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Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

You forgot the part where if you know the story really well, you keep complaining in a non-serious way about how it's wrong. Or, in some cases, complaining entirely seriously about how it's wrong. I can, in almost all cases see why the changes were made, but the reasons range from "giving a conclusive end to story that didn't end here" to "giving female actresses more airtime in a male dominated story" to "giving Guan Yu a chance to show off, becuase Guan Yu is awesome badass and people need to know this early in the story, and Zhang Fei doesn't need that one moment of awesome he gets anyways".

;-; Why did you take away his bridge and give Guan Yu the rearguard instead?! WHYYYYY?!

But yeah, I regret not copying it when I borrowed it from a friend.

But serious, what's the deal with Shu leaving? As if they would. By the painted Liu Bei is painted in the original story, the holy light that proves he is pure and just shines from his backside, and at this time in the three kingdoms story, he hasn't done anything questionable.

I never claimed historical accuracy. I said you'd know the names and bits of the story *laughs* although, yes, I think my friend and I were rather disappointed about the lack of bridge shouting as well. Still, I enjoyed it, but then again, I went into it more with the mentality of "Live action Dynasty Warriors" than "Epic historical reinactment."

As for Shu leaving, I think that was strategery. Zhuge is a sneaky ass bastard of a weatherman.

Also, checked today and it's 288 minutes in the "foreign" release.

@Copper; I've been meaning to see Red Cliff for ages now, but I haven't seen anywhere that sells it. I may just have to resort to ordering the DVD online.

I will say it's a good investment if you can find it for a reasonable price.

My issue with Chinese history though is that I can never get the names. They never stick in my head and it bothers me when I'm reading.

Plus the Chinese films I've looked at always seem to go a bit too far over the top. 'Gladiator' over the top is nice for me.

Yeah, they do tend to blend together now and again, don't they? Of course, here you've got visual aides to lend a hand with that, but I was always getting a few of the charactes mixed up during the course of the movie, too.

I'd say if you want to gauge, I think they have clips on youtube. Check out one or two of the battles and see what you think. That'll give you a good flavor for it.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

As for Shu leaving, I think that was strategery. Zhuge is a sneaky ass bastard of a weatherman.

Oh, Shu didn't fight at Chi Bi, because their forces amounted to only around 10,000 men, and naturally it being Zhuge Liang's plan, they didn't want o risk many. Shu set up an elaborate series of ambushes along Wei's retreat path in attempt to capture Cao Cao; which would have worked if Guan Yu had not let him go.

But in the movie, those who weren't Zhuge Liang were all "Bah, this isn't our fight blah blah"
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I dunno, there was that moment in the movie that they seemed to have where it was "Hah hah, we planned this all along" kind of thing, but then again, that's always Zhuge's schtick of "I knew this was going to happen." And again, in a live action DW moment, Shu does show up at Chi Bi. Trust me, I know this. DW 4 drummed that one into my head.

And yes, I know the games aren't historically accurate either, but I'm merely making comparisson.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

I dunno, there was that moment in the movie that they seemed to have where it was "Hah hah, we planned this all along" kind of thing, but then again, that's always Zhuge's schtick of "I knew this was going to happen." And again, in a live action DW moment, Shu does show up at Chi Bi. Trust me, I know this. DW 4 drummed that one into my head.

And yes, I know the games aren't historically accurate either, but I'm merely making comparisson.

Zhuge Liang was at Chi Bi, and would have had a Shu force guarding him. But pretty much all of She's forces were laying in ambush on the retreat from Chi Bi. Trust me on this one.

Other things that made me rage, was what they did to Huang Zhong. You know how he managed to get close to Cao Cao's fleet with the fire ships? Wei thought he was going to defect. They even mention it in the movie, where he offers to undergo the plan they did, where they whip the crap out of him to make a case for his resentment and fake a defection. But then Sun is all "Nah, I could never whip one of my officers, we'll find another way".

It's like "Duuuude! He's supposed to go into battle all hurt becuase he's just taken 50 lashings and still kick ass because he's a crazy badass. You totally nerfed him."

Also Gan Ning didn't die at Chi Bi. But then, they had Gan Xing, who is totally not Gan Ning, despite the obvious similarities, so that's okay.

See, it's when they made characters less cool by taking away some of their greatest moments in the story that I get all sad,
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Where do the giant enemy crabs come in?
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Other things that made me rage, was what they did to Huang Zhong. You know how he managed to get close to Cao Cao's fleet with the fire ships? Wei thought he was going to defect. They even mention it in the movie, where he offers to undergo the plan they did, where they whip the crap out of him to make a case for his resentment and fake a defection. But then Sun is all "Nah, I could never whip one of my officers, we'll find another way".

It's like "Duuuude! He's supposed to go into battle all hurt becuase he's just taken 50 lashings and still kick ass because he's a crazy badass. You totally nerfed him."

Also Gan Ning didn't die at Chi Bi. But then, they had Gan Xing, who is totally not Gan Ning, despite the obvious similarities, so that's okay.

See, it's when they made characters less cool by taking away some of their greatest moments in the story that I get all sad,

I think you're talking about Huang Gai. Huang Zhong is a Shu officer. Unless they boxed up the names, but I knew who you were talking about. But yeah, little disappointed in that, too, but he still got to be a freaking pyro, so it was all good.

And yeah, trust me, I know *alllllll* about Gan Ning. He's one of our favorite characters. Yet again another case for epic storytelling vs. historical accuracy.

Where do the giant enemy crabs come in?

You're thinking of Suikoden. There are no giant crabs in Dynasty Warriors. Just wooden oxen.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Yeah, Huang Gai, my bad.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

A dollar that Avatar 2 and 3 are each going to introduce some new annoying feature that will be all the rage then and many other movies will pick up until everybody is sick of them.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Anyone else gonna go see "Megamind" next week? (Or shortly thereafter)

Also as far as Avatar2 goes, i heard it was taking place in Pandora's Oceans. Seeing as I'm a complete Marine Biology nerd... sign me up xD
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Well, I just watched District 9 on DVD. I know I'm late, but whatever.

It's been hailed as brilliant, and I can't quite join that chorus. Directing is good, acting is good, but the story is relatively predictable, down to the ending. I also find the social commentary to be somewhat ham-fisted. The idea to the movie itself is pretty original at least, I give it that much.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Just watched Centurion, another historical film based around the disappearance of the Roman Ninth Legion. It's a take on it, and while it more than likely didn't happen as presented in the movie, it was still a good romp.

Good fights but the emphasis was on stranded Roman soldiers fleeing across the country to try and get back home. The ending I kind of saw coming, but it still came in nicely. Nice and gray too, between the Romans and the Picts. Neither side was inherently good, nor bad.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Just watched a Korean movie called "Bichunmoon (Warrior of Virtue)" The best parts were the scenery and the really imaginative fight scenes that I really enjoyed. I don't know much about the history, but I thought it was really heart wrenching especially concerning the role of women in society.

Maybe it was just me, but the plot was really hard to follow and sometimes couldn't keep the characters straight. So I kinda thought the plot was a failure, but the ending still managed to rip my heart out and then stomp on it repeatedly.

if your interested.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Words cannot describe how giddy and nostalgic this makes me feel.
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

That trailer was so full of happy and awesome that I just couldn't help smiling the whole time. Can't wait to see this movie! "Just a taste, oh a small lick I should say."

I noticed on imdb that Zoey Deschanel is performing the soundtrack...that's neat but hope they find a role for her in the movie too. :)
Re: Random movie talky stuff.

The only thing that frightened me about that is seeing that Gilbert Gottfried has a role in there somewhere. I don't like that man, but otherwise...

Re: Random movie talky stuff.

Megamind, Tangled, and HP7part1 are all amazing. I had my mind blown three times today. WHOO!