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Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

, for those interested.

Edit: Also, is it just me or can you see resemblence to many of the Warcraft 3 models in the heroes in the trailer? I guess they're sticking to the roots but changing each enough to fit thier own theme.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Love it.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Now personally I've not had the chance to play Duke Nukem Forever myself. But considering that DNF is essentially a modern shooter in the style of Duke Nukem, with all the trappings of one (and all the quirkiness of FPS games of the past gone) it does rub the wrong way for me I suppose. Maybe it's just nostalgia...

But I digress, the point here is the video after all. And in it they do bring up some funny points about things revolving around the Duke.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Co-worker sent this out because of that hurricane in the Caribbean. I'm not a fan of war movies usually, but for this one I make an exception.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

My girlfriend sent me that earlier.

What an asshole, raising the bar for guys everywhere? That dick! Now I'm an uninventive jerk
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Co-worker sent this out because of that hurricane in the Caribbean. I'm not a fan of war movies usually, but for this one I make an exception.

I don't entirely see what the movie has to do with the hurricane in the Caribbean. Good movie though... just hard to watch.

My girlfriend sent me that earlier.

What an asshole, raising the bar for guys everywhere? That dick! Now I'm an uninventive jerk

Some women prefer the traditional method.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

It doesn't have much to do with the hurricane other than it's called Hurricane Irene. I guess you could make some comparison to the part of the movie they showed and a gathering storm as well. So in a roundabout way I guess it does make sense.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

True enough. Somewhat fitting, a storm of human making vs a storm of nature.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Pretty cool 3D action short movie

(Azureus Rising)
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Pretty cool 3D action short movie

(Azureus Rising)
Very Nice! Certainly a game (if it were produced) I'd love to play at some point. Anyone else immediately start thinking about Sonic the moment you saw that spiky blue hair?
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Live Action Fanfic!

Some of the That Guy With The Glasses people found a fanfic starring them.
The difference between this one and the other ones they've found, however, is that they decided to act this one out.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Two awesome drummers in one band.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Hoping nobody's posted it yet...
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

This still gets me every time. It's crazy what people with Minecraft can do with a 'little' redstone and a lot of damn time.
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Cousin sent me this today. We like it more for his looks than his musical ability.

Japanese and rap. That's about all the warning I can give. Maybe I'll just watch it on mute next time...
Re: Funny/Awesome Videos tiem.

Japanese and rap. That's about all the warning I can give. Maybe I'll just watch it on mute next time...

Heh, you might like then Copper. It's like the Taiwanese version of your video. =P And its kinda funny because normally Jay Chou is a big C-Pop heart throb, but he's trying REALLY hard to be a hip hop rapper in this song. I could do without the silly hat though.

Hoping nobody's posted it yet...

Awww! I remember that too. Really cute and funny. ^_^
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