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Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

No, let him make the first move and then give him the ride of his life so we can mootch off the others when they get turned into corpses >:D
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Darkfire's 5. If she seems too eager Robert might smell something fishy.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

I agree with one of the fives - Eat first, then get acquainted.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

I agree with the eating and not making the first move, though i don't think that cutting dicks off will make them friendly DarkFire :p
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

so one more vote for darkfires, and its definately going to his suggestion
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Choice is 5: Get aquinted, but eat first

Katie finishes her shower and puts on a clean set of clothing, then she steps out of the bathroom, she notices Robert fiddling with some of the equipment so she goes to her bag and rips open a ration, she pours open a glass of water for herself, and sits there, "What are you doing?"

Robert looks up from the equipment, apparently not hearing Katie come out of the bathroom, he smiles at her, "It's nothing much, just some precautions my team is taking." he turns back to the piece of equipment which looks like a radio and fiddles with the knobs, "If you're planning on going to the castle, you should stay with us... it's going to... I mean, it might be dangerous for you to go alone."

Katie coughs as she takes a bite, finding the dryness almost agonizing as she took a long drink of water, "Do you know anything about the castle? All my agency told me is that there might be some undead." She put the glass down and took another bite of her cookie,

Robert shakes his head, hesitantly, "No... there shouldn't be too many problems..." he gets up, "I'm going to shower, there's two beds here so we won't have to share a bed" he smiles and walks into the bathroom.

Stabby Knife
Room Key
Room Key(R)
28 days worth of rations
Change of Clothing

1. Examine the equipment, it might tell you something.

2. Go to sleep, you need the rest.

3. Go harass the other members of the team

4. Go harass Robert while he showers

5. Others
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

5. take the hammer to the equipment and run

cough, cough

in all seriousness, 1
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

I'll go with 1, the other choices are all ludicrous.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

you could have posted "masterbate on his bed while he's in the shower"
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

5 - undress into nightie, and sit cross legged on bed, and wait for Robert to come out so she can ask what the radio-like thing is.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

5. Cover self in ketchup, tear clothes apart, and make banging and animal noises.
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

5 - undress into nightie, and sit cross legged on bed, and wait for Robert to come out so she can ask what the radio-like thing is.

I actually like this one - Aika's 5
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story

Choice one, tinker with the machine

Katie listens for the water to turn on, then begins to examine the 'radio' that Robert was tinkering around with. She slowly dialed the knob he was playing with back and forth to no avail. Then she noticed a power button.

She flips it, and the machine hums to life, a green screen comes to life and a ring of light on the screen spreads giving a few more blips as a large mass of red appears in the upper red corner, Katie looks up and realizes that the mass is coming from the castle. As she begins to play around a little with the knobs, she feels someone looking at her,

"If you were curious, you could've just said something..." He looks somewhat offended that Katie was playing around with the machine,

"What is the red mass?" She asks him as he walks over and turns the machine off,

"Nothing important." he locks the machine in a briefcase that he was holding earlier, "It's just... uh... weather tracking..." he gets back up and smiles, "You should get some rest." He walks back into the bathroom to take his shower.

Katie looks at the briefcase longingly, wondering what she should do...

Stabby Knife
Room Key
Room Key(R)
28 days worth of rations
Change of Clothing

1. Try to open the briefcase

2. Try to get some rest

3. Try something else(other)
Re: Stupid ChooseYourOwnAdventure Story
