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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

(For those of you who don't know, when you think Bethesda, think of Oblivion, Morrowind, and Fallout 3.)

According to the review, the game will follow a sort of D&D dungeon crawler routine. But what really surprised me, was the part that talked about it having two-player co-op, which is something I've never seen in any of Beth's games (and would like to have seen). And more, if what the reviewers say is true, it'll have a helping matchmaking system that will try to pair you up with someone who plays in a similar manner that you do. So rushers are not stuck with slow players, and immerse players are not stuck with rushers.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I just want to say that Whitney's Miltank in Pokemon SoulSilver/HeartGold is just as obnoxious as its original incarnation in Silver/Gold, if not even more obnoxious.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Got Awakenings today. Cracked it open but haven't started yet. At Landsmeet with my 2nd playthrough, so going to get that done first, I think.

Game sounds neat, RJ, but I personally prefer console co-op. Might look into it anyway. I like the other games they've done.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Game sounds neat, RJ, but I personally prefer console co-op. Might look into it anyway. I like the other games they've done.

Bethesda's a good company, they wouldn't publish a bad game. So at the very least it might be fun to play solo.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Bethesda's a good company, they wouldn't publish a bad game. So at the very least it might be fun to play solo.

A bad game? no. But goddamn the pc version of fallout 3 is unstable. It crashes ALL THE TIME. They released a patch to help with this problem, and would you believe it (I kid you not) the darn thing crashes on my machine as it tries to patch. No, seriously.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Daggerfall was amazing, despite the bugs. It's the largest area of explorable in-game land that has yet been released, and that's including MMOs. Not only that, but there are actually things to DO in much of that land, unlike most sandbox games.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I had similar problems with crashing on Fallout, some of my first times rather painfully hilarious.

"Alright! Found Dad, became a hero, saved a couple towns on the way. Been about five hours, maybe I should save-" *Crash*


But, that aside, with their final version of 1.7, the only crashes I have are during the times when I change areas by activating doors leading to caves/towns and the like. And by now, I've learned my lesson by saving before I activate them, so it's hardly a bother.

(Some people, like perhaps Lucas over thar will throw a hissy fit when a game presents a bug. I suppose I'm just very tolerant, so long as I can side step the bug as if it was hardly there. :p)

I'm actually playing Fallout still, having made a new character, since I hate starting off from a saved game I left behind months ago (one of my twitches), and I've downloaded various... Sexy mods to help keep the game much, much more interesting.

... Now that I think about it, am I a fucking advertisement now? I sure sound like it, reading my post over again. Shame on me. Or rather, Satan bless those beautiful people who digitalize tits.
... And penis
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Game sounds neat, RJ, but I personally prefer console co-op. Might look into it anyway. I like the other games they've done.

But its coming out for the consoles as well...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fallout 3 only crashes for me because I have a metric asston of mods that may or may not be compatible with one another. There're so many files, I'm surprised it actually runs for a couple hours.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Fallout 3 never crashes for me because I play it on the 360.


It's not even an fps, so it feels awkward to play with a mouse unless I'm going no-vats sniper. After playing actual FPSs so much, Fallout 3's slow and sluggish excuse for a real time combat system feels really really bad. If I'm just going to spam vats at everything, why play the PC version? Maybe slightly better graphics? Mods that I never use and that only slow down my game? Awkward controls?

Fallout 3 is an extremely rare case. Along with Oblivion, the control systems for the PC feel so awkward since they aren't REAL FPS game. Hell, Oblivion isn't an FPS at all. It's just first person. Maybe it's just because I played 100+ hours of each on the 360 and moving to the PC is fucking awkward as hell, but the only thing the PC has given me so far is expansion packs I never found the money to buy over XBOX Live.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

More like Daikatana, motherfuckers. That's a truly pro FPS.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

But its coming out for the consoles as well...

yeh, but the dudes on the review mentioned that the developers for the game (not Bethesda) aren't making Hunted to have couch coop compatibility, since they wanted their game to look pretty, and the notorious couch coop accessory would deter from that.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I can officially be called a nerd now. I bought a card for a monthlong RuneScape membership.

I haveta admit though, for the amount of content you get for about 5 bucks a month, it's quite a underpricing on thier part. Good for those that don't want to waste money on, say, WoW or FFXI.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I bought a card for a monthlong RuneScape membership.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

My name is lurker and I enjoy paying money to play a boring game with shitty graphics with a bunch of 13 year old idiots.

Don't fucking say this shit publicly, you permavirgin. I'm being an asshole for your own good. Anybody who doesn't laugh at you is a loser too.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My name is lurker and I enjoy paying money to play a boring game with shitty graphics with a bunch of 13 year old idiots.

Don't fucking say this shit publicly, you permavirgin. I'm being an asshole for your own good. Anybody who doesn't laugh at you is a loser too.

They see me rolling. Dey hatin'

At least I'm wasting money on stuff I actually ENJOY >:p
Re: Games Discussion Thread

People who waste money on WoW and FFXI are just as pathetic. WoW subscribers are smelly, greasy basement dwellers and FFXI subscribers are furries.

But at least they're paying for shitty boring games with depth.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

You should only waste money on what society tells you to, according to society.