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Re: Hate Thread

So, this isn't quite the right thread for it, but it's not quite the wrong thread either

So tonight, when I was LARP fighting. As I do. Combat and such. Swords etc you get the idea.

So, I was down to one hitpoint, and the damndest thing happened.

I took an arrow. To the knee. I'm not even joking.

*thud* *pause* "I took an arrow to the knee?!" "Welcome to the city guard"
Re: Hate Thread


I did make that joke as well, yes.
Re: Hate Thread

...*Psst*... Guys...

...I think Copper's losing it...

EDIT: Incy, you traitor to the demonic cause, damn you! Now my post doesn't make sense!

DOUBLE EDIT: Oh, I see, just a reference I'm apparently not familiar with.
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Re: Hate Thread

...*Psst*... Guys...

...I think Host's losing it...
Re: Hate Thread

well he's from queensland, and queenslanders aren't well renowned for being intelligent... if you know what i mean.
Re: Hate Thread

I kind of hate how people think i'm weird for not wanting mayo or ranch on the stuff i eat. Honestly i find that stuff to be pretty freaking gross and it only adds calories.

Not to mention it smells like week old semen.........not that i know what that actually smells like ;<
Re: Hate Thread

I hate random internet outages. Especially if they're not apparently going to reimburse me for almost 5 full days down...
Re: Hate Thread

Ugh. Why do I keep staying up so late? Why do I do this to myself?
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I can't have a dog, or I should say that I the fact that I refuse to get a dog because I don't have the money or time to truly care for one properly. I dog sat for my cousin over the weekend and every time I do that for him I fall in love with the idea of owning one myself but alas.

God am I lonely and depressed right now.
Re: Hate Thread

Aww, who can stay down in the dumps with penguins around.
Re: Hate Thread

Hate nagging my Dr to fill out the paperwork I need her to do.
Re: Hate Thread

My video card died. Now, while I know this is a rather first world problem, the way I've structured my life as a college student is that in order to afford to move out on my own I cut my entertainment budget to 0, relying on this PC from 2006, which is still competitive because I built it myself back then. No TV, no Smart Phone, and while normally I could probably get by going out and doing things, my college is in a very small town, so besides the very few people like me who keep working over summer, everyone went back to Chicago, including the vast majority of my friends :\

On another level, it also kind of makes me sad because while I know this PC is outdated and it's time for new tech, and totally irregardless of the money aspect, it's sad to see something I built start to go. I've always been into computers, but this was the first, and really only one that I picked out every piece for and assembled, so it may objectively be kind of a hunk of junk, but it's my hunk of junk :\
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck the fucker that came up with webpage ads that have sound. They're starting to show up on sites I normally allow ads on BECAUSE they haven't had ads with sound. It's seriously annoying when I'm trying to watch a video, but, oh, hey, THIS AD MUST MAKE ITSELF KNOWN. As well as the 5 after it. All of which don't have their own 'mute' option. Worst part is, the people talking in the ads always sound like utter tools, and make me want to NOT buy whatever the hell they're selling. Way to have the complete opposite effect I'm sure you were going for, fucknugget.
Ah well, Adblock options, here I come.
Re: Hate Thread

Fuck the fucker that came up with webpage ads that have sound. They're starting to show up on sites I normally allow ads on BECAUSE they haven't had ads with sound. It's seriously annoying when I'm trying to watch a video, but, oh, hey, THIS AD MUST MAKE ITSELF KNOWN. As well as the 5 after it. All of which don't have their own 'mute' option. Worst part is, the people talking in the ads always sound like utter tools, and make me want to NOT buy whatever the hell they're selling. Way to have the complete opposite effect I'm sure you were going for, fucknugget.
Ah well, Adblock options, here I come.

Since I don't have adblock (macfag here) I don't know whether or not it does have an option like that, but I have a little browser plugin that requires each flash/java/whatever applet to be activated separately in order to play. It makes surfing a peach, especially when streaming, since only the the flash player streaming your video will be active.
It also considerably makes your battery last longer, if you're on a laptop.

But why would you allow ads in the first place?
Re: Hate Thread

Since I don't have adblock (macfag here) I don't know whether or not it does have an option like that, but I have a little browser plugin that requires each flash/java/whatever applet to be activated separately in order to play. It makes surfing a peach, especially when streaming, since only the the flash player streaming your video will be active.
It also considerably makes your battery last longer, if you're on a laptop.

But why would you allow ads in the first place?

Firefox add-ons at least are OS-agnostic, meaning adblockplus will run just fine on your mac if you use firefox. I agree that having NoScript(or equivalent) is almost as necessary as adblock.

On the topic of ads, I'd love to be able to not use adblock. I'll stop using it just as soon as advertisers trying to shove intrusive, obnoxious and annoying ads at my face.
Re: Hate Thread

I've had adblock+ since I got my laptop, as well as another plugin that prevents any ad from opening whatsoever without me allowing it, and with the two of them together I never get ads at all from any site I go to frequently save for Gelbooru and that's because it's an actual page ad that doesn't popup I'm assuming, but it doesn't show anything at all and I just have to wait the 10 seconds before clicking the stupid thing to move on to whatever pic or whatnot that I'm looking at. Imo nobody should go around without an adblocker plugin of some kind, just silly not to nowadays when so many ads put viruses and shit on your computers.
Re: Hate Thread

Two very different approaches here.
I personally block everything out of principle. I want to be in control of what content is displayed and when. I hate nothing more than when a third party gains control over my computer in a way that something is displayed that I don't want to, or that a popup window requires me to do something, like click on OK. When the latter happens, I rage hard.

To get this thread back on track: Fuck ads, I hate them. May their creators burn in hell.

But maybe I am a little oversensitive. Even being redirected to a non-english version of a site infuriates me, after all. Maybe I'm just a control freak.