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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

My sister who I share a third of my flat rent with, recently broke both wrists attempting a slam dunk and is in casts. Her hands are mostly mobile but locked forward with very very poor grip, and she cant stretch/bend her arms in certain ways. Everything they do ends up looking like a C3P0 impression, some of their efforts around the house being so tragically futile it's utterly hilarious, and one or two times I've been in fits laughing. Which only leads to more fun as we both joke about the ethics of laughing at cripples.

This of course means I've also got to be playing nurse near constantly, doing all the cooking and nearly all the house work, but so far it's been amusing enough to be worth it. It'll probably get old after a week.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

what would happen if you fed her really really hot curry?
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

You ask all the best questions Nunu...

Well, while not having specifically quizzed her on it, she apparently hasn't required(/requested) help in that field yet, but powerful curries are probably best avoided. Though I imagine in such a situation my other flatmate would end up being stuck with the noble task before me, if available.

Edit: Also, try to imagine someone sitting in an armchair awkwardly eating curry like C3P0.
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

what would happen if you fed her really really hot curry?

Omg, Nunu that's both horrible and so funny, I can't figure out whether to get the pitchfork or the banana cream pie
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

You ask all the best questions Nunu...

Well, while not having specifically quizzed her on it, she apparently hasn't required(/requested) help in that field yet, but powerful curries are probably best avoided. Though I imagine in such a situation my other flatmate would end up being stuck with the noble task before me, if available.

well they can easily be countered by a glass of milk so your all fine.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

The episode I just watched of the anime I'm watching at the moment was so random it could have been an old spice ad.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

That feeling you have, Incubus, is manliness. That episode lacked any lady scent, as lovely as that is, and was exhuming manliness. You will now wake up on a train to Santiago.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I found out, Tulio and Miguel from "Road to El Dorado" were supposed to be lovers, and called each other pet names like, "Darling" in the original script.

But the editors cut that saying, "Our watchers aren't THAT open minded."

So all they did was cut out all the pet names from the script and left the rest of it. xD
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I found out, Tulio and Miguel from "Road to El Dorado" were supposed to be lovers, and called each other pet names like, "Darling" in the original script.

But the editors cut that saying, "Our watchers aren't THAT open minded."

So all they did was cut out all the pet names from the script and left the rest of it. xD

Bloody editors.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

With the way they acted it was kinda obvious they were either good traveling partners, or, well, a bit more. As is, the way that movie was they coulda added nudity and it'd be accepted :p twas a fun one anyway.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

This anime. It is awesome.




Oh, that's To Aru somethingsomething Railgun/Index, right? (says Blarg, as he looks at the filenames)

I downloaded some PNP rules for that, and now I'm suddenly interested in it due to gleaning that there are psychic powers in it. It's so strange, because this fact seemed to be mentioned nowhere.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Psychic powers isn't exactly right. They're called ESPers, but that's because that's Japan's generic term for anyone with powers that aren't magic, as far as I can tell.

Those images are from Toaru Kagaru no Railgun, but I do recommend watching Toaru Majutsu no Index first, as it does contain some useful background info, is a good anime in its own right, and just isn't as fun as the spinoff series so watching them in reverse order may make it difficult to go backwards.

Powers are common, and they are mental in nature, but how they actual work is rather complex and steeped in pseudo-science.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

which is strange when you consider what ESP stands for.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Yeah. But really, of all the things to come out of Japan, that's a pretty minor "strange".
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Got to preform a new... hmm action, duty... at work today. I've refilled stock solutions from the stores before, but today I got to refill the stores themselves. The container right from the manufacturer looks like the sterotypical hazardous waste drum, was awsome.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I has RP damn again. Even if I am starting on a CYOAS I hope I can get further on ^_^
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Dead Rising 2: Case Zero came out. Essentially just a demo/prequel thinger to the full game, and costs money. About 400 Microsoft Points. But damn is it fun. The first time I stuck nails in a bat and slammed it into a zombie's skull with a very satisfying splash of blood, I got a very wicked grin. Throwing a propane tank riddled with nails into a horde of zombies and following it up with a molotov made a nice little explosion. Could have been bigger but...

The "boomstick" (pitchfork taped to a shotgun) more than made up for it. The thing has 30 shells and has two moves: one where you stab a zombie in the chest and shoot it once for a nice splash of gore. And the second where you stab a zombie in the guts, lift it above your head and shoot it three times, each shell blowing off chunks of the damn things body.

Of course I have issues with it, some things they didn't seem to fix from the original game, but running out into the streets of some zombie infested desert town with broadswords, a compound bow, shotguns, spiked bats, wrenches, a nail bucket and a fair bit more, only makes me want to play the full game where I can get my hands on more. It made me giddy.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I found out, Tulio and Miguel from "Road to El Dorado" were supposed to be lovers, and called each other pet names like, "Darling" in the original script.

But the editors cut that saying, "Our watchers aren't THAT open minded."

So all they did was cut out all the pet names from the script and left the rest of it. xD

Oh wow, they had some balls just to put that in the original script, especially back then, and for a child's movie.

I salute them!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Again, I am alive. The end of the tie rod on the truck broke while I was in a parking lot. If I'd been driving on the highway I'd have gone end over end and be dead right about now.

I think this is either the universe's subtle way of telling dad to fix my car, or some very lucky miracles after some very unlucky circumstances