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The Ranting/Debate Thread

Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Yeah, pretty much. I know the recoilless was an anti-vehicle weapon, so I assumed the name was full of it. Didn't know for certain, but yeah, was being sarcastic.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

What you saw fall backwards was a grown up man, an average kid is not that heavy, for obvious reasons i can't prove it with a video...

Assuming we're talking about a 30 kg kid, force required to lift one directly to air is little less than 300 Newtons. Assuming a bullet weights 10 grams and leaves the gun at 600 m/s accelerating to full speed in 10 ms, the force of recoil is 600 N. So yes, a bullet could theoretically throw a kid in the air...exerting 20m/s² acceleration over .01 seconds. Looking at those numbers, you can probably tell that the kid won't be thrown in the air far enough for his feet to completely leave the ground. And that's with all the recoil exerting force directly upwards, no friction, etc. Falling backwards is a much more complex case and requires much less force as anyone with any martial arts training can tell.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

The body of the kid is not necessarily supposed to be lifted.
If you consider that the full force would be applied on the right shoulder, which is the most common scenario while using a rifle, and the kid was standing, the rest of the skeleton would follow it's rotational movement. As a result the feets would have a tendency to leave the ground and in the worst case scenarion the kid would be airborne for a small amount of time, from this my "sent flying" comment, but i too have to admit that it is mostly a figure of speech.
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Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Assuming we're talking about a 30 kg kid, force required to lift one directly to air is little less than 300 Newtons. Assuming a bullet weights 10 grams and leaves the gun at 600 m/s accelerating to full speed in 10 ms, the force of recoil is 600 N. So yes, a bullet could theoretically throw a kid in the air...exerting 20m/s² acceleration over .01 seconds. Looking at those numbers, you can probably tell that the kid won't be thrown in the air far enough for his feet to completely leave the ground. And that's with all the recoil exerting force directly upwards, no friction, etc. Falling backwards is a much more complex case and requires much less force as anyone with any martial arts training can tell.

what if the kid aimed the recoiless rifle straight down?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

what if the kid aimed the recoiless rifle straight down?

He'd land flat on his ass with a live rocket in the ground in front of him. It takes some time for the thing to arm itself after the fuse is struck as I recall.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

He'd land flat on his ass with a live rocket in the ground in front of him. It takes some time for the thing to arm itself after the fuse is struck as I recall.

If it is a modern one, there will probably some sort of failsafe that will trigger in low distance impacts that stops it from detonating, but I'm sketchy on whether or not that could be implimented on a recoilless rifle round. I wonder how many people are going to see my post show up here and think I'm arguing...
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

If it is a modern one, there will probably some sort of failsafe that will trigger in low distance impacts that stops it from detonating, but I'm sketchy on whether or not that could be implimented on a recoilless rifle round. I wonder how many people are going to see my post show up here and think I'm arguing...

well if i were designing it it would be in the gun, laser range finder that would need to be overided for firing at extreem short distance. although whther or not thats cost effective who knows. but given the price of most military equipment it would be comparativly cheap.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Are we talkin bout rocket jumping?
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Are we talkin bout rocket jumping?

Sticky Jumping!

*insert slapstick argument along the lines of "Rocket Jumping!" "Sticky Jumping!" "Rocket Jumping!" "Sticky Jumping!" that will inetibly break down into trade offers for hats*
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

If it is a modern one, there will probably some sort of failsafe that will trigger in low distance impacts that stops it from detonating, but I'm sketchy on whether or not that could be implimented on a recoilless rifle round. I wonder how many people are going to see my post show up here and think I'm arguing...

Recoiless rifle round isn't that different than a rocket for a rocket launcher. Hell, there even have the arming system on 40mm grenades for the M203. So yeah, they could do it.

well if i were designing it it would be in the gun, laser range finder that would need to be overided for firing at extreem short distance. although whther or not thats cost effective who knows. but given the price of most military equipment it would be comparativly cheap.

There isn't any real laser range finders in the round, meaning that it could still fire, it just wouldn't explode. But still, getting hit with a rocket that doesn't explode doesn't exactly equal a good day for you.

Are we talkin bout rocket jumping?

I think they was.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

There's as much evidence today to suggest that homosexuality is genetic as there is to suggest homophobia is genetic. So the next time some faggot tries to give you shit about you saying "faggot," you can tell them "Look fag, stop discriminating against me, I didn't choose to be this way, I was born like this."
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

"I didn't choose to hate you..." Seems infallible... Then there's the theory that we're all lesbians...
If we're all God's children, and he sent his ONE AND ONLY SON, Jesus, to Earth, that means we're all his daughters. Meaning anyone who likes anyone is homosexual.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Technically, if one is to follow the genesis, we aren't exactly god's children, we are more like mud puppets allsparked to life, kinda like Jack Frost or Chucky.
Also following theology the trinity, father son and holy ghost, are often considered as the same being in different forms.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Technically, if one is to follow the genesis, we aren't exactly god's children, we are more like mud puppets allsparked to life, kinda like Jack Frost or Chucky.
Also following theology the trinity, father son and holy ghost, are often considered as the same being in different forms.

Pshhh... No one likes technicalities...;)

Not gonna go into similarities between religions
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

WHAT THE FUCK IS SO SPECIAL ABOUT SHAKESPEARE?!? Yes, I understand he's a writer, and he wrote good stories. BUT HE IS NOT SLICED BREAD!!! Yes, you can connect with his stories, depending on how you interpret it. SO WHAT?!? HE WAS A GUY(or girl or group of people, depending on the theory)! He's the first to write the stories! That's all! We don't need to fucking put him on a pedestal! You don't see people walking around going, "OMG, STEPHEN KING IS THE BEST WRITER EVAR! LET'S GO EVERYWHERE HE DID AND PAY TONS OF MONEY TO LOOK AT BUILDINGS HE LOOKED AT!!!!!!" I like his stories. But we don't need to exalt him as our messiah!
Sorry for double posting, but that had to be said.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Oh man, Luppi. That sure was funny/witty/cool. I sure wish I could come up with material like that.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Cuz stephen king blows.
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

But seriously? People go nuts over him, and don't even know why. He's just apparently God Incarnate.

Dark, I can't even tell if you're being sarcastic or not...
I'm guessing you are...
Re: The Ranting/Debate Thread

Cuz stephen king blows.

I've only actually ever liked a handful of books from him. The Shining, and his works as Richard Bachman. I always found it a bit ironic that I've really enjoyed Richard Bachman titles but not Stephen King...