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Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

cellar doors are typically wood

ether way 3
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Then 3.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

4, Try the machetee, and if it fails then search for something else
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Choice is 3 (the hammer was left at the inn, next time I'll figure out a way for you guys to choose what to bring -3-)

Katie looks around for something to break the door with, she comes across something metal, and round. She digs it out of the ground, and realizes that it's an old cannonball, the smoothness and the fact that it was completely round showed that it had never been fired. She finishes digging it out with her hands and slowly rolls it over to the cellar doors.

She starts to heft the steel ball over her head, then lets it drop. The sound of metal against metal echos around her, she realizes for the first time that the area around her was in completely silence.

A voice breaks the stillness, "What the hell was that?", it was the woman from the group, she fumbles with her radio, pressing the transmit button, "Sorry about that, was trying to get in." She pockets the radio then pulls the chain off and touches the doors, which disintegrates at her touch; apparently all that was holding the door together was the fact that it hadn't been touched in awhile.

The cellar below, only lit by the limited light provided by the overcast clouds, looked back at her like a hungry giant. With a deep breath, she takes her first step into the dimly lit cellar...

Stabby Knife
Room Key(R)

(note, there is going to be two things to be voted on, so please note which thing you are voting for, ie: choice a: 1, choice b: 2)

Choice A
1. Take the cannonball with you, it might be useful, if not a little heavy...

2. Don't take the cannonball

Choice B
1. Search the cellar

2. Search outside again

3. Go to another entrance

4. Others
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

2 1
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

2 and 1.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

2 1
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

2 and 1
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Now that that has been settled...
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Choice is 2 1

The cannonball looked much too heavy for Katie to carrie, so she rolls it back into the hole she dug. She peers into the cellar, trying to find to find something of use to her. She comes across a lantern with a half-melted candle, "Better than nothing I guess..." she also finds a matchbook with two matches left.

She lights a match then uses it to light the lantern, it's soft glow a small comfort as she peers into the darkness. A few windows along the corridor leading out of the cellar offering her a dim guiding path.

She walks slowly, her other hand clasping tightly on her machette, she comes across a split in the path. She also notices at this point that her radio doesn't seem to be recieving, or else the group had gotten quite silent.

Stabby Knife
Room Key(R)

1. Take the path that leads up

2. Take the path that leads down
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

I disagree!

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story


I shall balance this out!