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Re: Hate Thread

I used to play Phantasy Star Universe, and when talking I responded with "So do my friends." That got censored to "@$ #& %@ friends."
Re: Hate Thread

Then the asker gets ignorant when you don't drop what you are doing to take care of what they asked ya?

I think the word you are looking for is 'indignant', but yeah, I feel it too, mang.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who speed up to pass me on the highway and then immediately slow down to slower than I was fucking going. I could probably do a list that would eat up five posts if I was going to bitch about annoying people on the road, but these guys are a cut above the rest.
Re: Hate Thread

That makes me glad that I don't drive.

I hate trying to organize RP with people who live all across the globe. We have three guys who live in US east coast, one who lives in Thailand and me. And one of the guys who lives in US just posted that he can't be on except after 4 pm.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm hesitant to have any weapons in my car, lest I give in to the temptation to use them on the idiots on the road.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate this fucking headache that hasn't gone away after two bottles of Dr. Pepper, some dayquil and Motrin. akdjshfakjdhf THREE DAYS OF PAIN. No wonder I slept all weekend
Re: Hate Thread

I found a chat program where "mini game" get's censored to "mi** **me". I don't understand why...

It's censoring Niga (as in nigger) if you didn't understand that already. I guess they don't want people even typing racial slang. Here's one that I actually don't get: the Magic: The Gathering website's card search engine censors any and all occurrences of "script" in the comments. I don't understand how that can even be misconstrued as a racial slur or some sort of swear word. Example: Eldrazi Conscription is censored to Eldrazi Con*****ion. Which makes it almost impossible to know what the fuck that person is talking about unless they link to the actual card. In fact I've never understood automatic censors at all. Sure you're censoring ass, but why do you need to censor Royal Assassin? Anybody who wants to type Royal Assassin is probably just going to type Assassin and have it come out ******in and hope people know what they're talking about, but if people really want to say ass they'll just say "as s" or "@ss" or one of the other many variants of getting around the censor. So what's the point of having it in the first place? Just pay some people to moderate that sort of thing.

@ the driver thing... Yeah. Probably my biggest pet peeve on the road is people not using their FUCKING turn signals. There is NO excuse to not make the road a safer place by extending one single finger as you're turning the wheel. In fact if people are cutting in and out of lanes without using their turn signals (you know... risking OTHER people's lives by doing so), I'll get in front of them and go as slow as I can without letting them by. Just because I'm a vindictive son of a bitch like that. After all, when you're driving, you're basically putting yourself in a three-ton weapon that can kill in the blink of an eye. If you want to risk your life by doing stupid shit, that's fine, but when you're hurtling along beside me at 70 miles an hour and decide to merge lanes when I'm right beside you, thereby forcing me to hit the brakes and risk breaking my neck in an accident, that's when I get a little pissed off.
Re: Hate Thread

@ the driver thing... Yeah. Probably my biggest pet peeve on the road is people not using their FUCKING turn signals. There is NO excuse to not make the road a safer place by extending one single finger as you're turning the wheel. In fact if people are cutting in and out of lanes without using their turn signals (you know... risking OTHER people's lives by doing so), I'll get in front of them and go as slow as I can without letting them by. Just because I'm a vindictive son of a bitch like that. After all, when you're driving, you're basically putting yourself in a three-ton weapon that can kill in the blink of an eye. If you want to risk your life by doing stupid shit, that's fine, but when you're hurtling along beside me at 70 miles an hour and decide to merge lanes when I'm right beside you, thereby forcing me to hit the brakes and risk breaking my neck in an accident, that's when I get a little pissed off.

That's my sentiments exactly. Despite the unfortunate connotations of using "serious business" on the internet, driving really IS serious business.

That being said, I find that contrary to what one might expect, the inexperienced teen and early-20s drivers actually use the turn signals the most, and its the old farts and generic middle-aged rednecks that ignore them. I'm constantly pleasently surprised at people actually using them on campus, allowing me to make a turn when I could have been waiting 30 seconds for them to come up and make an unsignaled turn.
Re: Hate Thread

Yes, people who do not signal their turns are scummy scum scumbags. Incidentally, a curse filter would go nuts there.
Re: Hate Thread

Gotta say that I agree with this annoyance with automated censors. For fuck sakes its a damn word, and most 13 year olds these days say a lot worse.
Re: Hate Thread

@ censorship:

Found here:

Oh, that reminds me...
*runs off the Multiplayer Gaming thread*
Re: Hate Thread

I hate stairs
I hate vampires
I hate cars
I hate the dark
I hate louis
I hate bill
I hate zoey
I hate zombies

Oh hai my names francis >.>
Re: Hate Thread

I hate stairs
I hate vampires
I hate cars
I hate the dark
I hate louis
I hate bill
I hate zoey
I hate zombies

Oh hai my names francis >.>

Ah, but do you hate vests?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate stairs
I hate vampires
I hate cars
I hate the dark
I hate louis
I hate bill
I hate zoey
I hate zombies

Oh hai my names francis >.>

Well greetings you little ball of love.

Fuck, what's with the sudden hate on for vampires by anyone that doesn't like Twilight and never heard of Vampire the masquerade?
Re: Hate Thread

Well greetings you little ball of love.

Fuck, what's with the sudden hate on for vampires by anyone that doesn't like Twilight and never heard of Vampire the masquerade?

It might be part of the larger L4D reference.
Re: Hate Thread

Well greetings you little ball of love.

Fuck, what's with the sudden hate on for vampires by anyone that doesn't like Twilight and never heard of Vampire the masquerade?

To be fair, I still don't dislike vampires. I just dislike the direction that vampires are going in popular culture. Which is one of two directions:

1) The pansy-ass, sensitive guy with a dark side, direction. Which is exactly what a classic vampire would love us cattle to think.

2) Joining with angels (Legion,) demons (90 bajillion 90s and 80s horror movies,) and zombies (Dawn of the Dead remake and the 28 Blank Later series) in the same creature. A fast running, dangerous, infectious, mutated/possessed human with no powers other than being ugly, aggressive, and monumentally stupid (and therefore pain resistant.) It worked fine for zombies because it was an improvement, it doesn't work so well when you're taking an immortal creature of the night with powers over nature that can dodge and/or ignore most weapons that mere mortals can attempt to use against it.

Bill calls the zombies vampires a few times, IDK.

That's Francis, not Bill.
Re: Hate Thread

Popular culture is taking them in strange directions...
Re: Hate Thread

Ha ha, you are an ass francis