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Re: Hate Thread

Threaten roomie with a ?
Re: Hate Thread

At least they wake up on your COUCH, and not in your bed with you!

I swear... That husband of mine...
Re: Hate Thread

I was tailgated by the same guy for roughly 100% of my commute to day. Didn't help that my car has sucky acceleration and I couldn't go faster off of corners even if I wanted to...
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, I deliberately go slow if I'm being tail-gated while going the speed limit. At least then if the fucker hits me, it won't be at as high a speed as it could have been, plus it has the added benefit of pissing the person off.
Re: Hate Thread

I was in the middle of "the convoy". Generally I time my departure to avoid it, but my schedual was a bit messed up today. Generally it goes about 50 in the 55 zone, and it is hard to even pull out into traffic. Infact, that guy was sitting behind me at the stop sign for 2 full minutes as I waited for a chance to pull in. While only about half of "the convoy" turns in at the college, as I mentioned earlier, with the drives being worked on the congestion problem was only compounded.
Re: Hate Thread

I don't mind it because I'm usually defensive as a driver. At 4 in the morning on a 45 mph street, I had a cop tailgate me, and I was barely above 40. Just because it was a cop that decided to do it, I dropped to 20. It took about two three blocks before he passed me completely.
Re: Hate Thread

That isn't how it works in Illinois, especially if there's enough traffic going the other way you can't pass. On the way home I got behind a guy pulling a trailer (he was actually at the pump next to me, blocking the exit, so I couldn't get out ahead of him even then) doing about 50. Couldn't pass even then, still too much traffic.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate getting zerg rushed in Starcraft 2's multiplayer.
I hate getting berzerker rushed in Starcraft 2's multiplayer.
Seriously, is that the ONLY STRATEGY out there? The third player tried to marine rush me, but by that time I've bunkered in - and after that he didn't really get any offense good offense going.
Re: Hate Thread

That's the thing about SC II - so many people are used to the 'rush' strategy because it's so damned effective, that they just lose their shit and have no clue what to do when someone who's good at playing 'turtle'. They just assume that throwing a whole bunch of rushed-out units at someone will eventually destroy them. Just deny them resources long enough, and they'll eventually have to make a gambit; provided that you yourself don't fuck up at that point, the match should essentially be yours.

The 'rush' is kind of why I quit playing Starcraft and Warcraft games online, with the exception of the occasional match against a friend and the 'custom' maps (DotA, <something> Maul, <something> TD, <something> Survival, etc.)
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how disgustingly greedy Blizzard is now.
Re: Hate Thread

I heard the activision business model literally stated they were going to make as much money off starcraft as they could.
Re: Hate Thread

I heard the activision business model literally stated they were going to make as much money off starcraft as they could.

Not surprising. I'll wait 10 more years and buy the Battle-Chest for $30 before I pay $60 for 1 game with an incomplete story, and then another $60 for each glorified expansion pack.
Re: Hate Thread

1 game with an incomplete story

It shows you haven't actually played it.

I had my doubts at first, but I'd hardly call it an incomplete story. They actually did a good job of bringing it to a nice conclusion, so that while you know there is more to come, you're not swearing at them for ending the game there.

The campaign is also longer than the ones you get for a single faction in previous games.

...$60? You guys can get it for $60? I know there are exchange rates and all, but that would only add about $7 to the price there at most, given how the economies are at the moment. Meanwhile, we're paying $90 AUD...
Re: Hate Thread

While I'll most likely wait for a Battle Chest as well, that's only because I'm a cheap bastard >.>

Managed to steal the game from my brother for a day, and it seems like it's worth paying a bit of money for. Wouldn't pay $60 for it, mostly because I'm coming to hate Activision, but also because I try to not pay more than $50 for any game.

Yes, there's only the Terran campaign, but you do get some time with the Protoss. Only thing it lacks from what I've played is playing as Zerg in campaign, but there will be a campaign for them coming out, so I'm not worried.
Re: Hate Thread

It shows you haven't actually played it.

I had my doubts at first, but I'd hardly call it an incomplete story. They actually did a good job of bringing it to a nice conclusion, so that while you know there is more to come, you're not swearing at them for ending the game there.

The campaign is also longer than the ones you get for a single faction in previous games.

...$60? You guys can get it for $60? I know there are exchange rates and all, but that would only add about $7 to the price there at most, given how the economies are at the moment. Meanwhile, we're paying $90 AUD...

They could have put all 3 campaigns in one box for $60 and I would have been content. Now that they have the engine and the map-maker it wouldn't take them more than a few weeks to finish the other 2 without adding all the pointless gimmicks. And the story's not finished because it has no conclusion.
Re: Hate Thread

Honestly I used to be a huge fan of blizz. Then WoW came out. I no longer am a fan of blizz, although I still consider them a cut above the rest. It just seems like they are making 'cash cow' decisions. Probably activision's influence, but still, blizz is the ones making these games. I mean, have they even put out a single game since WoW came out, aside from this? Yeah there was that little bit of mass hysteria over sc:g (and GOD am I still angry at them for shelving that game) but most of their money and effort has been put forth into milking the mmo cash cow since it came out. I'll be very surprised if they don't make a world of starcraft, and even more shocked if they actually come up with a new idea for the first time in a decade.
Re: Hate Thread

...$60? You guys can get it for $60? I know there are exchange rates and all, but that would only add about $7 to the price there at most, given how the economies are at the moment. Meanwhile, we're paying $90 AUD...

You didn't know? Apparently the prices in Australia are ridiculously inflated, because the prices were pretty much the same when the exchange rates were higher. Then the exchange rates dropped, but no-one dropped the rates. In Europe it's the same thing(although not as bad at the moment).
Re: Hate Thread

And the story's not finished because it has no conclusion.

By that wonderful logic, the first starcraft wasn't complete either. Pretty sure I just said its brought to a conclusion, but there's still room for further story. It has only slightly more unresolved plot points than Brood Wars, and for the most part, exactly the same unresolved points at that.

I've also heard through whispers that the upcoming Zerg campaign is in actuality quite different from what we've seen thus far. And given the amount of work that needs to go into an additional campaign, it's not a matter of "give them 2 weeks." There are scripts to write, voice acting to be recorded, animation to be done for the aforementioned voice acting, plus the occasional cutscene to be rendered. 2 weeks work? I don't think so.

You didn't know? Apparently the prices in Australia are ridiculously inflated, because the prices were pretty much the same when the exchange rates were higher. Then the exchange rates dropped, but no-one dropped the rates. In Europe it's the same thing(although not as bad at the moment).

Even then it never did quite match up. Yahtzee calls it the "having all the nicest beaches tax". I don't like the beach, ergo this is balls.

And frankly, you can shut up about all your other whining; until they fix it, which they promised to do within 60 days of release, we Australians can only play with people on battlenet from the south east asia region. Yes, that means not only can't we play games with friends from North America; but we CAN play games with Korea. So not only is our prices more balls than you, but so is battlenet. Stop your whining.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that most flash-game developers seem to think that adding a mute button requires black magic or something.