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Re: Hate Thread

Guys, we're not seriously going to sit here and list off everything Crispin Freeman voiced, are we?

Do you know how long that list is?
Re: Hate Thread

Like I said, i don't even know the guy.
I don't watch animes.
Re: Hate Thread

Waking up with a variety of medical aliements is never fun.
Re: Hate Thread

Guys, we're not seriously going to sit here and list off everything Crispin Freeman voiced, are we?

Do you know how long that list is?

It would need its own thread at the very least.
Re: Hate Thread

What i hate?Freaking Zergling rush,right at the start of the game...im just peacefully recolting ressources then before im realizing it millions of these fuckers are in my base slaughtering my scv's and destroying the minimal amount of marines i could train.
Re: Hate Thread

And the original Overlord Zetta.

Oh God, Zetta was freakin' amazing. Also, Albel Nox was another awesome character Crispin Freeman did. Not sure if I liked him as Kyon in Haruhi though. His voice didn't really suit him. Wasn't bad as Hideki in Chobits though.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh God, Zetta was freakin' amazing. Also, Albel Nox was another awesome character Crispin Freeman did. Not sure if I liked him as Kyon in Haruhi though. His voice didn't really suit him. Wasn't bad as Hideki in Chobits though.

I didn't watch Haruhi dubbed. And given Haruhi's voice in the dub, one could not pay me enough to do so. It's horrible.

What i hate?Freaking Zergling rush,right at the start of the game...im just peacefully recolting ressources then before im realizing it millions of these fuckers are in my base slaughtering my scv's and destroying the minimal amount of marines i could train.

Lern2play. Early harassment as an attempt to slow down an opponent's economy is a standard and viable tactic, and one used frequently. Learn a standard build queue that gives you enough workers to get resources quickly but doesn't leave you open for too long. I myself play Protoss, so just a handful of zealots are enough to shred zerglings; I'm more annoyed by reaper rushes as my zealots have difficulty catching them before I've upgraded them, so I need stalkers to counter. And the little bastards will slip in through any opening they can find.
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Re: Hate Thread


You my dear sir are right,only experience i got is SC1 wich i experienced 2 years ago.But cmon, what can you do agaisnt a zergling rush?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate how familiar undead kenny's avatar seems...
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, there's someone with a furry version, but the actual image (undead_kenny's) is from a doujin about a brother who hits his sisters chest and she grows massive breasts. As per every other doujin they then end up having sex after she teases him.
Re: Hate Thread

Lets just say i was out of imagination when i decided to join this forum...If somone have a similar avatar and want me to change it i would'nt mind at all.
Re: Hate Thread

Wait...bunkers?really?I tought those were useless...Oh well thanks for the advice i surely might try it.
Re: Hate Thread

Wait...bunkers?really?I tought those were useless...Oh well thanks for the advice i surely might try it.

They give extra protection and range to those inside, and aren't too expensive.
Re: Hate Thread

Well im not that noobish (i do apreciate the tought tough).Its just that bunkers really work so well for me when i was playing CO-OP but since i practically build a wall of suplly depots in front of my base entrance i dont get that rush shit anymore.(sometimes the answer is simplicity itself eh?)
Re: Hate Thread

Bunkers = awesome sauce.

Though I never did take the time to find out if it was better/cheaper to just repair them, or let them die and build new ones.

Also, you want Goliaths. MANY Goliaths.
Well, when you can get them, leastways. Early game, massive amounts of Marines and/or Firebats.
Re: Hate Thread

they removed goliaths for multiplay in SC2...

personally, AA in SC2=mass as many light air units (Viking, Corrupter, Phoenix) ya got and hope for the best.
Re: Hate Thread

they removed goliaths for multiplay in SC2...

I know, I just thought we were still talking about SC1 is all.
I hate that they took away my Goliaths. FUCKERS.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, I've already had my lack of goliaths rants. But the Protoss Phoenix is damn sexy.

Get air superiority, and a phoenix pack is deadly to a heavy ground force, as you vacuum up all the dangerous units and let your ground forces tear apart what remains. Pity people rarely allow such air superiority, so usually they're busy duking it out with the enemy aircraft and providing screening for the void rays.