished, then because people are starting to expect new features halfway or more into development the devs get nervous or something and it never gets finished.

Please, why are we discussing basic parts of the game now that they're so far into it?

Also, Hettie, I'd like you to know that even though I'm mostly just lurking, and not really hanging out at ulmf atm, I still keep myself updated on this thread...

Way to go girl!

*Disappears into the darkness again.*

Agreed. Hettie had a giant spell of just ripping through it. It got doused quickly though due to 'ideas'....

Though 'realisticness' is a pluspoint, I don't think it should delve TOO far from the original, which had the hands out thing.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Too many cooks, and all that.

To the developers, it's your game. You're the ones putting the effort in here. You can use none or any of the ideas posted here. However, if you try to meet every single suggestion you will not be able to do it - more ideas will go up before you've finished implementing the ones you've already seen, and the game itself will fall by the wayside.

Not suggesting that you completely ignore ideas, but don't feel under any pressure to implement them.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Yep, we better just stop and wait patiently. We are treading on thin ice here. Don't piss off the people who make the good stuff!! We must take caution!


And also the bridge is out.
Re: Possible Remake of Jungle Girl

Aw, don't worry guys. The only thing that doused my creative streak was having to go back to work. I don't get much free time at home, and I spent pretty much an entire day on those poses and backgrounds. Those bursts of dedicated effort will be few and far between, I'm afraid.

I really don't mind hearing everyone's ideas because I feel completely comfortable ignoring them all if I don't like them.:D

That being said, I want to make sure the gameplay is as simple as the original; the only real addition to the mechanics of the game will be the stacking tentacles and special combo scenes, so no aphrodisiac effects, and no tearing clothes. Maybe once this game is finished, we can revisit it for an updated version with more additions, but I don't even want to think about it right now since the risk of getting bogged down in details is too high.