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The Works of Toonpimp

Re: The Works of Toonpimp

guys, seriously, where are we Salem?
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

guys, seriously, where are we Salem?

Well, I did set somebody on fire the other day..

But, you know, I don't think that's contributing anything, so I'll just keep quiet.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I could make LineMarvel's games in my sleep :cool:

Doubt I could make them in real life though :(
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

haha, I think in your sleep would be where most things are easy to make... as long as you don't expect them to be real when you wake up.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I made All Women Must be Impregnated, the ero-FPS game in my sleep, and then helped out with GenX- the ero-FPS, all in one day, also in my sleep.

But then, I woke up, and remembered that I am quite stupid, and definitely not that awesome.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp


no it wasnt a threat a was a reverse way of answering the comment without actually answering it.

Yes, TP is aware of the difficulties his games can pose without cheats,perhaps someday he'll add in adjustable settings. However as I am not he I cant say with any certainty that it will change.Im not a fan of platformers anyway so I only ever played the games for a few moments of mindless entertainment.

I am amazed that the initial post from I think two days ago is still warranting attention. However if your gonna claim a "where Im from" dont cite ToonPimps forum... use one of the several forums I actually built or one of the many other places I've modded using various names. Its more apparent now that its not so much what I said as that I can be tied to toonpimp. Theres this invisible rivalry between LM and TP that pissed off both of them. Their games are nothing alike (aside from the flavor) their styles were nothing alike and the personality of one counterplays the other. My initial comment was a joke,plain and simple, Im not apologizing any more then I already have. When you grab my statements out of context,yes they seem trollish but in context,outside of 4chan Im not seeing it.

So enough already, This conversation should be more focused on the games,no? Or to a lesser extent the development of these games.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

*sigh* like I said before, if you'd just drop it and try refusing to acknowledge that there's an issue, it'll magically disappear. I'll even give you a way out: respond to my earlier post.

I'm not sure how 'reviewing' is different from 'discussing,' as most of the reviews are just discussing how the person feels about the game, opening up more discussion (agree/disagree), as well as being helpful to other players in deciding whether or not they should play said game. Can you explain what you mean for me?

If you say anything defending yourself and/or referencing the issue again, you are a troll. If you don't, you're not. K?
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

So no one else has gotten a problem with the toonpimp thing not starting for them? :(
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Did you have the same problem with Nsphere? I think it was made with the same engine.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

All I can say to all of this drama is "The internet is serious business."
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

I am amazed that the initial post from I think two days ago is still warranting attention. However if your gonna claim a "where Im from" dont cite ToonPimps forum... use one of the several forums I actually built or one of the many other places I've modded using various names.
... You do realize none of us know you personally and thus no one here knows anything about any other forums you might be a part of aside from the obvious two?
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Well going off what I said before it was a side note I figured I'd cover. I differentiate (as do many other sites) discussion from review by assuming a review is a helpful guide on the games flaws and good points,detailing possible improvements,wishlists, and a breakdown of how the player will normally feel about the whole experience.

Discussion is more "where is this" and "how do you do this" as well as" can I get a save file?" . I would also say discussion is a lot of personal thoughts "that song in the intro is great!" " the artwork is too foggy to see right with this monitor" and " I liked this plot point,do you think this was the creators inspiration?" and lastly " How do you set japanese locale?"

This is what I meant by implying a difference. Most places you see more discussion then review but you always find both. I dont quote so I'll leave it to your thread tracking skills to find where it was suggested that reviews are what are done here.

I hope this answers your question.

As for nobody knowing me,after all this I may still find a welcome thread to post,Im online nowadays like twice a day so its a time thing,however if your curious that other forum has my info plastered all over it.
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Re: The Works of Toonpimp

As for nobody knowing me,after all this I may still find a welcome thread to post,Im online nowadays like twice a day so its a time thing,however if your curious that other forum has my info plastered all over it.
I have this thing about not liking to join forums where you must join them to see the threads.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Did you have the same problem with Nsphere? I think it was made with the same engine.

I havent tried nsphere since I restarted my computer, but I had no problem with it then.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

The difference is entirely in the number of people providing information. Reviews are given by an individual and cannot be commented on; discussions are done in a group and can involve refuting the points made by others. A discussion can be thought of as a list of reviews and reviews of those reviews. The people asking how to mine for fish are irrelevant to the discussion, except in pointing out the existence of bugs, flaws, and that people find something difficult to understand – the questions themselves would technically be in some form of FAQ section if the thread for the discussion was not also supposed to contain them.

EDIT: Actually, there's quite a lot that's wrong with this definition, but I can't be bothered changing it.
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Re: The Works of Toonpimp

For absolutely no reason, I click play and THIS TIME it gives me a sound error and asks me if I want to just ignore it and play on.

Tis good. Looks and feels a lot different. Slide is still COMPLETELY useless and getting more and more useless each game haha
Re: The Works of Toonpimp


Yeah yeah, late to the party as usual, but I think ya'll get the idea.

ANYWAYS. On to reviewing.

As it's been said, this game is looking decent, with the typical bugs you'd expect to find in a Beta test level.
It looks like there's a counter to tell you how much it's going to hurt you when you finally break free from a 'grab', but it doesn't actually do anything right now except for sit at zero.
The zoom is nice, but the 'escape' bar only showed up every once in a while for me. Also, I realize the counter was put there to compensate for the health bar disappearing, but I'd prefer to be able to see my health dwindle rather than rely on a counter.
I like how the slime alternates it's animation; I don't like how 'random' it seems the croc's animation is. It needs to be so that if you get grabbed from behind, you get one, if you get grabbed from the front, it's the other; currently, it seems the animation for him is based on a percent chance.
I don't remember him doing it in the past, but I think TP should have some sort of 'finish' animation, like if you go for too long without escaping, or when they get your health to zero; and in the former's case, once they 'finish', they do twice the damage of a normal 'hit', i.e., if each 'hit' does 5 damage, the finish would do 10. Also once they finish, they should let go.
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Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Haha, I haven't been reading this, so I didn't know there was multiple toothys

I got attacked by toothy at the end and as he was holding me down and raping me, a second toothy just came flying by the screen in his glide animation, it was HILARIOUS! I thought it was a bug
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

Haha, I haven't been reading this, so I didn't know there was multiple toothys

I got attacked by toothy at the end and as he was holding me down and raping me, a second toothy just came flying by the screen in his glide animation, it was HILARIOUS! I thought it was a bug

Same thing happened to me, lol. The whole situation went like. "Oh no, he got me..." *Watch... fap fap fap... SUDDENLY TOOTHY OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE!!!* Then I was unable to do much else rather than laugh for a while.
Re: The Works of Toonpimp

There is an ending animation when your health depletes completely or some such. It takes a whole while though.