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ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Ok, the server's up and running, just on a randomly generated world right now as I get the mods collected and configured, feel free to join in for now though.

Here's a list of the mods I'd like to use with some descriptions, I'd like to get everyone's input on them before applying them though.

Permissions: Back-end only, used for regulating who can do what. You won't see this at all.

Essentials: This is a really nice, all-purpose plugin that just adds a bunch of commands that makes moderating work much easier. There's a few commands that non-mods will get to use too. Also includes a /home command with a settable home location.

: The framework for making a working economy. With this there will be stores for players to buy from and sell to. The stores made by this plugin will be moderator created and will sell hard/impossible to find items. Player shops use...

: This plugin allows players to make shops using signs, chests and a little bit of redstone dust. Here you can put those huge stacks of cobblestone you don't want up for sale instead of just building a mile-long storage room or dropping them in lava and get paid by people who take advantage of...

: A simple plugin that works with iConomy to give rewards to players for killing mobs. Good for the hunter types who would rather go out killing than mining. And as you kill mobs, not only would you get money, but also experience with...

: An RPG style plugin where you get experience with certain skills and gradually improve them. Higher skill with mining for example might get you double drops while mining. Also allows you to repair Iron and Diamond tools using an Iron Block.

: A really simple plugin that just prevents you from drowning while wearing a gold helmet. Great for underwater building projects. Can also make it possible to swim in lava without dying, but I'll probably leave that off.

: Yes, Runecraft for Bukkit! No more editing the .jar file for me and secret doors, floodgates and teleporters for you! Everyone wins!

: Just prevents Creepers from spawning. I might actually not use this if I can get another plugin working that allows greater control over mob spawns. Still, I'll put it up for now and see what people think.

: This plugin adds a great deal of functionality to minecarts. While the booster and break systems aren't needed now with the new booster rails, it still adds a lot of stuff, like being able to fully automate tree farming, or just regular farming... also adds functionality for stations, elevators (so to speak), and more.
I admit, I'm on the fence about this one. The new booster and detector rails make at least some of MinecartMania obsolete and the automation definatly detracts from mcMMO's skills. You don't get better at woodcutting by having your minecarts do it for you. I'll leave it up to you guys.

: Just a simple one that lets you put fences on top of other fences. Just makes things easier for building posts and tall fence-like structures such as portcullis.

These are the ones off the top of my head. Please give me some feedback on them. If there's one there that people don't like, I won't use it.

I'm also going to hold off on the modloader mods for now until I find out if they can work together with Bukkit.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Those actually all meet my approval, as amazing as that is.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I say yes to all of them except the MinecartMania one. Like you said, if we have that then it'll detract from mcMMO's reason for being included in the mod list.

Also, will the map that's up now be the permanent map or will we be jumping ship once you get the mod's up and running? Reason I'm asking is, like probably the rest of us, I want to know will it be worth my time in building anything of worth? I'd rather not focus on a big project if we're just going to bung this map in the trash once you've got the mod's sorted out.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I honestly haven't decided. The way things were going when I was on, I think it would just be best to continue with the world that's already there. There is another plugin that allows travelling between different worlds, so I could put OAMP's world in there with the ability to travel between the two...
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

That actually sounds like a pretty cool plugin. For now then I'll assume we'll be staying on the current map. I wont be able to start my first big project until I've got a shitton of dyed wool anyway. Also, is the address the same as the old one (the one on the first page) or has it changed?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Address is the same.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I honestly haven't decided. The way things were going when I was on, I think it would just be best to continue with the world that's already there. There is another plugin that allows travelling between different worlds, so I could put OAMP's world in there with the ability to travel between the two...

I'd love if Amp's map was included in some way... I'm still working on a fortress there.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Will do then. I'll give other people until tomorrow to vote down any mods and then I'll apply them and make a teleporter to OAMP's world, probably near the spawn area.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Jesus christ on a fucking unicycle, Creepers are bloody insane. Also, any chance you could set the spawn point to somewhere a little less hostile and open? Bart, Darkboy and myself were trying to find a decent place to set up camp to build a town but we kept getting butt raped by Creeper's and god knows what else. I don't mind dying so long as it doesn't take an age to backtrack to where I was working.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Alright, Creepers are gone, and I've removed the spawn protection around the starting area, so it can be cleared away as needed.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Awesome, though I'm pretty sure everywhere around the spawn point is mostly mountainous land with not enough flat area to develop anything on. The kind of area I was thinking of is like what we had on the second map we worked on. Also, I apologise if I sound like a whiney faggot.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

well, I been trying to put a "Aww, no runecraft?' post up here since day one of the necro, but my computer hasn't been playing nice with my keyboard for some stupid reason. Finally got that fixed, and runecraft is included anyways, so instead...

Yay Runecraft!
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Ok, so mods are up. The following are the most important commands, I think:

/help will give you a list of what you can do.
/mcmmo will give you a description of mcMMO.
/stats will give you a list of your skills and experience.
/money will tell you how much money you have.

If any of these aren't working for you, please tell me either here or in a PM or visitor message.

For making your own stores, here's what you do:
First, you need a sign, a chest and at least 1 piece of redstone dust (it's not consumed).
1) Make a sign with the top line either [Buy] or [Sell], depending on what you want to do, and the bottom line a number, the price of your items when it's a [Buy] sign or the amount you pay out for each transaction (regardless of what the person sells you) when it's a [Sell] sign. The 2nd and 3rd lines can be anything.
2) Click on the sign while holding the redstone dust, you'll get a message.
3) Go to your chest which will hold your wares. Put in one type of item of X quantity (X can be anything from 1-64) and then click the box with the redstone dust.
4) Put the rest of your stock in the chest (again, only one type of item, so only cobblestone or only diamonds, not mixed).

Now, when someone clicks on your sign, they will, if it's a [Buy] sign, buy X amount of the items for however much you put for the price. [Sell] signs, while I haven't tested, I'm sure works the other way, the items get placed in your chest and you pay the money out.

It's up to you to set your own prices, but there are some suggestions out there. Don't know any off the top of my head though.

Also, make sure to hide your chests, otherwise, people can just raid them.

And finally, if it's seriously lagging for you, please TELL ME! If it's the mods, then there won't be much choice but to remove them. Hopefully everything works fine though.

PS: Oh, and Runecraft's working. Nunu's already got a teleporter set up.

PS #2: Hay! Post 666!

PS #3 (I should just make a new post at this stage): There's a valley to the west (I believe) of Darkboy/Pie's beacon that I thought would make an excellent spot for a town, or at least a central location if no one has claimed it yet.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

If anyone wants it, I'm abandoning my original home. It... just doesn't feel like home anymore. Underground, several rooms, a rather failish farm, stairs underground but can't guarentee what's in there for resources.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I think I may have found the valley. That's if it's a sand/dirt area. If so the waypoint combination to it is N; Sand, E/W/S; Dirt.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

The valley's mainly grassy and has a lava fall in it... and it's actually more SW then just W I noticed... Still, if you've found a good spot, that works too.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

>Connection goes crazy
>Disconnect from server
>Zombie right in my face in my house
>Shit pants
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

>Connection goes crazy
>Disconnect from server
>Zombie right in my face in my house
>Shit pants

Also is it just me or with no creepers around, are the Spiders vying for the 'meanest mob in the server' award?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Zombies have been the meanest bastards to me so far. Speaking of, where my old room is in Pie's base there's some zombies in the wall. Not sure if they are there now, but the last time I checked they were moaning to their hearts content.