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ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

The height of the tunnel is standardized, so just get the Y from an existing tunnel, the exception being Metro Central where one platform is under the other. Also tracks go forward on the right, the other way on the left, like driving in most countries outside of the UK and some select others. One tile space between them. Beyond that, just connect at the end of an existing tunnel.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I've lit up the majority of the town with streetlamps now. In regards to payment could I have a double chest worth of glass? That would really speed up making the roof of my tree farm.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

In regards to how you can pay me, Shrike7, I think setting me up with whatever Lapiz Lazuli you don't want would suffice. For everyone else, I'll be setting up some shop signs for getting you to get me those delightful blue blocks with. What's a fair price for the stuff?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Ah, another contender for Lapis. Admittedly I only want it to dye wool with.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Currently selling some Cobblestone in my store as I'm tired of carrying a metric fuckton of it around in my backpack. It's currently the cheapest price on the market, get it while it's fresh.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Ah Lapis. I had some kicking around before it got stolen. Been using it for purple dye.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Hey guys... Remember how I put that mod in that made netherstone spread? Well, I was looking for an apocalypse type mod to give the game a bit of a jump start. There's another that I found, , but... After seeing one of these happen on Silth's server... I think I won't be putting it in.

One shower turned an area that looked like this:

Into this:

Oh, and both of us eventually timed out and now we can't get back on.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

*screen shots*


Update -> Started a Diamond Mine. After using up my current supply of gems, I shifted to a steel pick because I could just dig and repair as I went. I'll be using it until I start digging the train line again. Then it is back to the diamond pick. I already have 41 of those gems, and that was just an evening of mining.

Also, I am buying Lapis Blocks for 100 each. Check House Taken in the Market.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

It does say in the description of that MeteorShower mod that you can set it so that it doesn't do damage. If you could get it to do that I think it would be nice to have the odd meteor shower now and again. Just so long as it doesn't lock us all out of the server that is. Also, dunno whether you noticed it but I posted a flight mod a few posts up.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Hmm. I can't seem to log into our server. I get a continual 'logging in' screen. Everything else seems to be working fine in my Minecraft. Is anybody else able to get on?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Nope, maiko might be updating the server, or it's crashed.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Hmm. I can't seem to log into our server. I get a continual 'logging in' screen. Everything else seems to be working fine in my Minecraft. Is anybody else able to get on?

Yeah, I'm experiencing the same thing. Is Maiko down where the power went out? That could very well be why.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Personally, I'm not sure if I should wait to work on my Minecrarft maps until 1.8 (which is basicly releasing either anytime from today to November), or just not wait and continue working. According to the words of Notch, existing maps won't be working with the new system.

Even still, I looked up the information and I found it quite of interest. Really can't wait :3
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Sorry about that. I didn't lose power, but it seems something strange happened to the server. Everything should be working fine again now.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

...Okay, I'm now getting to the point of the "downloading terrain" message before Spoutcraft gives me an end of stream, but before I actually enter the world. Trying it without Spoutcraft, I get a bad login during the login screen.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I got on fine earlier today.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Hey, anyone remember that Balkon Weapon Mod I posted up?

Well it seems he's added a bukkit version in the downloads area:

In case you are curious what this is, it's a selection of weaponry that fits the 'gunpowder age' feel of minecraft, adding:

Spear- Less damage then sword, small knockback, throwable and retrievable.

Halbreed- More damage then a sword, has a large knockback

Knife- Less damage and durability then a sword, but can be made in a 2x2 craftgrid and small knockback. Also can be thrown

Battle Axe- Huge knockback and a lotta damage. Also damages blocks stronger then a sword for fort-raiding adventures.

Warhammer- Same basic stats as the Battleaxe, but even greater brickbusting power

Note: All golden melee weapons do greater knockback then more combat-ready metals.

Javelin- Spears made with Flint and stackable to a degree. Does more damage then arrows but has a larger dropoff and deviation.

Musket- A multipart blackpowder firearm. Must have it's barrel and stock crafted, then the parts put together. Can also have a bayonette, but it's durability is used via melee at that point. The musket is pretty much a superpowered sniper, able to kill hostile mobs in a couple shots. However, it's a durability item and will eventually break. Requires a slight reload time.

Crossbow- Can be seen as a bow upgrade, firing iron Crossbow Bolts further and with a small deviation. Sneaking will decrease the weapon's deviation further. However it requires a reload time.

Blowgun- A biorganic weapon, the Blowgun doesn't do much direct damage, but instead uses blowgun darts made with cactai to poison the target. Hitting more darts into the mob essentially stacks the effect, making it harder for the mob to heal itself. Requires a slight reload time.

Throwable Dynamite- Carryable, weaker TNT. Activating the weapon will cause it's fuse to burn for several seconds before it goes out. Thus, you can cook it for a closerange explosion or let it fly shortly after the fuse is lit for further throws.

Flail- Flails are a mix of range and melee weapon, and are more or less a weaponized Fishing rod. Attacking with it will send the ball flying forward, flinging back if it hits a mob or goes to the end of it's pull. If it gets stuck in a block, a right click will retrieve it.

Fire Rod- A torch on a pole that works like the Flint and Steel but only works on mobs. Easy way to make cooked porkchop without needing it to burn up the forest. One-use but made of relatively cheap materials.

Obvious downside to this pack is it's not intergrated to MCMmo, but I figured it'd be a nice thing to have around until 1.8 shows up :3
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

The issue with that kind of mod is that it requires the client program to have it installed, in addition to the server mod. Not everyone is capable of installing mods on their end.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

The issue with that kind of mod is that it requires the client program to have it installed, in addition to the server mod. Not everyone is capable of installing mods on their end.

Thought that was part of Bukkit's job >,>; After all, the only thing that technically needs anything clientside on the server current is the one add-on for MCMmo, and it's just a varient client download.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Bukkit doesn't download mods to your computer. That's partly what Spout is supposed to do. Bukkit is fully a serverside application. I use it because it doesn't require a modded client to make full use of it. The recent mcmmo stuff with Spout is just extra and doesn't cause any functional difference between someone running Spout and someone who isn't. If we use this, or anything else that requires a modded client, it would require everyone who joins to need to have that, which I think is a bit unreasonable, especially considering it is, strictly speaking, a public server. Anyone with the address can join.

So, until Minecraft is capable of downloading server mods like this by default, I won't be using any plugins that require a custom client to use. Incidentally, that may be soon, if it's included in the official mod support Notch has been talking about, so don't give up hope yet.

Also, remember that when 1.8 comes out, the server won't be updating until there's a new build of Bukkit that is compatible with it. It kind of sucks, since you can either play on the server, or enjoy the new stuff, but not both, but it's only temporary.