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What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

If the person couldn't be bothered to show up to court, they don't deserve to get whatever fee it is. Seems like they didn't think it was big enough of a deal to prosecute. People don't show up to court all the time, and that doesn't make the defendants criminals. Dropping charges is more evidence of innocence than guilt. You know, the whole innocent before being proven guilty thing?

He himself said that he didn't get fined because the witness didn't show, therefore implying that he would have gotten fined if the witness had shown which would mean that he is a criminal.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

He himself said that he didn't get fined because the witness didn't show, therefore implying that he would have gotten fined if the witness had shown which would mean that he is a criminal.

This was civil court, thus he'd not be a criminal either way.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Getting my new glasses on Saturday. Bastard cost me £155 though.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Getting my new glasses on Saturday. Bastard cost me £155 though.

If my knowledge of conversion rates is still accurate, that's damn expensive. Mine were only like 2/3 that last time I got them, and mine are pretty expensive perscriptions.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Admittedly the cost could've been cheaper. The frames I bought was £125, and I got an antiglaze coating for the lenses that cost £30. I did get reaction lenses too, but that was free because of a deal the optician's is doing at the moment.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Admittedly the cost could've been cheaper. The frames I bought was £125, and I got an antiglaze coating for the lenses that cost £30. I did get reaction lenses too, but that was free because of a deal the optician's is doing at the moment.

Was it a one day sale or something like that? Cuz that's actually pretty cool.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

For years, the thought of Calvin and Hobbes filled me with delightful nostalgia before having a quick twinge in my heart from thinking about this comic.


But today, my friend sent me a comic strip, and I don't care whether or not it continues, but the fact this one strip exists fills my heart with happiness.

Also added points for his daughters name. I'm actually in tears from how happy this makes me.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Wow. I love this. That's amazing.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

That has to be the saddest, yet most amazing thing I've seen in... forever.

Thank you for this, Toxic.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

oh wow. I've seen that first comic before and it always felt so sad to me.

But that Hobbes and Bacon... fucking priceless. The art style is so similar. Fuck...

I now have to tell my father about this.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Was it a one day sale or something like that? Cuz that's actually pretty cool.

Nah, it's a deal that's been going on for at least a year I believe. There's a load of things you can get done to your glasses, I didn't want the reaction lenses I could've got the antiglaze coating for free. Or if I wanted I could've got a second pair for free instead of going for any lense modification.

EDIT: Just ordered myself one of as well as ordering the God Tier tee's from Homestuck.
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Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Hee, and why do I think that Calvin's wife is Suzi? The girl that he used to torment when he was a kid. Probably is, too, because I'm fairly certain she had a "Mr. Bun" plushie...

That was awesome, Toxic. Thanks!
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

I think ye might be right Cop. The girl does kind of look like Suzi.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

and suzie did have a mr bun.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Nah, it's a deal that's been going on for at least a year I believe. There's a load of things you can get done to your glasses, I didn't want the reaction lenses I could've got the antiglaze coating for free. Or if I wanted I could've got a second pair for free instead of going for any lense modification.

EDIT: Just ordered myself one of as well as ordering the God Tier tee's from Homestuck.

Lense modification or a free second pair is a tough choice. I would have had to sit there and think that one through for an hour. lol

Thank you for the comic by the way Toxic.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

Re: What made you feel giddy today?

A friend showed me that earlier. Made me laugh hard.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

What a hypocritcal little fucker this "Kyle" is. I've already made my points on using Christianity and religion to try and strike down homosexuality: Here on ULMf.

While it amuses me that he got called out on using religious text (told to him by someone who it was told to more than likely. I doubt some of these people actually read the bible, just throw out whatever they're told) when he in fact has broken it already, it bothers me that he uses a religion centred on love and forgiveness to preach hatred.
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

What a hypocritcal little fucker this "Kyle" is. I've already made my points on using Christianity and religion to try and strike down homosexuality: Here on ULMf.

While it amuses me that he got called out on using religious text (told to him by someone who it was told to more than likely. I doubt some of these people actually read the bible, just throw out whatever they're told) when he in fact has broken it already, it bothers me that he uses a religion centred on love and forgiveness to preach hatred.

Agreed. I don't like when people use religion as an excuse to hate something. Religion isn't about that.

What made me giddy today is the obvious fact it's Friday :)
Re: What made you feel giddy today?

For years, the thought of Calvin and Hobbes filled me with delightful nostalgia before having a quick twinge in my heart from thinking about this comic.

But today, my friend sent me a comic strip, and I don't care whether or not it continues, but the fact this one strip exists fills my heart with happiness.


BEAUTIFUL.... *sniff*

And yes, from both the brown hair and 'Mr. Buns' it suggests Calvin and Suzy hooked up :p Then again, it seems to be a trend sometimes in small towns as well.