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ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I made a communal waypoint under the town hall. It's just four wooden planks. Also, please close doors on your way out.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Alright, Bartnum made a great suggestion. A (pixel) art contest. Using wool as canvas, contestants would create their best works of art on it. Who's up for that? There will be prizes...
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I'm up for it. Two questions;

1) How big are the canvas'?
2) How will we be doing different colours?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

1) To be determined
2) At the moment I'm thinking of just different materials, but that would make it difficult for blacks and reds. I think Toxic posted a link to a paintbrush mod a while back. I'm going to see if there's anything like that that actually works.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

We did this on another server that I go on. Here's a few examples of our works.

From left to right: The Aperture Science logo (in progress), the symbol of the Raven Guard from Warhammer 40K (made by me) and Mew from Generation I.

Typhlosion from Generation II, also made by me. To the right is an example of a blank canvas.

Most of our works were done in black and white, as you can see. We used cloth for white, clay for light grey, stone for dark grey and obsidian for black. It's possible to do different colours, like with the Aperture logo, but only if you can find the right blocks to use.

As for the canvases, the one shown to the right of the Typhlosion is about 40x40 blocks, not including the one block border. The Typhlosion, which didn't have a border, was between 50 and 60 blocks on each side.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Well, if it's monochrome, it shouldn't be bad, but how did you do the different shades?
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

We did this on another server that I go on. Here's a few examples of our works.

From left to right: The Aperture Science logo (in progress), the symbol of the Raven Guard from Warhammer 40K (made by me) and Mew from Generation I.

Typhlosion from Generation II, also made by me. To the right is an example of a blank canvas.

Most of our works were done in black and white, as you can see. We used cloth for white, clay for light grey, stone for dark grey and obsidian for black. It's possible to do different colours, like with the Aperture logo, but only if you can find the right blocks to use.

As for the canvases, the one shown to the right of the Typhlosion is about 40x40 blocks, not including the one block border. The Typhlosion, which didn't have a border, was between 50 and 60 blocks on each side.

Needs moar Charizard.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Needs moar Charizard.

I was making a Gardevoir just for you, but the server went to hell before I could finish it.

Also, do remember that even if your image is too large or has too many colours, you can always use image editing programs to scale them down and reduce them not only to black and white, but also to a set number of shades (we tended to use just 4, as outlined above).

Example: A friend and I were planning to recreate this:

And using the above method, turned it into this:

Of course, when doing this you'll tend to want to keep as much detail as possible, which complicates things. Even the scaled down image still needed a canvas of a hundered and something blocks on both sides (which meant we had to dig a very large, very deep hole for it to sit in). Plus, we could only get it down to 5 colours before we decided we'd lose too much detail, and we couldn't think of a fifth block type to use (that in the end being the reason why we didn't build it). (Also we were too lazy).
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I was making a Gardevoir just for you, but the server went to hell before I could finish it.

Also, do remember that even if your image is too large or has too many colours, you can always use image editing programs to scale them down and reduce them not only to black and white, but also to a set number of shades (we tended to use just 4, as outlined above).

You were? Damn that server.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Double post, but eh.

I've had to do some stuff today which has stopped me from designing the maze earlier than I'd like to have started, however I'll be doing it tonight then building it tomorrow.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Wow...triple posting...

Anywho, guess I didn't realise just how big 600x300 was going to be. Well, here's hoping you guys are ready for the labyrinth. Once I've finished clearing up the land I'll be building the labyrinth, and while that'll take awhile the finished product should hopefully be mind destroying.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Gak! We got bumped off the first page. I'll fix that!

Using Kinect, you can now make a Minecraft statue of yourself! I suspect there will be at least one or two Minecraft penises as a result of this... But more useful, this will allow someone to make something using a slightly easier medium, say, Lego, or take an already made model and transpose it into Minecraft. Off the top of my head... I've got a model of the Millenium Falcon...

Also, as the new update was applied today, and it's a manditory server update, the server will be down at least until Hey0 updates. Probably tomorrow.

A few things I've noticed already about the new update, there's now Birch and what looks like attempts at Pine or Fir trees that can spawn. Havn't tried growing any from saplings yet though.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Anyone else having problems even getting onto the minecraft site? I keep getting 504 gateway time-outs. I mean, I know it's popular but it can't be THAT bad....

can it?

EDIT: I musta threatened it, there it goes. Wow, they sure jumped versions on me *consults wiki*
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I know the servers have been having some issues over the past couple of days. Not sure if it's fully ironed out yet though.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)


Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Hey guys, uh, how often is this server up? I can't seem to connect to it for the life of me.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

The server's down right now while the various mods get updated for the new version.

Edit: Ok, the server is currently having technical problems in the vein of being having a totally not working network card. This is actually a little convenient as hey0's been discontinued and there's no suitable replacement at the moment. I'm going to be taking the machine to get it fixed over the week, but currently I don't have an ETA as to when it'll be up again. Sorry for the delay.
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Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Hey, no worries. No rush and get stuff done as you can, when it's back up just post here and I'll happily become a very active resident of the server. :D
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

Yay for necroing!

The sever went down due to a computer problem, but I've got it fixed now that some interest has been shown again, unfortunately, I was unable to save the world we had been working. However, OAMP's been running something of an interim server as I understand it, and we'll probably be starting the server on the map him and the others have made so far, unless there's a fair amount of objection to that.

So, for those of you who want to return to the server, I've got some questions for you:

1) Do you want to start on OAMP's map, or start from scratch?

2) Do you want the server to be Vanilla, that is, without mods, with a few mods that don't do much (usergroups, serverside stuff, etc.), or with mods that add a fair amount of new stuff (advanced minecarts, economics, RPG-style stats, etc.)? Just a note, Runecraft will NOT be returning to the server, mainly because it's just a little too difficult for me.

Also, if we do use mods, even simple ones, that would require the delaying of applying Minecraft updates right away until the mods have been updated. Thanks to Notch, this isn't such problem as you can now choose not to update Minecraft now, but you won't be able to play with the new stuff for a little while.

Assuming everything goes on track, I'd like to get the server running again by this weekend at the latest. It really depends on how long it takes OAMP to send me his world file, though I would like to give everyone some time to agree on the above two questions.
Re: ULMF Minecraft Server (Address can be found on first post)

I'll send the file in a few minutes. So far myself, Shrike, Sin, and lurker have really been working on it, with Ava and Leli visiting. A few mod ideas have been tossed around, such as weapons/planes.

Also cause I dunno how to change it, mobs have been on so far.