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RPG Patreon Active RPG Maker Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris [v0.83 Final]

Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Thats one of the problems with HS - they dont release regular updates. There was 1(one!) patch since July, the second one should have been released 2 days ago but so far its nowhere to be seen with no explanation about the delay.

There was a patch on September 21st, followed by a bug fix patch three days later.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

As a fellow game developer
Haha, immediately call bullshit. But I digress.

I've never seen a single thread or "studio" benefit so much from the mods of this forum. They've done a great job of keeping your thread free of truth and real criticism.
No, I've only deleted dumb criticism, personal attacks, or off topic criticism, like when someone goes after YummyTiger in this thread instead of their own. Then usually after that, I go ahead and post my own criticisms and even tell patreon-owners why I disagree with their process here, but I actually use factual arguments, not dumb shit like combi saying "No patreon games are finished. That's why I play this patreon game that was finished," without realizing their own retardation.

You think I'm protecting HRPGheaven? Really? Go ahead and ask him how he feels about me. Go on, I dare ya.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

IMO if you choose to use the per month subscription option on Patreon, you have to assume that people are going to be pretty harsh if you're not releasing content as quickly as they expect. Every delay costs people money, and it adds up pretty damn quickly.

Because our project is much more ambitious than most other projects in the scene and we dedicated time to scripts, voice acting, polite mapping, menus, re-writing scenes that the community weren't happy with and making sure everything were according to standards that we believe to be higher than, well, pretty much almost everything that came out and didn't take 3~4 years to make (cough, virgin island, cough).

At some point, as a developer, you need to find the bottleneck that's slowing things down and deal with it. If your project is so ambitious that you can't release enough content to keep up with demand, it might be time to scale back on some of the features that are costing you the most time.

Personally, I support three Patreon accounts. Sierra Lee and Hreinn Games, because they release content quickly, regularly, and reliably. And YummyTiger, because out of all the slowpoke devs that delay their games endlessly for months on end, they're the only one I've seen that actually set their Patreon to only accept payments per major update.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

There was a patch on September 21st, followed by a bug fix patch three days later.
Yea, as i said it was the only patch since July with actual content. Whats your point?
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

I for one am just glad you guys haven`t blown up on these ehm, "professional critiques", or altogether drop the project because of the constant stress of dealing with these types of people. All I can say at this moment is to keep your heads up and break a leg !
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Yeah, it's not possible for anyone in the real world to have a JOB. I call bullshit on you being intelligent, but I digress.

Oh yeah? Clearly not triple A, right? Is it a media team? Just games or are there other outlets? You guys are professionals? Work per contract? Then you're not a game developer, cuz it's a bullshit vague term. What are you? 3D department? Work Unity? Programming? Hell, that's what I do. Illustration? Do you design? Do you do video and animation? Maybe integrated services? You're a specific part of a specific team. There are departments for a reason and you get paid by the company you work for and are provided resources for. So comparing your situation to theirs is a bullshit premise to start with, so that's why I called bullshit on it cuz I didn't think you'd be so stupid to judge. But if you're actually a "professional game developer" and you're comparing? Then my apologies, I didn't know your company had an affirmative action for the mentally retarded. Make some more comments about intelligence.

If I were gonna go after them for being scammers, I'd probably bring up past things like their charging and protecting translations, which was technically their work, even though it was someone else's content entirely that didn't see a dime out of what they did. If I knew more about law or if we received any type of CnD, I'd have stepped in a lot more forcefully back then, but instead, I just sat back and sat in silent anger, wondering how a user I banned was allowed to come back with a studio just because he's being a little bit less of an asshole and he's contributing.
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Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

You think I'm protecting HRPGheaven? Really? Go ahead and ask him how he feels about me. Go on, I dare ya.

Surprisingly nothing, I think in the past you overstepped your boundaries and took advantage of being really good friends with Aika to get away with some shit, but as long as you do the job you agreed to do in a professional way, it's none of my concern. I have low tolerance for idiocy, you have low tolerance for idiocy, we both think the other is an idiot, we're not gonna get along, I'm perfectly fine with that, and I'm pretty sure so are you, it's not like you ever made an effort to try and understand my POV, God knows I did.

IMO if you choose to use the per month subscription option on Patreon, you have to assume that people are going to be pretty harsh if you're not releasing content as quickly as they expect. Every delay costs people money, and it adds up pretty damn quickly.

So we should be like every other game out there? I'm sure mankind would advance a lot if everyone thinks like you.

Yea, as i said it was the only patch since July with actual content. Whats your point?

The point is that the patch you mentioned was bigger than most games out there by itself. I know you're dying to illegally download the next patch, but relax.

EDIT: New patch is out, have fun.

I for one am just glad you guys haven`t blown up on these ehm, "professional critiques", or altogether drop the project because of the constant stress of dealing with these types of people. All I can say at this moment is to keep your heads up and break a leg !

Eh. It's the internet, I came with a thick skin.

If I were gonna go after them for being scammers, I'd probably bring up past things like their charging and protecting translations, which was technically their work, even though it was someone else's content entirely that didn't see a dime out of what they did. If I knew more about law or if we received any type of CnD, I'd have stepped in a lot more forcefully back then, but instead, I just sat back and sat in silent anger, wondering how a user I banned was allowed to come back with a studio just because he's being a little bit less of an asshole and he's contributing.

Again, you didn't ban me, I didn't get a ban message whatsoever, my password was switched. I requested a ban on that account to Aika, he banned me. Same with whoever said the previous thread got closed for whatever reason, it wasn't, I requested DarkFire to close it, DarkFire is nice, we don't have the closest relationship, but he/she is EXTREMELY professional and not once I seen him/her step out of line or abuse her powers or be impartial.

Also, I didn't HIDE anything, there's no WE in that sense, all the translations that I was given authorization to share, I did here, I made ONE translation myself and I released it here, and this is why we don't get along, you have an idea of me that often does not match up with the reality, mixed with the ones you're right about not liking me (two assholes don't get along), it ends up being what is.

Charging and protecting? We didn't "charge" to keep the translations locked, we charged to keep the assholes out, to filter, it is and always was free if you got anyone to vouch for you, ANYONE, out of 100 people, 1 person vouches for you and you get in, that paywall bs seriously needs to stop.

(...) I bet if someone went ahead and extracted the rpg game file with the All Decrypter to see it's contents, I doubt there would be much to anything and most likely not include the massive areas and other things they claim to have made and before they even try a smart comeback, they'd probably say it's because it's a demo, but with rpg maker, you have to use the main game you create to make a demo out of it if you want it working correctly. :rolleyes: (...)

Again, here you are showing just how little you know about anything, whatsover, surprised you're also not a "developer" that made an amazing game that no one ever heard about.

First, All Decrypter can't decrypt all, I would know. Secondly, you're wrong (shocking) about "having to use the main game to create a demo", you can create everything in a separate project and then just move the data files to the version you want to release, it's literally what every developer and translator do, and the files are kb's in size, it's those files inside the Data folder of every RPG Maker game you have, that's the actual dialogue, maps, game, etc. in fact, that's how we at Heaven Studios make and test most maps and hentai scenes in order not to risk breaking the main project.

Many games that come out on DLSite only have the demo made a couple months before the game is about to be released and the game is almost finished, they literally snip out parts they don't want people to crack and get their hands on before the full game is for sale (there's mistakes sometimes and you get full games for free).

I am not dellusional to the point of thinking our protection can't be broken, I'm also not an idiot to let a simple leak like that happen, we're not apple (kek), but as usual, any idiot can spout any type of nonsense that goes through his head online and try to pass it out as a fact, the only problem with that is that some people actually believe the made up BS that you ignorants make up, just for the sake of pulling an argument out of their ass.
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Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Surprisingly nothing, I think in the past you overstepped your boundaries and took advantage of being really good friends with Aika to get away with some shit, but as long as you do the job you agreed to do in a professional way, it's none of my concern. I have low tolerance for idiocy, you have low tolerance for idiocy, we both think the other is an idiot, we're not gonna get along, I'm perfectly fine with that, and I'm pretty sure so are you, it's not like you ever made an effort to try and understand my POV, God knows I did.

In Shock's defense, him and I have butted heads and I've had the decency to stand down and admit I was a cunt. In your defense, you've never denied being a cunt. In my defense, I've always openly been a cunt and never openly denied it, but simply used my powers of being a cunt to expose other cunts. You think if I use "cunt" enough the conversation will turn into a circle-jerk session of not-so-witty innuendos?

So we should be like every other game out there? I'm sure mankind would advance a lot if everyone thinks like you.

I think his point was that if you're doing month-to-month rather than based on each update, you ought to feel obligated to produce content as frequently. On the one hand, he has a strong argument if the issues about content updates that he mentioned are true. I get that you can't always produce something as quickly as you want (I've taken a look at the developer side of RAGS and RPGMaker VX ACE lite and can testify that it's a lot more work than I want to put into a hobby), but there's the reasoning that you also want to express gratitude by not taking advantage of the goodwill of others.

And then there's your side, which is "We need to eat". I can't stand that argument, and it comes off as an excuse to be lazy and sit on the computer all day, pissing around. Then, I did the SANE thing and looked at the tools available to budding game developers and realized you're probably spending 20 of those hours spraying raid all over your pc. Go figure.

The point is that the patch you mentioned was bigger than most games out there by itself. I know you're dying to illegally download the next patch, but relax.

EDIT: New patch is out, have fun.

Accusing someone of wanting to pirate your game isn't really the best way to end a response, but whatever. Size of a patch really shouldn't be the selling point to something, even if it's a strong argument in your favor. Much rather, consistency and working to meet deadlines and such is probably a better option. You seem pretty passionate about your project and as I've said, I hope it succeeds; but, most people don't really care about how passionate you are or how big something is if they're not seeing it with as much frequency or consistency as they feel entitled to. A bunch of small updates makes people happier than a few big ones.

Eh. It's the internet, I came with a thick skin.


Again, you didn't ban me, I didn't get a ban message whatsoever, my password was switched. I requested a ban on that account to Aika, he banned me. Same with whoever said the previous thread got closed for whatever reason, it wasn't, I requested DarkFire to close it, DarkFire is nice, we don't have the closest relationship, but he/she is EXTREMELY professional and not once I seen him/her step out of line or abuse her powers or be impartial.

I think having your password changed is a pretty big "fuck off" without banning you outright. I could be wrong, but that's the point someone up top says "we don't want you here. Go away and come back when you've had time to re-evaluate yourself." I don't know the details of what happened and I'm sure a number of us don't care to know. I also think Darkfire and a cement block need to be acquainted, but that's my opinion.

I do know if your current attitude are a telling sign of your past behavior, my guess is probably close. Maybe I'm wrong. Hopefully I am.

Also, I didn't HIDE anything, there's no WE in that sense, all the translations that I was given authorization to share, I did here, I made ONE translation myself and I released it here, and this is why we don't get along, you have an idea of me that often does not match up with the reality, mixed with the ones you're right about not liking me (two assholes don't get along), it ends up being what is.

I've talked to ToxicShock and can say if he calls you out for being a stupid cunt, you best believe you're a stupid cunt. We've argued, I've toed the line with him/her, and we managed to come to an understanding on things. That said, I also think whatever the situation was in the past, it ought to stay there. Dredging up ancient history is a fairly fruitless endeavor, even if it amuses everyone else.

Charging and protecting? We didn't "charge" to keep the translations locked, we charged to keep the assholes out, to filter, it is and always was free if you got anyone to vouch for you, ANYONE, out of 100 people, 1 person vouches for you and you get in, that paywall bs seriously needs to stop.

I don't get why you would need to charge for a translation in the first place. What assholes? What were you "protecting" that translation from? People who might download it and point out errors? People who might take the translation and spread it around, for a project you didn't have rights to to begin with? I don't even get why you would need people to vouch for others. Regardless of how you try and justify it, it's scummy behavior.

Dargoth. RogueTranslations. Lipucd. We could sit here all day talking up a storm on people who produced translations for free and why your practice was ban-worthy etc. The end-game here is that you were wrong to charge for any reason and deserved punishment for it. If you can't see that, then I won't press the matter.

Again, here you are showing just how little you know about anything, whatsover, surprised you're also not a "developer" that made an amazing game that no one ever heard about.

This is your first game, son. You're also appealing to a niche market and the last time I went in open chat and name-dropped ULMF, I got a "that place still exists?" in response. I don't think you've got much ground to stand on until a full release. Also, "b-but you haven't produced anything/I would like to see you do it/prove you can do better" is a strawman for people who have no argument.

First, All Decrypter can't decrypt all, I would know. Secondly, you're wrong (shocking) about "having to use the main game to create a demo", you can create everything in a separate project and then just move the data files to the version you want to release, it's literally what every developer and translator do, and the files are kb's in size, it's those files inside the Data folder of every RPG Maker game you have, that's the actual dialogue, maps, game, etc. in fact, that's how we at Heaven Studios make and test most maps and hentai scenes in order not to risk breaking the main project.

I don't got anything for this. Basically a spot-on point. Kudos.

Many games that come out on DLSite only have the demo made a couple months before the game is about to be released and the game is almost finished, they literally snip out parts they don't want people to crack and get their hands on before the full game is for sale (there's mistakes sometimes and you get full games for free).

Again, a relatively-accurate point.

I am not dellusional to the point of thinking our protection can't be broken, I'm also not an idiot to let a simple leak like that happen, we're not apple (kek), but as usual, any idiot can spout any type of nonsense that goes through his head online and try to pass it out as a fact, the only problem with that is that some people actually believe the made up BS that you ignorants make up, just for the sake of pulling an argument out of their ass.

Reaction video? Reaction video.

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Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

My god, if you're wondering why your posts get deleted, it's not some 'conspiracy theory', it's because you come in here and start launching direct and baseless attacks at the developer; or now, even other random people ion the thread. You guys need to chill out and take the personal argument to PMs.

I've never seen a thread attract so many people who are just trying to attack the developer. You're completely allowed to not agree with the pace of development - in that case don't put money towards it.

Now personally, I've loved what we've seen so far though I do wish it was coming out faster! Hopefully we'll see some more content appearing soon.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

My god, if you're wondering why your posts get deleted, it's not some 'conspiracy theory', it's because you come in here and start launching direct and baseless attacks at the developer; or now, even other random people ion the thread. You guys need to chill out and take the personal argument to PMs.

I've never seen a thread attract so many people who are just trying to attack the developer. You're completely allowed to not agree with the pace of development - in that case don't put money towards it.

Now personally, I've loved what we've seen so far though I do wish it was coming out faster! Hopefully we'll see some more content appearing soon.

First of all I am quote this in case of people refuse to read. This fellow said enough.

RpgHeaven's idea about their game is fantastic in my opinion they are going to create one of the biggest (combined) game in rpg industry and it could be reasonable to take time more than other games which is there is shit ton of games that with straight line and with single map 3 npc's at best and even that cost one or more month to release it. Im not even his supporter or patreon but raging like kids and arguing about personal hate each other is stupid. just stop.
cause u are retard and me not

The sweet sweet irony. Ok, combi, you're done here. Pack it up

it's not like you ever made an effort to try and understand my POV, God knows I did

You didn't try shit. You were getting reports every other day because of your constant harassment of other users.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

So we should be like every other game out there? I'm sure mankind would advance a lot if everyone thinks like you.

"Every other game out there" constantly delays their updates, promises more features than they can deliver, and never have any hope of delivering a finished product. There's a difference between being ambitious and biting off more than you can chew. Based on the current rate of content production and the massive scale you're advertising, this project feels like the latter. I recommend that you set reasonable deadlines for all your content patches, and scale back on all the bells and whistles until you can stick to that schedule. Once you can hit your target dates consistently you can start adding back all the features you cut.

OR, set your Patreon to bill backers per major update and work on whatever you want at whatever pace you please.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

You didn't try shit. You were getting reports every other day because of your constant harassment of other users.

None of it was harassment and you know it. There's no justification for being an asshole, I don't try to justify it, but harassment is when I go out of my way to pick on someone else, the thing is, I don't give a shit about idiots online (because there's soooo many people that have nothing else to do all day and desperately need attention or a cause to make them feel better) unless people pick on me, at which point I will reply, and people won't like it, so they get angry and report, simple, that's how I got the reports.

I never did anything that you didn't do, ten times worse even, except I don't hide it behind a mod status, because when I actually have a power role on a community I lay back not to oppress it and act professional, I'm only a major asshole when I'm on a equal grounds with who I'm being an asshole to, and if it is called for in my opinion. It's called setting an example, you should try it sometime instead of going to threads to send more wood to the fire, that's why I usually PM Dark, she removes personal attacks while not touching the criticism and puts the thread back on rail, you however can't leave your personal opinion and personal grudges out of it, and that's why situations get out of hand...

This might surprise you but you're not the righteous asshole around here, you're just the asshole that's friends with the owner, which I wonder HOW since from every back and forth I had with Aika he seems like a pretty stand up guy, but you're a living testament to "right is the side of the strong", as in, you abuse your power until you obtain a reaction that justifies a ban or you intimidate the person into backing off from the argument with fear of a repercussion

We both know why you hold a personal grudge against me, it's none of the BS excuses that's been said here, and we both know why a lot of people don't like us (myself or any community I'm involved) in this community, and it's not because I "harass" anyone, I don't even provoke people, I simply respond when being provoked, and I'm aware that it's not the most rightful attitude to do, but GOD DAMN I fucking hate idiocy.
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Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Cut the fucking crap.
I saw the new update being released, any impressions from it?
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

A NTR game similar enough to this game.

-Newlywed wife (wink wink)
-Working in a restaurant at first, but you can change after a bit (wink wink)
-Dislike her boss as he is sexually harassing her (wink wink)
-Give up to corruption.
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Let me start off by saying I'm getting pretty tired of having to come into a Patreon thread and telling people to knock it off whenever they have grievances with the developers that they simply MUST tell the forums about. Yes, this is an open and public forum and therefore your opinion has a right to be heard, but there's a huge difference between the warranted criticisms and backlash Patreons get, and the unsubstantiated remarks and the "Patreon is a scam" posts that get put up every other day.

I really do try my best to keep these threads as open as possible for discussion because I believe frank, honest criticism keeps developers grounded, and gives Patreon supporters a neutral platform to stand on. So forgive me when I say fuck all of you who think the Patreons might be getting special treatment in these forums. Do you see this thread locked right now? No? That's because I'm not going to lock it just because a shitstorm of criticism is brewing here. When posts start getting deleted (which is going to happen after I hit submit), it's because personal attacks and off-topic, inflammatory comments, and those that reply to it, have sprung up. Don't believe me? Here's what I'm about to delete right now and a reason for every single one of them:

Yeah, it's not possible for anyone in the real world to have a JOB. I call bullshit on you being intelligent, but I digress.

Adds nothing to the discussion, is insulting.

Take your own advice and question what you give to everyone here who plays your game and then starts giving negative comments about it: "Don't play it" right? You do the exact same thing yourself, hypocrite.

Why waste effort "Blowing up" on them when hrpg would only counter that with more immature sassy remarks, making out that all the mods love them on here? It's not taking any effort to just write down and state the facts of how painfully obvious it is that they are so in over their head that they think it's the greatest ever game come to be and nothing is better than their work, so they assume they have a right to constantly delay something when they feel like it after giving out promises and set dates when certain patches or demo's are released for patreons.

I usually ignore the stupid things but when it constantly comes to the top of discussion and how much it effects people who donate to hrpg's sad cause, I prefer to share my thoughts here as I find they are doing nothing but trying to milk every penny out of people while at the same time trying to do as little work as possible, they treat it as though they are a world wide known game company who produces "Amazing" games everyone plays when in actual fact it's a pathetic small group with massive ego's who encourage drama on people who give them criticism just to fuel that ego some more.

In Short:

They are money grabbers. They think they own every place they go to. They assume everyone loves them. They despise criticism though they ask for it. They put people on ignore who corrects/shows them up. They make empty promises to patrons. They create constant delays without reason. They hate public drama, so they made this public thread.

Why people still donate to them is beyond me.

To be honest if you were on their side, this entire thread wouldn't even have half the amount of pages it does due to it being negative opinions on the project. :p

Stops being about the game and is only attacking the developers. If there was any sense of tact or poise, I would've let it slide at least.

Glad to know hrpg was banned for something and that they are again lying about never being banned, going to say now, I bet if someone went ahead and extracted the rpg game file with the All Decrypter to see it's contents, I doubt there would be much to anything and most likely not include the massive areas and other things they claim to have made and before they even try a smart comeback, they'd probably say it's because it's a demo, but with rpg maker, you have to use the main game you create to make a demo out of it if you want it working correctly. :rolleyes:

I wonder why the demo went down here, they obviously have little care. xD

Making baseless remarks for the purpose of instigating more arguments.

They protect their personal assets, you can't see them with All Decrypter. I know because I wanted to extract the pictures of scenes to know if I missed any and they weren't available.

Nothing necessarily wrong; it's just replying to something being deleted.

How long will stealing? Why do not you say since you have the finished game, but want money ?, ah, can not say that, because then you show that it'm right, if you want to continue deleting my comments, do it, I'm sure people are idiots, no longer have salvation, I will not comment further, I have warned, these people will leave the project at their leisure, and never return.

More instigation.

Even if we ignore the poor Engrish for a moment, your posts have been straight-up venomous and even hurtful. I've done the same and only had mods on my ass as a result. Some advice: kill them with kindness.

:) :) :) :) :) I only did post like those cause i know about what im talking, u don't know a fucking shit about this "patreons"

You know what you're talking about, huh? 18 posts, shitting up a single thread because you have a personal vendetta against one person that you, me, and a few others agree needs to be kindly shown the door? I've contributed to a whopping 2 patreons because the games appealed to my tastes. I don't contribute to hrpgheaven's patreon for my own reasons and quite frankly, not seeing their thread on the frontpage with fresh drama every other week would be a godsend. But, hey, here you are.

Here's the last reply I'll bless you with. :D

yeah, yeah, whatever. you can say whatever u want dude, i dont give a shit cause u are retard and me not, the same history as always, ppl hate me cause i know things that they don't, then 1, 2, months 1 2 years later, they wanna be my friends and apologize to me, i repeat , i don't give a shit

this game was a fucking great experience for me when i played the beta, then, i saw that they have the game finished, don't ask me why i know it, they waste time , earning dollars day to day day to day... they put post stupids for cheat the pledgers hahahah when i see that i dnt have hopes for the humanity, iI am kind to people who deserve don't be a dramatic ass

Argument over nothing.

nicely said rance. nothing to add here :D

Adds nothing to the discussion.

Riiight... It was bigger than Skyrim and GTAV combined. Seriously though it was about as big as i would expect from MONTHLY update.
As for piracy accusations you completely missed the mark, i dont pirate games even from assholes like Ubisoft or you. I played the patch because i was your patron at that time.

Instigating the developer.

I obviously meant RPG Maker Hentai games, sorry if I thought it was common sense, I won't overestimate your intelligence again, also, if that patch was as big as you're expecting a monthly patch from any non major label to release monthly, you're absolutely delusional, try making a game yourself, doesn't have to be too complex, just go at it, you have a week, show us what you can do in that time, then I'll have this argumentation with you.

Oh, and as misinformed as you are from patch release dates, no one would ever guess you were a Patron at any given point, but even if you were, you're exactly the type of person that I keep telling on Patreon to go ahead and stop supporting us in those big lengthy threads that I'm sure you've read.

Rude, insulting, and responding to the instigation.

Damn youre easily baited, i used AAA games as a joke, i thought it was obvious - dont worry, i wont overestimate your intelligence again ;). Anyway, im done for now with this discussion, it was fun while it lasted though.
Also good job on the patch release, if theres another regular update i will probably support you again on Patreon.
BTW Have you ever thought of someone else on your team be the spokesman for HS?

See above.


Keep going, guys, I have popcorn and it's entertaining.

Adds nothing to the discussion.

Let me guess, i can see the future.
There will be a job in a pervert's nightclub, one in a kind of restaurant and also one at her husband's office, just like the game To H... he translated and pirated.

But that's for 2020 because he's "ambitious". :D

Unsubstantiated claims for the purpose of riling the developer.

Just what was To H anyway?

Translated by your nicest "game developer" :D

Technically nothing wrong, but responding to a post that's being deleted.

Yeah, I'm done trying to talk to fucking idiots who don't get their shit straight before they come here and try to pass his retardness for arguments.

You haven't made a single point based of ANYTHING since you unleashed your rage upon this thread, you sugar pick shit that other idiots say and try to recycle it, the problem is, most of the times, they don't know what they're talking about, we did a patch less than a month ago, three days later we did a bugfix and re-wrote a scene, and yesterday we released a new patch, all the "we don't communicate we don't release fast enough" crap is something that a fucking moron like Combi said, and you since tried to use it, literally EVERYTHING you said so far, anyone that has the lowermost, quiver of a rudimental, a fucking excuse for a brain, hell a two digit IQ, can instantly identify as being some of the most idiotic stuff, ever said in this forum, you haven't used a single argument whatsoever that wasn't a personal insult! Because arguments are usually backed up by facts, you and the other person go back and forth presenting flaws in each others argument creating a retort and counter-retort thing going on, but the only thing I can think of, whenever I read ANYTHING that you said, is "this guy is FUUUUCKING IDIOT", I literally said that out loud 2 minutes ago.

Criticising is when someone politely says what they don't like about something, and you let the other person know so they can improve, that we accept, that we welcome and appreciate, what you idiots do, is insulting! You come up with bullshit that you try to pass for facts, that don't address the game AT ALL, it's always channeled towards me, but this is not a beauty pageant, I'm not selling my personality, and it's not up for evaluation, I honestly couldn't give a smaller fuck about what a random online thinks about me, and you might feel extremely important that I just wrote a small wall of text towards you, but I honestly, just want to use you as an example, of people that are not gonna get replies, and instead are going straight to my ignore list.

Also, see how I bolded criticising and insulting, because you SERIOUSLY need to learn the difference.

- Has sex (wink wink)

Yeah, "I" pirated the game, I translated it, but everyone here seems to knows the story from start to end, some of you even begged me for the link to be updated via PM, sad as fuck, you're like those fucking idiots that say "ah ah I saw you at a gay bar", I'm not gonna explain the joke, too tired and, honestly Toxic is actually fun to argue with, you just give me a cringe face.

Arguing and insulting other members without really providing anything actually meaningful to the discussion.

Actually, since your game doesn't have much of it, I wasn't counting sex as a common point.

Snide remark that contributes nothing.

To be honest all of those points are present in many other hentai games. Its not revolutionary but it doesnt have to be. Its about the execution of the idea: the quality of writing and art, pacing, different activities, minigames, customization etc.

You are completly right. Still, that's a huge coincidence.

or, y'know, it's a formula that makes money, so why change it? Everyone is trying their hardest to mimic CoD, so it's just a concidence when Halo 4, Battlefield, Battlefront, etc tried to implement the same mechanics and gameplay, right? Couldn't be that it was planned during development and it was intentional. Nope! Something like that has to be a coincidence.

I don't understand your point.

Yes, Cod, Halo, Battlefield, battlefront, all of them are games with very little originality, copying on each other what is working. Is it supposed to be a good thing? Should game devs do the same things everywhere, because "it makes money"?

In a perfect world, game devs would have a choice and they could pursue originality over money.

In the real world, most of them work under companies who want to make money and don't give a damn about what gamers want. Also, game devs gotta eat and support themselves, so of course they want money.

That being said, what's with all the butthurt on this thread?

Do we really want/need to know?
Yes, the one in the middle is you. :)

Anyway... i played probably the erliest ver. some time ago and did liked the art.
Her soon to be husband acted a little to plushie mushy for my taste but then again...i probably acted similar at times when wooing a girl in RL so no complains really.

Replying to a chain of off-topic posts.

I want all of you to take a step back from the forum for a day and clear your head. Then come back and read all the posts I quoted and tell me you weren't in the wrong here. If you seriously still believe you aren't in the wrong, then I can tell you right now that the issue isn't the "shitty" Patreon or the "corrupt" mods. Because that's what happens to me every time I come back to check up on posts; I don't follow the drama that goes around here, so all I see is people getting mad over really petty stuff, or getting mad for the wrong reasons and spreading misinformation because of it. Pull your heads out of your asses and realize this: Toxic and I are volunteers who do this because otherwise the hentai section, and what few good things it actually does contribute, would catastrophically melt down; and we get far more shit about it than we get thank you's for it. We don't get to win when we do this job, so I would appreciate it if everybody fucked off with their stupid shit about us having any sort of bias in situations like these; we couldn't care less about Patreons and the drama attached to every one of them.

More to the point, however, everybody needs to sit down and take a deep breath. If you disagree with how Starke is running his game's development, feel free to not support his Patreon. In fact, feel free to leave some constructive criticism about it. Do NOT go into a wildly flailing argument about what a horrible person he is and how he and his team are scam artists and blahblahblah, at least without any proof. You KNOW you aren't supposed to do that. You KNOW that'll just throw the thread into another three page long argument about pointless crap. And you KNOW you're going to get pissy because a mod will come in and clean things up, and you'll be waving your free speech arguments around like we haven't been more than a little lenient with you all.

And likewise to Starke specifically: If there are people coming into the thread and dragging this thread to its knees because they have a massive grudge against you and want to see your project burn, please feel free to let me or Toxic know (Yes, you can, in fact, talk to Toxic about this as well. I know full well of the relationship you two have. But that doesn't mean he's incapable of putting that aside when he sees a situation that's clearly stupid). In fact, please feel free to respond to them with the same courtesy and succinctness that you treat your Patreons. What I DON'T want to see is you suddenly jumping into huge tirades, designed specifically to berate those users and further derail the topic. I would also like it if you would please stop sending me new updates of the game; I am not a Patreon supporter and feel very uncomfortable accepting anything like that, especially when I'm attempting to remain impartial in situations like this.

Are there any questions? Actually, I don't want to hear them this time. Stop with all the bitching and get back on topic.
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Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Since it was lost in the flame war currently going i am going to ask again: is there any other game (english developed) that has NTR or corruption? or any variation of those 2 like netori, netorase, moral degeneration, etc?
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

Since it was lost in the flame war currently going i am going to ask again: is there any other game (english developed) that has NTR or corruption? or any variation of those 2 like netori, netorase, moral degeneration, etc?
As far as I know, there is none truly ntr like this one.
Though, I'm not interested in either netori or netorase, so maybe there are some?
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

what is included in the new patch? someone tell us? :D

edit : people who still flame the creatos get the hell out of this theard nobody is forcing you to play it, go play other games if you don't like it stop beeing a 10year old lol
Re: Alansya Chronicles - Fleeting Iris (Former Ayame's Adventure)

what is included in the new patch? someone tell us? :D

edit : people who still flame the creatos get the hell out of this theard nobody is forcing you to play it, go play other games if you don't like it stop beeing a 10year old lol

I don't have access to the patch post, but this is what the last one says:

Patch increases the Jack route, the Fujiko/711 route and introduces cameos and one of the two things I said I wanted to add as a surprise to the patch which also adds consumables (yay, places to spend zel!).

As far as I know, there is none truly ntr like this one.
Of course there are. Browse the other topics and you'll find some if you're interested.