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Re: Hate Thread

I know! Today I had to complete this online certification for my job so that I don't get sued or screwed from behind when I publish stuff for them....anyway it turned out to be HOURS of reading dense useless hogwash and I had to score at least an 80% in order to get the certification. By the end I was holding my head to keep my brain from exploding! It didn't help that they kept giving me these ambiguous "scenario" questions and trying to trick me into getting the answer wrong. Really...if they want me to be certified in this stuff why try to trick me or put my brain in a cluster****???

In the military they had something for yes called a stress range. They threw light explosives at us, screamed at us, threw shit at us, all while trying to get us to dissemble our rifles, load a magazine manually, then put said rifle back together, then load and hit the target. If we didn't get the required score, start again.

Sure that wasn't common but a lot of exercises and training runs had us running through small villages made of haybails with barrels of burning cow and pig guts and piles of animal shit laying around. Or doing all our shit in various times of shitty weather (storms, hail etc.)

Then of course there were the lectures. The theory of machine gun fire seems like an interesting class until you have to sit there and listen to an hour of it, followed by the advantages of moving through dead ground for the next hour.

Jobs, no matter the job, want to make sure that when the shit goes down, you know what to do, instead of stalling when the pressure is on and possibly fucking up bad. Best get used to that, as a word of advice.

Also to Chibi, that sucks. Sly got a hoodie from Rooster Teeth (A Caboose one that has a -1 on the back) and it was delivered easily within a few weeks. Sometimes bad shit happens.
Re: Hate Thread

Calling then after I get my package to see what i can do. That's a few meals for me...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate smelling like smoke. Gonna end up taking a second shower within like 3 hours of the last one just to get rid the smell.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate smelling like smoke. Gonna end up taking a second shower within like 3 hours of the last one just to get rid the smell.

Depending on what type of smoke, I actually don't mind it at all. Especially woodsmoke.
Re: Hate Thread

Depending on what type of smoke, I actually don't mind it at all. Especially woodsmoke.

I love smelling like smoke from a bonfire or something. But to be on topic, I hate how positive some people can be all the fucking time, and how they expect you to be positive all the time as well. Okay, I just said I was a bad singer. Stop telling me I need to brighten up and to "stop being so negative." I said one goddamn thing about my ability to SING, not how I want to kill myself and rape a baby.
Re: Hate Thread

Aw Mo. Stop being such a Negative Nancy. Your voice is terrific.
Re: Hate Thread

Depending on what type of smoke, I actually don't mind it at all. Especially woodsmoke.

It was cigarette smoke, which does not smell good at all. I like the smell of woodsmoke too. To explain a bit further, I had visited a friend who was stressing over his girlfriend getting arrested and he was smoking.
Re: Hate Thread

Re: Hate Thread

I despise smoking. So much so that one death glare on the subject convinced my dad not to smoke in my car, and he goes out of his way to piss me off, so that's saying something.

Not like I can help it if other people want to smoke, but I absolutely do not stand for it being done anywhere near me.
Re: Hate Thread

It was kinda funny yesterday. I was driving around in the city and it has lots of big main roads that are parallel connected by little shady looking roads... Anyways, I was driving to the bank on the north part of town and I wanted to get back down south to where I work but there was this huge traffic jam. So I figured that if I drove down one of the side roads it would get me back to the road I wanted to go to. Wrong! Not only did it not do that....after a couple blocks it somehow turned into a one way road so I couldn't turn around? And then sent me off on a maze of little roads I've never seen before! And I seriously had no idea where I was going anymore. :eek: Like...5 k-turns and finally asking a guy I saw outside mowing his lawn for directions finally got me back to where i wanted to go :D
Re: Hate Thread

Seriously, if anyone likes it I suggest you really consider shooting yourself.
Re: Hate Thread

I got about 36 secs into it and after the quacky techno beat left I lost interest...

But the quacky wasn't too bad... But I kinda like techno...

What I don't like is how these gangster wangster wannabes suddenly decided to bring back the baggy pants fad...

Yur doin it wrong idjots...

Your not supposed to walk around holding your crotch to keep your pants up...

You do it like I did back in the 90's and hold it up with your manhood!

Not big enough? Then don't be walking around with pants that suggest you have a concealed shotgun!


Sheesh why is it something I've known since conciousness these people just aren't getting?

If you can't keep your clothes on unaided during a walk around the block then its best you change something...

I usually used an elastic and a pen, wire, string... anything I could find as a belt...

Usually because I ate all my leather belts...
Re: Hate Thread

Idiots around campus unoffically blocking off roads then making you reverse all the way down one when they fail to inform you the road is closed untill you reach the barricade at the far side...
Re: Hate Thread

And speaking of college, three tests within 4 hours, all of them in math and physics classes x.x
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, that'll kill ya.

I hate the boss that's doing the schedule now. She can't get shit right. This past week...no, week before...the days are blurring, don't mind me...I request off Wed and Thurs to go to Cleveland. I get my schedule from my mom on Saturday and find out that they have me scheduled 6-10:30 on Tuesday. The *only* time I can't work is Tuesday nights, after 6. I made that my D&D night and it's the ONLY four hours out of the entire 56 potential hours in a work week that I cannot work. What's her excuse? "I accidentally scheduled you on Wednesday and just moved you over to Tuesday night." *smack* And now my work schedule this week...I have 39 hours. I am a PART TIME employee and I have 39 hours. All of them crammed into Sunday through Thursday. I had a day off yesterday and now I don't get a day off again until Friday. And so help me, if all of those hours are on the register, I am going to be ready to murder someone by the second day. And I'm not the only person she's done this to. One of the other cashiers had a similar schedule this week.

They don't pay attention, they don't schedule enough people, and god forbid *they* actually have to come out on the floor and help wait on customers because there's a crowd at the info desk and there's only one person working on the floor.

I can only imagine what Christmas is going to be like...
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, bad scheduling is bad.

I don't even want to think about Christmas yet, but it's hard not to when stores are already putting Christmas stuff out. It's not even Halloween yet fer cripes sake, give it a rest.
Re: Hate Thread

Stores in my area were starting to put out Christmas stuff during the last couple of weeks of August. It's getting crazy.
Re: Hate Thread

It's okay I'm so used to it getting earlier and earlier every year that I have all my Christmas shopping done for the next century already.
Re: Hate Thread

Green clothes, gold rope, silver knives, and red blood?

Y'know, that sounds pretty good, honestly.

Yeah, bad scheduling is bad.

I don't even want to think about Christmas yet, but it's hard not to when stores are already putting Christmas stuff out. It's not even Halloween yet fer cripes sake, give it a rest.

I know! We've got Christmas cards out already! WTF, honestly! And come, like, November 1st we have to start listening to Christmas music. I'm like "Can we please have Halloween and Thanksgiving before we start with this shit?"