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VN/TEXT [Pykrete Blue] Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

I get what you mean there, makes sense; once more zones are available, hopefully the feel will be closer to my intentions.

And yeah, perhaps I'll nerf the drop rate on mouse guns, especially as you can't sell or scrap them yet. Weapon scrapping is a priority for me to set up at the moment, but I'm waiting for more bug reports before I go and add more stuff. :p

Cheers for the report on libido not showing up in the bar, it now does, along with Energy.
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

Shame about the lack of beast content, but the rest of the game is good so far. Good variety of enemies and area.
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

Beastiality is illegal in my country, and I may at some point open a Patreon. But monsters will be plentiful, fret not.
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

Beastiality is illegal in my country, and I may at some point open a Patreon. But monsters will be plentiful, fret not.
I see. Well as long as there are some interesting looking genitalia and fetishes it should please that genre.

Anyways time for more feedback now that I've finished the demo. Its a bit lengthy so I'll use the spoiler button

I couldn't figure out how to get shotgun ammo. Its a shame since I was trying to make a ranged character and the shotgun damage was promising. I had 5 int and couldn't craft anything that wasn't in the consumables menu. Is there a trick to shotgun ammo I didn't know about?

Moving on, I think the game would benefit from a bit more description of the different races, especially in character creation. There are a lot of things I didn't know. How do refurbs feel pleasure or human emotions? How common is it for Whorc's to be herms? I understand very little about any races besides humans, hybrids and whorcs even after reading the race descriptions during character creation.

Other than that, I quite enjoyed the game. It has lots of elements of games I like, Corruption of champions, Lust Doll, Fallout. Its all a very interesting world. The combat system is good, thank god there is a way to increase the frequency that your attacks hit. Its so annoying when that isn't an option.

The characters and NPCs are interesting and memorable and have fun and sexy encounters. The crafting and currency system is interesting. Money and resources felt a bit plentiful with the high payout that jobs had. But it was hard to track things like hunger and needing sleep so it didn't matter that I was swimming in canned food.

A few more problems I had were bugs, there were a few. The main one I can think of was Zero asking if I wanted to remove the cock that Nina gave the character every single time I visited Zero's shop. The map is pretty easy to navigate, but it would be nice if multi-story buildings had interesting things that aren't just on the top and bottom floors.

I also noticed there wasn't really a virginity mechanic which was probably good. It made losing fights to see the post-fight action a bit easier. I also think the player character descriptions could use a bit more descriptiveness. Especially if there are going to be lots of transformations or difference in body sizes.

Overall I really liked the game. It was fun to play, level up, and explore. I certainly look forward to the next content release.
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

So anyway, finally got around to trying it in quest player, and I only get an error trying to open it. Based on the error saying something about language I can only guess that it has something to do with being on Japanese Locale, but can't confirm it unless someone else has the same error on jp locale.

System.InvalidOperationException: An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '<Module>' threw an exception. ---> <CrtImplementationDetails>.ModuleLoadException: The C++ module failed to load during appdomain initialization.
---> System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
at MS.Internal.NativeWPFDLLLoader.LoadCommonDLLsAndDwrite()
at CModuleInitialize.{ctor}(CModuleInitialize* , IntPtr cleaningUpFunc)
at ?A0x721f77f1.CreateCModuleInitialize()
at ?A0x721f77f1.??__E?A0x721f77f1@cmiStartupRunner@@YMXXZ()
at _initterm_m((fnptr)* pfbegin, (fnptr)* pfend)
at <CrtImplementationDetails>.LanguageSupport.InitializePerAppDomain(LanguageSupport* )
at <CrtImplementationDetails>.LanguageSupport._Initialize(LanguageSupport* )
at <CrtImplementationDetails>.LanguageSupport.Initialize(LanguageSupport* )
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at <CrtImplementationDetails>.LanguageSupport.Initialize(LanguageSupport* )
at .cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at TextAdventures.Quest.Main..ctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at TextAdventures.Quest.My.MyProject.MyForms.Create__Instance__[T](T Instance)
at TextAdventures.Quest.My.MyApplication.OnCreateMainForm()
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.OnRun()
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.DoApplicationModel()
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

I'm playing the game with the Quest players, but some paths give errors, like in case of
Asking Rokolo's to be treated like a weakling.
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

Info on the errors your running into

--- Error running script: Only one wait can be in progress at a time.

// Lag based Errors involving Alex's horrible site, servers are shit, anything involving it saying stuff like this will always be related to lag.

System.InvalidOperationException: An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: The type initializer for '' threw an exception. ---> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for '' threw an exception. ---> .ModuleLoadException: The C++ module failed to load during appdomain initialization.
---> System.InvalidOperationException: Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.
at MS.Internal.NativeWPFDLLLoader.LoadCommonDLLsAndDwrite()
at CModuleInitialize.{ctor}(CModuleInitialize* , IntPtr cleaningUpFunc)
at ?A0x721f77f1.CreateCModuleInitialize()
at ?A0x721f77f1.??__E?A0x721f77f1@cmiStartupRunner@@YMXXZ()
at _initterm_m((fnptr)* pfbegin, (fnptr)* pfend)
at .LanguageSupport.InitializePerAppDomain(LanguageSupport* )
at .LanguageSupport._Initialize(LanguageSupport* )
at .LanguageSupport.Initialize(LanguageSupport* )
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at .LanguageSupport.Initialize(LanguageSupport* )
at .cctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at TextAdventures.Quest.Main..ctor()
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at TextAdventures.Quest.My.MyProject.MyForms.Create__Instance__[T](T Instance)
at TextAdventures.Quest.My.MyApplication.OnCreateMainForm()
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.OnRun()
at Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.WindowsFormsApplicationBase.DoApplicationModel()

// Internal engine error, most likly NOT due to locale choice, but changing it may do somthing i just really doubt that is the issue since i have used russian/japanese/chinese in locales while working with that engine, alex is not a great programmer, and from my experiences he doesnt bother fixing stuff if he doesnt think its broken or has it working partially even if the evidence says he has it done wrong, so chances of this being fixed for whatever reason it is happening will either not happen, or will happen in a long ass time from when it has been reported, probly 3+ updates.


as it goes towards OSX, dont expect alex to ever do this, if he does i will be extremly suprised, he doesnt even want to let you use his webside process for your own sites, and until he does that i doubt a OSX player will be done, more on the level that he has written this with a .net selection and thats a windows heavy language setup.
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Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

I see. Well as long as there are some interesting looking genitalia and fetishes it should please that genre.

Oh, plenty planned, yes. There's currently
The Anubrain, a mutated male resembling a canine with psionic abilities; a rare encounter up to the north of the map.

Anyways time for more feedback now that I've finished the demo. Its a bit lengthy so I'll use the spoiler button

I couldn't figure out how to get shotgun ammo. Its a shame since I was trying to make a ranged character and the shotgun damage was promising. I had 5 int and couldn't craft anything that wasn't in the consumables menu. Is there a trick to shotgun ammo I didn't know about?
Shotgun ammo can be found in the office, top floor. Ammo crafting is on my todo list before I expand the game's map any further, along with scrapping and selling. The crafting menu, however, -was- broken; it's now been fixed as of around 11 or so hours ago. My apologies, I'd forgotten to link everything up. (though, even so, ammo crafting is currently unavailable.)

Moving on, I think the game would benefit from a bit more description of the different races, especially in character creation. There are a lot of things I didn't know. How do refurbs feel pleasure or human emotions? How common is it for Whorc's to be herms? I understand very little about any races besides humans, hybrids and whorcs even after reading the race descriptions during character creation.

Having read this, I agree. I think I'll spruce up each race's introduction a little, and make things less insinuatory and more clear.

Other than that, I quite enjoyed the game. It has lots of elements of games I like, Corruption of champions, Lust Doll, Fallout. Its all a very interesting world. The combat system is good, thank god there is a way to increase the frequency that your attacks hit. Its so annoying when that isn't an option.

Thank you! I'm glad that you find the world interesting, especially given that I've barely put any world building into the content available yet. And yes, early Fallout's definitely a huge inspiration for the game.

The characters and NPCs are interesting and memorable and have fun and sexy encounters. The crafting and currency system is interesting. Money and resources felt a bit plentiful with the high payout that jobs had. But it was hard to track things like hunger and needing sleep so it didn't matter that I was swimming in canned food.

I need to make hunger a tad clearer, I think. Sleep isn't required; but it's the best way to recover HP.

A few more problems I had were bugs, there were a few. The main one I can think of was Zero asking if I wanted to remove the cock that Nina gave the character every single time I visited Zero's shop. The map is pretty easy to navigate, but it would be nice if multi-story buildings had interesting things that aren't just on the top and bottom floors.

Yes, Zero doing her best impression of a cock-hating door to door salesman has been fixed as well, I think. Again, sorry. And I concur with the multi-story buildings; future ones will be more varied, I plan, also with more directions than just up and down. Think of these as... introductions? Heh.

I also noticed there wasn't really a virginity mechanic which was probably good. It made losing fights to see the post-fight action a bit easier. I also think the player character descriptions could use a bit more descriptiveness. Especially if there are going to be lots of transformations or difference in body sizes.

Lack of virginity mechanic is a lack of interest on my part, and a lack of willingness to implement it. And agreed on the descriptions; they will be overhauled using a system from an older game I worked on, I just need to port some stuff over.

Overall I really liked the game. It was fun to play, level up, and explore. I certainly look forward to the next content release.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for your time and for your feedback.

I'm playing the game with the Quest players, but some paths give errors, like in case of
Asking Rokolo's to be treated like a weakling.

Huh. Do you know what the error was, perchance? I'll have a look, either way.
EDIT: Ah, found the issue, fixed now.

As for that issue with the player... uh, yikes, yeah, I don't think I can even begin to help you there.

EDIT AGAIN: There is some good news on the horizon, though. Quest 6, supposedly, shouldn't be too far off; and that's when server-side access and windows requirements should end.

Ultimately I make these games in prebuilt engines because I just can't wrap my head around flash or java; it would be ideal, so, so much more ideal I know, but... yeah. There it is. At the very least, with this, I can start building the game and writing the content while I try and learn how to get started in flash. If the Quest 6 upgrade is good enough then, hell, hopefully, I won't have to! But we'll have to see. For now, I'll continue working with it. I mentioned earlier that I'm thinking about making a Patreon, but I won't even touch that until the product is more available and less headache inducing for the players.

If you can't play now, I am deeply sorry. But hopefully, when (if, but please, not if) the update comes, you'll be able to enjoy more content from the get-go.
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Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

There are lots of pre-made engines for text games that DOESN'T need Windows, or a broken website.

Some even are porn engines (I never tested, but there is a thread on 8ch/hgg/ about some engine named "Era" that has built-in system for hentai stats)
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

If you can provide some examples, I would appreciate it. Never heard of Era. Edit: Found some info on it, pretty sure it's Japanese... so... that would be why.

I kept running into numerous problems with Twine, which was a shame, and I've looked at inform but the bizarre 'tube map' format just confuses me to no end.
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Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

Look into IF communities, they have plenty of engines.

Formats one player I have here knows:

AGT, Adrift, AdvSys, Alan, Glulx, Hugo, Level 9, Magnetic Scrolls, TADS, Quill, Z-code

I know there is also several RAGS games here on these forums.

seemly is a web player for IF stories, Inform-stuff included

There is a bunch of others...

Nevermind if you are willing to abuse MU* engines for offline play too... then you will end with too much to list in first place.

But indeed, the editing part is harder... I never made a IF game with an editor (I did created some by manually coding them), so I can't comment on how good, or not, they are.
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

I appreciate the list, thank you.

Out of those I've only tried RAGs; used it for over a year. It's just a very unstable platform, prone to crashes and corruption, and some truly terrible slowdown as the size of your game rises... and that's without pictures, video or audio. How Tales from the Drunken Cowboy manages to function at all amazes me.

Does AGT refer to the Adventure Games Toolkit? That's some seriously ancient stuff right there, heh.

Adrift is newer, but seems to be in that same vein of console, >action here style games.

AdvSys is as old, possibly older, than AGT. Same issues there.

Alan's a bit more on the right track, I think, but I'll have to look more into it.

Glulx looks interesting. I think it might be pure text, only gave it a quick glance.

I cannot find anything about 'Hugo', other than a text game called Hugo.

Level-9 is British! Also ancient, also not a publicly released engine unless I'm missing something... they were a company, not an engine. Unless there's an engine named after them?

Magnetic Scrolls is the same story as above. A group, not an engine, and now quite long defunct.

Moving out of that funk, TADS is a functional program... though I think it might no longer be supported. Copyright ran out 5 years ago.

Quill is a ZX Spectrum program.

Z-Code is another, similarly ancient system unless I'm missing something.

I've heard of parchment, but it doesn't do me much good without a game to play through it.

Quest might be windows only for now, but hell, it works. It's nice to use, allows me to switch between their UI view and normal code view instantly. It's actively being developed, it has a community, and it supports user made libraries and modifications, as well as JS for more advanced matters.

Supposedly testing for 6.0, which allows you to load the games through your browser without any server connections and without reliance on Windows, will begin at the end of the year. So I'll keep holding out for now and see what happens; if 6.0 falls through or takes too long, I'll look into the other options.
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

Shotgun ammo can be found in the office, top floor. Ammo crafting is on my todo list before I expand the game's map any further, along with scrapping and selling. The crafting menu, however, -was- broken; it's now been fixed as of around 11 or so hours ago. My apologies, I'd forgotten to link everything up. (though, even so, ammo crafting is currently unavailable.)
Hmm, are you sure? I've been scavenging there quite a bit. I found gun parts, salvage, explosive parts, but never any shotgun ammo. I'm playing the most recent game from your blog, but it still has the Zero/cock bug, so maybe I don't have the latest version.
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

It's weird, losing to the Anubrain enough gets you a bad ending but also a title and a loss of a statpoint, so what's the purpose of either of those if you can't get out of the bad ending? Were you planning on expanding on that and allowing the player to keep on playing in the future?
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

Hmm, are you sure? I've been scavenging there quite a bit. I found gun parts, salvage, explosive parts, but never any shotgun ammo. I'm playing the most recent game from your blog, but it still has the Zero/cock bug, so maybe I don't have the latest version.

Did you download through MEGA or through the site? The site version has been updated, the MEGA hasn't; my bad, I forgot to mention that. Site versions much quicker to replace... I only offered the MEGA as an alternative. I'll be updating that for main version numbers, in all likelihood.

In future, as saves don't transfer between games, I'll do my best to bug squash before releasing a main update. With the bulk of existing content and frameworks finished now, that should be easier going forwards.


It's weird, losing to the Anubrain enough gets you a bad ending but also a title and a loss of a statpoint, so what's the purpose of either of those if you can't get out of the bad ending? Were you planning on expanding on that and allowing the player to keep on playing in the future?

The Anubrain's bad end is triggered by having the 'perk', and by having 0 or less intelligence. So, getting the perk when you're on 1 or 0 int will result in the bad end triggering in the same encounter. Should you survive and encounter an Anubrain again, it takes another 3 encounters to lose another 1 int; also, the PC's dialogue and some of her actions are completely changed.
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Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

// Internal engine error, most likly NOT due to locale choice, but changing it may do somthing i just really doubt that is the issue since i have used russian/japanese/chinese in locales while working with that engine, alex is not a great programmer, and from my experiences he doesnt bother fixing stuff if he doesnt think its broken or has it working partially even if the evidence says he has it done wrong, so chances of this being fixed for whatever reason it is happening will either not happen, or will happen in a long ass time from when it has been reported, probly 3+ updates.


Seems it's probably not due to locale. I tried launching another game that used to work and now I get the same error. Only thing that has happened since then was a Windows update, so it might have something to do with Vista. <.<
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

Oh hell, you're on Vista?!

Demons out, man. Demons out.

Sounds like the problem does run deeper, then... unfortunate.
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

The Anubrain's bad end is triggered by having the 'perk', and by having 0 or less intelligence. So, getting the perk when you're on 1 or 0 int will result in the bad end triggering in the same encounter. Should you survive and encounter an Anubrain again, it takes another 3 encounters to lose another 1 int; also, the PC's dialogue and some of her actions are completely changed.

I first got the bad ending when I played the MEGA version, I had 5 Intelligence and I still got it. I tried it just now on the site, with 3 Intelligence I still got it. It looks to me like you've got a bug that makes it so that you always get the ending, no matter how smart your character is.
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

I first got the bad ending when I played the MEGA version, I had 5 Intelligence and I still got it. I tried it just now on the site, with 3 Intelligence I still got it. It looks to me like you've got a bug that makes it so that you always get the ending, no matter how smart your character is.

Ah, I think you might be right.

Yup, confirmed. In fact, the way I had it set up, you could actually -avoid- the bad end by being below 0 intelligence. Apologies, this has no been rectified, but the fix won't be uploaded just yet.
Re: Survive or Succumb - A post-apocalyptic text RPG.

How many bad ending are there currently?