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League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

I played against a jungle Karthus today.

We actually lost that match.

I'm loving the new jungle. Opens up jungling possibilities for people like Karthus for god's sake. What's next, jungle lux? I honestly don't understand why the entire community had that bitchfest over this patch. So far I either don't care or am loving the changes.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

I played against a jungle Karthus today.

We actually lost that match.

I'm loving the new jungle. Opens up jungling possibilities for people like Karthus for god's sake. What's next, jungle lux? I honestly don't understand why the entire community had that bitchfest over this patch. So far I either don't care or am loving the changes.

Uh... It's more of the jungle being endless passive farm now. Jungle karthus "works" now, because the new jungle is good for the junglers that need to farm forever or just junglers that have insane AOE clearing. Now for anyone who relied on ganking/went to the jungle because the WEREN'T good at farming to begin with? Well guess what boys? You're fucked. You leave the jungle once to gank and fail, and you fall 1-2 levels behind. Countejungling anything but buffs is now a moot point, and of course, you can't hit level 4 even with a full clear now. So anyone that needed 4 to gank? You're fucked. Now people who can do insane level 2-3 ganks AND have a good AOE clear... are now god tier in a horribly dispropotionate way.

A poor sap like Shaco, Warwick, or Fiddlesticks? Yeah. Have fun with that lol.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Fiddlestick can work in lane, if my memory serves me right. But yeah, quite a few junglers were f***ed without lube by that change. Guess we'll be seeing some champions less often now.

Veigar is a bit of a coin flip champion. You either instagib the enemy, or they instagib you before you can instagib them. One of the hardest scaling AP carries in the game, due to his Q bonus AP...but, actually not viable in competitive play (unless you're NYJacky >.>) due to his weak laning phase (those cooldowns...) and him being about as durable as soggy toilet paper.

Yeah, that's the problem with him. No lane dominance due to high cooldowns on W and E, high mana cost on Dark Matter... But yeah, if they catch you without help, you're dead meat. Great against enemy casters, though, he can melt them with just a single volley if his ult is up.


Ok, I just have to say this. I HATE BEING MATCHED WITH PREMADES. Why, do you ask? I got matched up for intermediate bot fight (usually easy, cheap daily win) with a team of level 10, level 5 and level 6. I am above twenty, so I have no frigging clue how that happened. We had an Ashe who tried, but couldn't quite manage it, quitter Talon who contributed nothing of value while still in game and AD Leona. That's right, we had an AD Leona building two gold per 5, Ionian boots, Shurelya, Madred's Razors, Hexdrinker and Wit's End.

How the Hell did that last one happen, I have no freaking clue. Is it really too much trouble to make a few clicks and check out whether the champion you play is an AD carry or a tank? Is it really that hard to try to LEARN at least some elements and mechanics of the game before playing? Gah. I mean, he obviously had ONE good idea, namely gold per 5 and letting the AD champ take most creeps. That means he probably knew at least a little, which implies he tried to learn something. So why, why make a half-assed effort and fail so much, when you could sit down, read for a bit and think it over, hopefully contributing something of value to the match later?
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Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Veigar can actually be pretty nasty in lane with the new masteries. If you go 9/21/0 (or at least 8/15/?), and take flat CDR blues, he starts off with @ 18% CDR, and can easily have @ 28% within 10 minutes if you get Fiendish Codex.
There are still better choices, but Veigar in a lane is meant to farm last hits with his Q, so he's best paired with a beefy fighter that doesn't need much money.

How the Hell did that last one happen, I have no freaking clue. Is it really too much trouble to make a few clicks and check out whether the champion you play is an AD carry or a tank? Is it really that hard to try to LEARN at least some elements and mechanics of the game before playing? Gah. I mean, he obviously had ONE good idea, namely gold per 5 and letting the AD champ take most creeps. That means he probably knew at least a little, which implies he tried to learn something. So why, why make a half-assed effort and fail so much, when you could sit down, read for a bit and think it over, hopefully contributing something of value to the match later?

Or they could have been trolling. People do that all the time to me. Not to say there aren't new players out there that are stupid, but most of the time they build recommended.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

I'll keep that suggestion in mind. Might come in handy, altough even if you're only farming with Q the mana cost is probably going to get rather high. Being able to get more spells in the same amount of time is always good for a champion like Veigar, though.

Well, I suppose he could have been a troll, but honestly... I kinda doubt it. Looked more like a newbie to me. I don't come across trolls that often, though, so maybe I just failed to recognize one.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Actually, grabbing Mana Regen /lvl Seals and grabbing a Meki Pendant, combined with Veigar's passive make him able to stay in lane quite a while if you're smart about it (going 9/15/6 with mana + mana regen can help as well).

There are also people who just like to try out builds that are not 'for' the character they're playing. Seen an AD Zilean do decently and an AP Caitlyn do surprisingly well. Hell, I can play a mean Hybrid Tristana, and it's hilarious (her E has a 1:1 ratio and her Ulti has a 1:1.5 ratio).
The thing is, though, yeah, you need to know WTF you're doing, and in most cases you need the masteries/runes to do it correctly. Don't need to be 30, but at least 20.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Can't argue with that. My friend did pretty well as a tank Karthus and AD Kassadin. Altough I believe that this should be done by people with experience and at least some skill so they don't f*** up the team's chances of winning.

Though now that you mention it, I've been wondering if hybrid Mordekaiser would work. His Q does benefit from both AP and AD, and he's most dangerous up close anyway... Though I suspect he'd be better with pure AP anyway and I just can't see him without a Crystal Scepter.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Morde's Q benefits a hell of a lot more from his bonus AD than it does from AP.

His E is the only spell he has with a decent AP ratio.

Even so, his shield got nerfed hard, so he has a hard time keeping it up (ICWUTIDIDTHERE). And therein lies the problem: he was unique because of his shield, and now it's shit, therefore Morde is... well, okay, he's not shit, but he's not what he could be. He can still be played well, but he's more of a fighter now, as in he needs 3K health, AD and Lifesteal to stay in the fight, rather than being able to rely on his shield. His shield is now just a bonus, not a main attraction.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

I don't really build him as AD with lifesteal, or put that much emphasis on his HP. I always take the scepter and usually take spellvamp and add some mix of AP/defense or just pure defense. This seems to actually actually work pretty fine, altough I do admit that his shield is weak, though enough damage from your abilities actually helps keep it up, but that won't really happen until you level up and get your core items at least. I don't really think he's good as an AD fighter, I'd rather say get spellvamp and CDR and spam as much as you can.



Iron Man (Passive) shield amount increased to 35% from 30%
Siphon of Destruction damage increased to 70/115/160/205/250 from 65/105/145/185/225

This is the promised Morde buff?

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Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Gave LoL a shot, and I have to say it is pretty fun. Obviously, I chose to play Ahri first.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Ahri is a pretty good champion, though that generally can be said about a few other relatively new ones. Sort of a mage with an incentive to dive around her opponents to get a better position to attack from.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Why am I not suprised.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Why am I not suprised.

I would be surprised if you were.

LoL is pretty similar to DoTA, but different at the same time. I like the customization and mastery tree a lot. It really gives a sense of progression. I like the shop layout too. Though I really have no idea what the items do, so I just follow the recommended stuff.

Any tips on builds and junk for Ahri?
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Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Not sure how she works, since I haven't played her. Building AP is the obvious thing to do, not sure if she has any mana problems that need to be taken into account or no. I imagine that an items that boosts both HP and AP would be nice, like Rylai Crystal Scepter or maybe Rod of Ages... That's just my assumption, though, and it's not necessarily correct. Sometimes the recommended items are genuinely good on the champion you're playing, but sometimes there are better options, or simply different options, but in this case I can't exactly offer any advice regarding those.

And to be honest, I think that most items are pretty much self-explanatory. Granted, there are a few complicated ones, but they aren't hard to learn.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

I would be surprised if you were.

LoL is pretty similar to DoTA, but different at the same time. I like the customization and mastery tree a lot. It really gives a sense of progression. I like the shop layout too. Though I really have no idea what the items do, so I just follow the recommended stuff.

Any tips on builds and junk for Ahri?

You can derp around with me and RJ if you want!

(Take ahri before RJ can DO ITTTTT!)
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

I would be surprised if you were.

LoL is pretty similar to DoTA, but different at the same time. I like the customization and mastery tree a lot. It really gives a sense of progression. I like the shop layout too. Though I really have no idea what the items do, so I just follow the recommended stuff.

Any tips on builds and junk for Ahri?

Two good websites I like:
(hover over "League of Legends" next to "On the Wiki")
- Good site to check out champions, abilities, and items in detail on their own.

- Good site to plan out champion builds in, or just mess around and see what kind of combinations you can come up with. You can also even just use it to see what you would need on a champion for w/e (i.e., check cooldowns at 40%, see how much health from items/runes/masteries it would take to get to 3000, how much gold per second can you make max, etc.)

As far as Ahri goes, I haven't played her, but a VERY good AP item is Rabadon's Deathcap. 140 AP, and it increases your AP by 30% of your total AP. So let's say you buy it, that's 140 + (140*0.3) AP, which comes to 182 total AP. Then let's say you buy a Rylai's Crysatal Scepter. That's 182(current AP) + 80 + (80*0.3) ..... hopefully you see where I'm going with this :)
Another good caster item is Tears of the Goddess -build it into-> Archangel's Staff. Tears of the Goddess gives you 350 mana, 7 mana regen per 5 seconds, and every time you cast a spell (cannot be within 3 seconds of a previous spell), it will increase your max mana by 4, and it will do this until you have 1000 extra mana from doing this. Of course, the bonus is lost if you sell the item. Archangel's Staff keeps these abilities - hell, it improves upon them (it keeps the extra mana you got from using spells , so you can't abuse the two items to get 2000 extra mana). It also gives you 45 AP, and has an ability that adds 3% of your maximum Mana to your AP. The more mana you have, the better the bonus. So let's say you have 2500 mana. This ability will add 75 AP on to what you already have; and if you have Rabadon's Deathcap, that 75 becomes 97.5.

Again, like I said, I haven't played Ahri yet, but this might help:

Important stuff: Catalyst is a component of Rod of Ages AND Banshee's Veil, but it's passive is unique, so getting two at the same time won't boost the passive, just your mana/HP. It's okay to wait to build Archangel's Staff until towards the end, but Tears of the Goddess you MUST get early if you want as much mana out of it as possible. Grab Glacial Shroud, don't wait for Frozen Heart - it still gives a nice boost to your DEF, mana, and Cooldowns, and you can build it into a Frozen Heart later. You want boots early. Hell, I'd probably recommend tweaking this build so that you have another item that gives you movement speed, such as Lich Bane, since Ahri seems to have low Movement.
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Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Two good websites I like:
(hover over "League of Legends" next to "On the Wiki")
- Good site to check out champions, abilities, and items in detail on their own.

- Good site to plan out champion builds in, or just mess around and see what kind of combinations you can come up with. You can also even just use it to see what you would need on a champion for w/e (i.e., check cooldowns at 40%, see how much health from items/runes/masteries it would take to get to 3000, how much gold per second can you make max, etc.)

As far as Ahri goes, I haven't played her, but a VERY good AP item is Rabadon's Deathcap. 140 AP, and it increases your AP by 30% of your total AP. So let's say you buy it, that's 140 + (140*0.3) AP, which comes to 182 total AP. Then let's say you buy a Rylai's Crysatal Scepter. That's 182(current AP) + 80 + (80*0.3) ..... hopefully you see where I'm going with this :)
Another good caster item is Tears of the Goddess -build it into-> Archangel's Staff. Tears of the Goddess gives you 350 mana, 7 mana regen per 5 seconds, and every time you cast a spell (cannot be within 3 seconds of a previous spell), it will increase your max mana by 4, and it will do this until you have 1000 extra mana from doing this. Of course, the bonus is lost if you sell the item. Archangel's Staff keeps these abilities - hell, it improves upon them (it keeps the extra mana you got from using spells , so you can't abuse the two items to get 2000 extra mana). It also gives you 45 AP, and has an ability that adds 3% of your maximum Mana to your AP. The more mana you have, the better the bonus. So let's say you have 2500 mana. This ability will add 75 AP on to what you already have; and if you have Rabadon's Deathcap, that 75 becomes 97.5.

Again, like I said, I haven't played Ahri yet, but this might help:

Important stuff: Catalyst is a component of Rod of Ages AND Banshee's Veil, but it's passive is unique, so getting two at the same time won't boost the passive, just your mana/HP. It's okay to wait to build Archangel's Staff until towards the end, but Tears of the Goddess you MUST get early if you want as much mana out of it as possible. Grab Glacial Shroud, don't wait for Frozen Heart - it still gives a nice boost to your DEF, mana, and Cooldowns, and you can build it into a Frozen Heart later. You want boots early. Hell, I'd probably recommend tweaking this build so that you have another item that gives you movement speed, such as Lich Bane, since Ahri seems to have low Movement.

Ack I wish I read this sooner, I've been basically following the recommended items when I first started. I've been playing so much LoL that I haven't been coming on ulmf that frequently.

Dude this is awesome. This will be quite useful for me to plan out which runes I'll need when I hit lvl 20. I haven't touched the runes section at all. My friends tell me to not buy Tier 1 or 2 and just wait for Tier 3 runes.

It took me a while to wrap my head around the building and character development in LoL. I feel like in DotA you can make more random or unique builds work, whereas in LoL characters are generally more tied to AP, AD, and Tanking (probably missing an essential category).

I tried out Archangel's Staff and I personally really like it, but my friends tell me I should forgo Archangel and build something like Deathcap first. Their reasoning was that it takes too long to build up the Archangel Staff passive mana bonus.

I did try goofing around with Ahri and made an ineffective, messed-up build with the following items: Sunfire cape, pene boots, warmong, force of nature, and something else. Needless to say I didn't do much. BUT I did manage to miraculously get a kill with the Sunfire Cape AoE damage oO.

The build I've been going for mainly with Ahri is boots, two doran's rings for the early build directly into Rylai, and then Deathcap. After that I build depending on the situation.

I also tried out Skarner, but I suck balls with him. I'm not very good at reading the flow of the battle so I always end up jumping in per-maturely and getting my ass kicked. But I can't give up on Skarner because he reminds me of Sand King in DotA.
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Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

Tier 1 and 2 runes are a waste of IP. You'll end up using tier 3 in the end and getting a whole set costs a lot, so getting lower levels will eat up a lot of funds you won't be able to recover later in any way.

As for that build... Yeah, not a good one for a mage. Altough my friend did manage to play well as tank Karthus once. Then again, he was playing Karthus and he tends to be rather brutal with that champion.

As for Skarner, I got him to and I have to say he's a tricky one to use. Personally, I think it's best to let someone else initiate, then go after the carry and grind him down. He doesn't have much of a burst, but good luck getting a well-played Skarner off someone.
Re: League of Legends: Builds, Tips, and Tricks

If you ever play with Neo in League, and he isn't AP Shaco, he will do horribly.

You've been warned.