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Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story


Down is always where more interesting stuff is. Don't you know how these things work?
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Choice is to go down

(I just rolled a lot of failures -3-)

Katie looks at the path heading down, reasoning that were there any treasure in this castle, it would probably be hidden deep inside. She takes one step down, which suddenly gives way, sending her down into the darkness, she lets out a cry of pain as she feels something in her arm break from her awkward landing..

She gropes around for her lantern using her working arm, she comes across the stand, but not the candle. She looks up, the light coming from the doorway she was standing at moments ago seemingly mocking her. With great effort, she manages to barely stand, trying to adjust her eyes to the darkness, and trying to see if she could spot the candle.

She grabs for the radio, pressing the button down, "Robert... ca..can you hear me...?" She listens for a reply, letting go of the button. She sits in the darkness, waiting for a reply, the static slowing growing more creepy, "C'mon... pick up..." She suddenly looks up as she hears footsteps coming towards her. A light also grows steadily from the direction. She looks around quickly, she could possibly hide under the staircase... or...

Stabby Knife
Room Key(R)

1. Get ready to attack whoever's coming

2. Hide behind the stairs

3. Sit there and do nothing, perhaps even try to look more injured

4. Other
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

1! Stabbing hasn't failed us yet!
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story


Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

2, machete at the ready anyway?
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

2, broken arm with a melee weapon... real effective.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

2! We gonna die!
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Choice is 2, hide behind the broken stairs

Katie pulls herself towards the only hiding spot which she could see; behind the large stone staircase. She bit down on her lip, trying to surpress her urge to scream out in pain, managing to stay quiet as the footsteps stop. She holds onto the handle of her machette, hoping that she would not have to use it in her current state.

A voice calls out, clear, female, but definately not the woman from the group, "Who's there? I heard someone fall..." the light, a type which Katie could not identify; as it was much brighter than her lantern yet gave off a luminous glow that a flashlight could not achieve, shone just past her hiding spot,

"I know you're there, come on out..." she heard something metal moving, followed by a soft metallic click, she tries to identify the sound, thinking that it was simliar to that of a gun, but she couldn't be sure...

Stabby Knife
Room Key(R)

1. Walk out, give yourself up

2. Continue to stay quiet

3. Run out, attempt to stabbity

4. Fake your inability to move, draw the person closer to you...

5. Other

(Sorry, this is written after pretty much 5 hours of sleep, I am still groggy -3-)
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

5. Continue hiding, and if there really is a gun, pounce at her with the machete/knife. If it isn't get ready to pounce.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story
