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Re: Hate Thread

Meant to say any vehicle thats only supposed to seat 4, maybe 5, I only trust cars, anything else doesn't have your best intrests at heart. Motorcycles are just waiting for the right time to buck you off and run you down.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the SL grid. FUCK YOU LINDEN LABS!
Re: Hate Thread

I loves my bike though. Speedy and maneuverable.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that everyone keeps asking me why I'm not asking for more for Christmas.

I don't ask for much, and what I do ask for, I actually want. I'm not going to ask for stuff I know I won't use.

What's even funnier is that I told them originally all I wanted was a PS3, and they told me no. The list I have now is a bunch of stuff, individually cheaper, but altogether MORE expensive by 1-200 dollars.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that everyone keeps asking me why I'm not asking for more for Christmas.

I don't ask for much, and what I do ask for, I actually want. I'm not going to ask for stuff I know I won't use.

What's even funnier is that I told them originally all I wanted was a PS3, and they told me no. The list I have now is a bunch of stuff, individually cheaper, but altogether MORE expensive by 1-200 dollars.

Your wish list for christmas is 600-800 dollars? wow. Clue: that's not "not asking for much."

Not asking for much is when the combined total for all your friends and family is $100 or less, because you don't give a damn because if you really want something you'll get it yourself.
Re: Hate Thread

Your wish list for christmas is 600-800 dollars? wow. Clue: that's not "not asking for much."

Not asking for much is when the combined total for all your friends and family is $100 or less, because you don't give a damn because if you really want something you'll get it yourself.

He never said that he wasn't asking for much. He knew it was a lot. He really wanted it. There's nothing wrong with that. I get expensive things for friends and family sometimes.
Re: Hate Thread

Wow, you're stupid. Do you have some sort of illness? Not including the entire quote in an argument is just fucking retarded. Thanks for increasing my blood pressure and decreasing your fucking IQ. The actual quote is this:

"I don't ask for much, and what I do ask for, I actually want. I'm not going to ask for stuff I know I won't use."

He doesn't usually ask for much, basically, but what it DOES ask for, he actually really wants. He's complaining about the fact that he just wanted one thing, no matter how expensive it was, and then when his parents said no, the list of other things of what he wanted was more expensive. Sure, to you, asking for a PS3 is probably a huge thing to ask for, but for those of us who don't live on newspaper and twine, it's not such a big present, especially if it was just the PS3. It's only about, what, 600? 800, depending on the model? Yeah, to like a college kid that's quite a bit, but to a hard working family with even modest paying jobs, that's not such a big feat.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate game demos that are too short.
Yes, I'm looking at you, L4D2.
Among others.

Your wish list for christmas is 600-800 dollars? wow. Clue: that's not "not asking for much."

Not asking for much is when the combined total for all your friends and family is $100 or less, because you don't give a damn because if you really want something you'll get it yourself.

#1: PS3 doesn't cost that much anymore, it's down around $300

#2: I didn't mean monetarily. Although, compared to what my bro asks for, what I ask for is just a drop in the hat.
Re: Hate Thread

My little brother asked for a large list of games, but most of them are old, and he calculated everything out, and he's up to 200 dollars.

All I wanted for Christmas was a bass and a pair of shoes, so I'm already up to 500-600ish (obviously not an amazing bass, but something to get comfortable with)
Re: Hate Thread

What if it has... 5 seats... but two of those seats fits 7 people between them?

That would be a clown car, and everybody loves clown cars!

That's right, I'm talkin' about what I love in the hate thread. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate leaving and coming back to to the coolest shit ever.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate waking up and realizing I have no clean clothes. Plus, I'm too lazy to actually wash my clothes unless I'm going somewhere... so....



I'll continue this in the love thread, xD
Re: Hate Thread

I hate Microsoft Access, and trying to make databases on it...
Re: Hate Thread

I fucking hate having christmas music stuck in my head from having to listen to it for eight hours a day.

I also fucking hate being woken up about three hours before I wanted to be woken up by ANOTHER jackass calling my number because they think I'm somebody I'm not. And I hate being so sick that I can't get back to sleep after said jackass woke me up.

....neeeed moar druggggggsssss
Re: Hate Thread

I hate today in general.
-woke up with a cold/feeling sick
-blanked on a Math test... the ONLY one the teacher isn't letting us do corrections on for one letter grade better
-had to go back to school in the rain with a crappy umbrella STILL feeling sick in order to sit for 4 hours in a Lab to finish a video for T.V. Prod. class.
-have yet to eat today, but just looking at food seems to trigger something in my stomach to make me race to the bathroom.

. . . Yeah, not so great day today . . .
Re: Hate Thread

what math? because last time my teachers let me do corrections was back in my redneck inbred high school. Those were the good old days =p
Re: Hate Thread

For the love of god...
