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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that in addition to now being allowed to get angry at someone's opinion, no matter how insulting it is, I'm also not allowed to have an opinion.

I also hate blatant power abuse by people who should have been stripped of said power long ago, considering they're never around and don't do anything constructive with it.

Perhaps we should clarify these issues.
Re: Hate Thread

incubus, you got asked to take it somewhere else and didn't.

as abusive as AI may or may not have been you where given a warning that you didn't follow. No one took your opinion away they just asked you to get back on topic.

stop assuming that people are out to get you, thats already tearing my family apart i don't need it here to.

as for the removal of powers, AI is like the queen of england, doesn't do much and mostly ceremonial but every now and then...
Re: Hate Thread

Firstly, who's assuming? Give certain people's attitude towards me, I think it's fair to say certain people do quite genuinely wish to see me as miserable as possible

Secondly, rather than telling someone to create a new thread in an archived section of the forums, perhaps one should consider using some of the less aggressive powers; the power of movement. Or is that too difficult because it requires something other than the hammer?

Oh right, see earlier post elsewhere about common sense, four dot merit, etc. etc.
Re: Hate Thread

Firstly, who's assuming? Give certain people's attitude towards me, I think it's fair to say certain people do quite genuinely wish to see me as miserable as possible

Secondly, rather than telling someone to create a new thread in an archived section of the forums, perhaps one should consider using some of the less aggressive powers; the power of movement. Or is that too difficult because it requires something other than the hammer?

Oh right, see earlier post elsewhere about common sense, four dot merit, etc. etc.

you're right, AI didn't handling things as tactfully as possible, unfortunately you're getting annoyed about something you where given full warning on.

From memory everything that's been going on here has been starting to dish out once you start complaining about someone out to get you in some form or another, if instead you had copped it on the chin and tried to see anything else first you would be happier and better loved.

break out of your self fulfilling prophecies.
Re: Hate Thread

From memory everything that's been going on here has been starting to dish out once you start complaining about someone out to get you in some form or another, if instead you had copped it on the chin and tried to see anything else first you would be happier and better loved.

break out of your self fulfilling prophecies.

No, everything that's happened recently stemmed from someone expressing an opinion in a highly insulting way. It was shortly after that the dog-piling began. And it wasn't so much a "everyone is out to get me" as a "no one ever says anything nice about my work", which again, at the time, was more or less fact.
Re: Hate Thread

No, everything that's happened recently stemmed from someone expressing an opinion in a highly insulting way. It was shortly after that the dog-piling began. And it wasn't so much a "everyone is out to get me" as a "no one ever says anything nice about my work", which again, at the time, was more or less fact.

i'm going to let you have the last word on that one because that's got little to do with the issue at hand. i've offered my advice on how i see what has happened to you and you can see things how you want to see them. i'm leaving it at that.

at the end of the day when an administrator or moderator here makes a ruling then that is that.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate panda protectors. God damn, asexual, bamboo eating giant raccoons don't deserve the love. Idiotic people, most likely PETA enthusiasts that suck seal cock, find them so cute, and think it's pure evil for the Chinese Government to be harvesting their organs for magical Panda Viagra. Right, cause the People's Republic of China is encouraging their citizens to have more babies. Stupid, stupid, imbeciles that want UN support and funding to hire mercs and nukes to invade China and shoot everyone that eats panda juice. Fucking, retarded, pea-brained, dirt bags that have nothing better to do by walk around the mall with a sign and a mega phone shouting this moose shit.

I love the police.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate panda protectors. God damn, asexual, bamboo eating giant raccoons don't deserve the love. Idiotic people, most likely PETA enthusiasts that suck seal cock, find them so cute, and think it's pure evil for the Chinese Government to be harvesting their organs for magical Panda Viagra. Right, cause the People's Republic of China is encouraging their citizens to have more babies. Stupid, stupid, imbeciles that want UN support and funding to hire mercs and nukes to invade China and shoot everyone that eats panda juice. Fucking, retarded, pea-brained, dirt bags that have nothing better to do by walk around the mall with a sign and a mega phone shouting this moose shit.

I love the police.

I think you just don't like asians, and express that hatred through Pandas.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how people cannot seem to accept facts about themselves. 4 times out of five, when you tell them something about themselves that is true and doesn't add up to their personal image, they explode saying it's a lie and end up being humongous trollbait. Don't do my goddamn job for me.

Also, I fucking hate Badass Engineers in Borderlands.
Re: Hate Thread

Use Corrosive? About the only trouble I've had in Borderlands is the 'secret' final boss in the Secret Armory expansion. Though the Defiler zombies in the Dr. Ned expansion were a pain in the ass. Fucking spitting at me to slow me down. Well, most any zombie could do that, but they just did it more often.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate not sleeping more than a few hours even after a long ass shift before my body is like "Time to get up :'D "
Re: Hate Thread

Waking up in the middle of the night with a migrain, only to find out the lightbulb burnt out and I need to replace it before I can find the tylonol.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that my drunkass brother not only deemed it necessary to bring home pizza in the middle of the night and then being pissed that my father doesn't want any of it... and to top it off, it's frutti di mare, which I fucking hate.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when I'm I'm asked to do something at the last minute, and especially when I'm in the middle of something else.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when I'm I'm asked to do something at the last minute, and especially when I'm in the middle of something else.

Then the asker gets ignorant when you don't drop what you are doing to take care of what they asked ya?
Re: Hate Thread

Analysis, cocky, cockpit, cockroach, sexist, assignment.

I fucking hate it when words like these get censored out on certain forums. Seriously. Just because analysis fucking has ANAL in the word, doesn't mean it should get blocked out with stupid astericks. The whole censoring system is just flawless on those forums.
Re: Hate Thread

Analysis, cocky, cockpit, cockroach, sexist, assignment.

I fucking hate it when words like these get censored out on certain forums. Seriously. Just because analysis fucking has ANAL in the word, doesn't mean it should get blocked out with stupid astericks. The whole censoring system is just flawless on those forums.

I found a chat program where "mini game" get's censored to "mi** **me". I don't understand why...

I hate that my cell phone bill doesn't count as a proof of residency in Ontario. Nor does the letter the government sent me to tell me that my health card is expiring. Everything else is mailed to the other people I live with, so what happens if I can't prove I live in my home?
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Re: Hate Thread

I found a chat program where "mini game" get's censored to "mi** **me". I don't understand why...

Well, the program doesn't talk, now does it?