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ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Here's a location I came across that looks pretty good for a town.


EDIT: Here's a clearer picture of the land along with showing more of the land. Some of the land would need to be flattened though seeing as there's only a few layers it shouldn't be too hard. The tree's would need to be removed too though again that won't be too hard.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Here's a location I came across that looks pretty good for a town.


EDIT: Here's a clearer picture of the land along with showing more of the land. Some of the land would need to be flattened though seeing as there's only a few layers it shouldn't be too hard. The tree's would need to be removed too though again that won't be too hard.

That doesn't look too bad. Is it far away from the market place? What are its coordinates?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

It's pretty far away, yes. Took me a while to find it, started from the sand area where Bart and myself is planning on building a Spleef arena, came across an area with a load of cobble with torches on it. I'll have to get the coord's tomorrow.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

And I think I just realized what you had meant, Oni. The double drops from mcMMO will mean that you'd end up with more (for example...) logs than the Jobs was keeping a track of. To solve this, I think I'll make the income from breaking a block you can both later place and get double drops from be a little higher than the deduction. Maybe something like .5 higher. I'll need to experiment a little with the plugin to see how much that takes into effect. This should help mitigate that problem while also making it not very cost-effective to farm a log for money.

There's more to it than that.

Urist McWoodcutter cuts down a tree and collects the logs.

Urist McWoodcutter gives the log items to Urist McMiner.

Urist McMiner places the logs, incurring no penalty for doing so, as Urist McMiner is a Miner.

Urist McWoodcutter cuts the logs Urist McMiner placed, getting money and exp for them.

mcmmo has some way of determining if a block was placed by the player; it won't take exp away from you when you place a block, but it won't give exp or double drops when you mine a block you've placed. I don't know how it manages to do that, but I think that if you take a block from a chest, then place the first block of that stack… the first, and only first block will give you exp/chance of double-drops, etc. (The only reason I think this is that the first block of a stack of dirt I had in a chest dropped an excavation item when I destroyed it with my hands. I don't know that it actually gave me exp, but I expect it would have. The other blocks after the first all gave me no exp, and no special drops. Will have to experiment more.) So, I figure the mod is determining which blocks you mined this session and somehow marking them as yours; if you leave them in a chest for a while, they are no longer marked, but then become marked again after you first use them. Whether or not you will get drops for destroying blocks another player has placed, I don't know, although I would like to test.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

If I remember correctly, mcMMO keeps track of placed blocks, not just yours. Jobs doesn't, and what you said is actually something the mod creator mentioned. So while it is possible to do what you said, Host, it requires two people to do it, and takes more effort than just going out and cutting down some trees, for example. That exploit will remain unless the mod creator fixes it somehow.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Finally found an image of the kind of buildings I was thinking about for the town.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Damn, that looks amazing.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Exactly. That's why I think it would be a cool idea to start a proper village.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Bukkit plugin looks nifty.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Okay, Server's been updated.

Jobs is now running, you can find a list of jobs by typing /jobs browse. /jobs will give you a list of commands to use with it. You can only join two jobs at a time, and leaving a job will reset your experience with it, so quitting is not something that should be done lightly.

mcMMO has been updated as well, and the power levels have been fixed as well as the Sword skill bug.

MobBounty has been removed, Jobs covers that now, but only for hunters.

Runecraft's been updated to the latest version. Supposedly there's three new runes, but I have no idea what they are/do yet.

I didn't include CraftBook because it doesn't seem like it's quite finished yet. Going to wait a little longer on it, but it is something I'd like to implement when it's a bit further along.

That should be about it... as usual, if you find any problems, shoot me a message and I'll see what I can do about it.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Awesome. I'm currently a Woodcutter.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

This mod looks pretty awesome for dicking around in single player; .
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Minas Tirith in Minecraft...
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Okay. Some big news today.

I've installed on the server. What this will do for you... nothing! Unless you download the Spoutcraft client (available in the link, go down to Users and get it there. Use the command they give you in the 'Having issues' spoiler for better performance). Then, you'll get nifty little achievement style popups when you level up in mcMMO. Currently, this is all Spout will do, but in the future, expect an experience bar for mcMMO and even (maybe) new blocks. Best part is, you don't have to do anything except download and run the client. If you use the regular Minecraft client, you won't be turned away, you just won't get the fancypants Spout stuff.

Spout is like the better in every way version of ModLoaderMP. I haven't looked closely into what it's capable of yet, but expect big things in the future.

Also, while I'm here, who'd be up for a Skylands world? That's a world with a bunch of floating islands in the sky. And yes, you'd be able to fly in it.

Edit: Oh, as usual, contact me if there's any problems.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Also, while I'm here, who'd be up for a Skylands world? That's a world with a bunch of floating islands in the sky. And yes, you'd be able to fly in it.

Sounds interesting to me. I'm up for it.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I might just come back if the skylands world idea takes off.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Yes to skylands, for now.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

So... who's the thief now?

I just went to the chest in my keep and everything was gone. Really guys?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

That's why I put the lock mod on. Whack the box with a stick and it'll lock it. I have no idea who the thief is, but this will keep everyone out but you. (And me, but I don't steal. Bad Karma. I do occasionally peek in a locked box, just out of curiosity, but that's it. Besides, if I wanted stuff, I could just spawn it.)
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

quick question about this spout client: I know not having won't cause an issue here, but will having it cause an issue elsewhere? I play on two servers, and the other is rather mod-light.