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Re: Zombies

Quiet Copper or you'll ruin my pla... I mean, yes, you mixed up conversations.
Re: Zombies

Oh really, then why did you just tell me all your plans.

The only thing of consequence I told you was my intended destination. The leave date, route, weapons, and group size are quite flexible.

Where in Canada are you going to go? There are parts of Canada that have warmer winters than the Northern United States. And is your friend's bunker already up here somewhere?

It was one of the Fort-something-or-others. Nelson or McMurray.

And yeah, it's up there with him already. Apparently built it himself, too. I might have a picture somewhere, but I think the one I had was on my old computer at my dad's house.
Re: Zombies

Fort Nelson is in BC which isn't even famous for getting snow (rain fuck yes, snow... not so much) and McMurray is in Alberta which can get brutally harsh winters, so I hope yer ready.
Re: Zombies

One does not mearly plan zombie apocalypses into Mordor >,>;

In all honesty, I don't really got a plan, allthough I do remember a trio of forts that the family visited several years ago, nicknamed the Death Triangle during WW2. Was originally planned to stop U-Boats from entering Puget Sound, could be refurbished into a zombie defense location if one has enough time.

The alternative is becoming a Hunter, of course.
Re: Zombies

Can't say as I have a plan for the zombie apocalypse. And anyway, Sin! Weren't you going to be the sexy queen of the zombies with your horde of undead minions or am I getting other conversations on the old forum mixed up again?

Oh! I was pretty sure my fate in a zombie apocaplyse would be gang rape. :sigh: Maybe if Sin is the Zombie Queen she will intervene on my behalf? Or maybe not? ;) Maybe she orders it! :eek:
Re: Zombies

Because Zombies are real, and us Living Supremacists shouldn't be discriminating against those who are "Differently Animated."

Now, I'm quite sure that this guy is trollfailing, but it seems he's pulled the wool over more than one person's eyes with this. He even tries to take on a college professor teaching a course about zombies, in , in which the professor in question actually responds, along with several of his students.

A great read as long as you realize the guy isn't actually this stupid and is just trying to troll people. If you don't, you're just in for a huge load of facepalm.
Re: Zombies

Some of it is an amusing read. It's well put together.
Re: Zombies

We played store bingo at work over the past weekend and one of the squares was to "Sell a zombie item." That was amusing trying to work into certain add-ons.
Re: Zombies

Recent Zombie news:

The Walking Dead is now out on DVD whilst I await both the second season and the next issue of the graphic novel (to clarify, the difference I see between 'graphic novel' and 'comic' is that the comic is the monthly issue whilst the graphic novel is the collection of said monthly issues. That's just how I look at it). For those into zombies, pick up Walking Dead for whichever medium you prefer. I know I've been harping on this alot, but it's great series.

Dead Island is still set to come out sometime this year, though no solid release date, and no trailers after their stunning announcement trailer.

Treyarch has announced a new map pack for Call of Duty: Black Ops which is said to contain something "special" for fans of the zombie portion of the game. What that will be I've yet to hear a damn clue but the map is supposedly called "Call of the Dead".

Over the past couple months I've both rewatched Quarantine, and the original Spanish film REC. I personally prefer the American version only because the remake is so damn close to the original and it's easier to watch a movie without needing subtitles. However I'm still on the lookout for REC2 which involves a SWAT team entering the apartment building after the events of the first film.

Other than that I don't have much. This also serves as a bump to see if anyone else has heard anything new from this genre.
Re: Zombies

I don't know how I didn't think to show this to you all sooner, but:

It takes whatever location you give it, and lets you flee from zombies in google maps. It's kind of buggy yet, but it's a great idea.
Re: Zombies

I don't know how I didn't think to show this to you all sooner, but:

It takes whatever location you give it, and lets you flee from zombies in google maps. It's kind of buggy yet, but it's a great idea.

Level 3 Outbreak was a more coherent example at that, had two set locations manually mapped out and such.
Re: Zombies

I thought it was awesome. I managed to break free of a level 2 with a nice juke from my old high school before losing them in the dust. Confident in the knowledge that I had escaped successfully, I turned around to see what happens when you get caught, and it didn't even happen with me trying. They just wouldn't get me. It was weird. Do I smell or something?
Re: Zombies

Dunno if it's been brought up before, but I had a friend who was addicted to this (at least the meta portion of this) game for the longest time a while back. Dunno if he still plays it or not.

Re: Zombies

Dunno if it's been brought up before, but I had a friend who was addicted to this (at least the meta portion of this) game for the longest time a while back. Dunno if he still plays it or not.

There's a similar game like that some of us used to play a couple of years ago. Can't remember the name though but I think it was something like Quarantine-something-something.

EDIT: Found it, it's called
Re: Zombies

Dunno if it's been brought up before, but I had a friend who was addicted to this (at least the meta portion of this) game for the longest time a while back. Dunno if he still plays it or not.

I started my roleplay experience there. It's where I created Sarah at, before I moved here with de rest of the pervz ^^;
Re: Zombies

You want zombies?

I want zombies...

Heres the Petition for Capcom to make a Resident Evil: Outbreak File #3

Instead of focusing on there silly little "Tactical TPS" that theyre so dodgy on details with... Stupid "Operation: Raccoon City" Who needs PvP in a RE game?

Over 7k votes... And more will always be needed...

7k zombie lovers as opposed to how many that hasn't signed it that can have a Uroboros coated Plagas v3 crawl up there ass and shred it...
Re: Zombies

Dunno if it's been brought up before, but I had a friend who was addicted to this (at least the meta portion of this) game for the longest time a while back. Dunno if he still plays it or not.

It's a pretty epic game. I played it like four years ago, didn't really do much, but somehow managed to wind up at one of the biggest "historical" events that happened ingame. Then played a bit more a while back. It really requires friends playing to fully enjoy.
Re: Zombies

You want zombies?

I want zombies...

Heres the Petition for Capcom to make a Resident Evil: Outbreak File #3

Instead of focusing on there silly little "Tactical TPS" that theyre so dodgy on details with... Stupid "Operation: Raccoon City" Who needs PvP in a RE game?

Over 7k votes... And more will always be needed...

7k zombie lovers as opposed to how many that hasn't signed it that can have a Uroboros coated Plagas v3 crawl up there ass and shred it...

Well seeing as Operation Raccoon City is returning to zombies, I don't see how your comment on Uroboros and Plagas matters at all. Also, it's not Capcom making ORC, they're just publishing whilst Slant 6 Games are developing. I'm intrigued by the title, if just to see what they can do with it.

It's an entirely non-cannon game, with a single player portion focusing on removing evidence of the outbreak and altering the timeline completely. The multiplayer experience is the one focusing on PVP.
Re: Zombies

That, and Resident Evil 4, the game in which the Plagas originated, was better than every other game in the series put together.