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Remembrance Day

Re: Remembrance Day

Oh, we may do that with larger reserve units, I don't really know. Most of the reserve units I've seen were deployed in whole than just task organized out to a regular unit. Most of the reserves I saw were specialized units though, that the regular army doesn't have units for. Like the bridgers, PSYOPS, and CA.

Ah it's okay Burrito, I didn't do the job to earn support. I did it for my comrades more than anyone else. Basically you want to support me go right ahead. You don't thats fine too.
Re: Remembrance Day

Oh, I support you. I believe that if it weren't for our armed services, America might not exist today.
Re: Remembrance Day

Might not? I'm pretty sure it wouldn't. And that stands for any nation... except Iceland.
Re: Remembrance Day

Costa Rica as well, since they've never had an army.

What I meant is that I really believe that everyone in the world is entitled to support me or not. I'm still willing to die for their freedom. On occasion I feel I'm on the wrong side, but I still love everything I stand for.
Re: Remembrance Day

I don't know enough about quakers to see what that has to do with that quote...
Re: Remembrance Day

I'm more than late, but I'll raise my apple today regardless. My brother is joining the military, and my grandfather is a veteran with plenty of stories. Just from what I've heard from each of them, military life has to be one of the most unique experiences someone can go through, in war or peace.

Andora is another country with virtually no military. I read that virtually their entire (minuscule) "defence" budget is spent on blank ammunition for ceremonial purposes. Landlocked by allies, and pretty much uninvolved with any international affairs, so I guess they simply don't need it. Still makes me wonder what these military ceremonies regard to though.
Re: Remembrance Day

The connection was directed more at the whole thread, and not so much at just that quote. The quote is there just because I agree with it. The irony that I see at least is because quakers are pacifist.
Re: Remembrance Day

Ah, gotcha.

Well, way I see it soldiers make it that much easier to be a pacifist, as they are the ones that "stand guard on the walls" so others may sleep comfortably.

Now, I'm not trying to blow sunshine up my own asshole with that little statement, because everyone has a part to play in the moving gears of their particular nation.
Re: Remembrance Day

Well, way I see it soldiers make it that much easier to be a pacifist, as they are the ones that "stand guard on the walls" so others may sleep comfortably.

Re: Remembrance Day

I... I completely forgot about that movie. I paraphrased his speach without even thinking about it.

Ha! Oh well, it worked.
Re: Remembrance Day

Once again this honoured day comes around, and I raise a glass to fallen friends who did not get to come home with me.

We are now in a time were not all Veterans are elderly, and not all those with memories of the horrors that men and women can do to one another are in retirement. Let us remember those that fought for our freedoms in wars past, and those that still fight today in the deserts of foreign nations to save who they can.
Re: Remembrance Day

*Quietly plays Taps in the background*
Re: Remembrance Day

I found a young veteran with a fucked up back and neck the perfect massage chair today. He's going to get it in about a week; hopefully it'll at least make him a little more comfortable. That's sort of the best way I can think of to pay homage to the people that fight for me. I was really surprised to see that the guy was really not much older than I was, maybe by three or four years. Kind of scary when I think about it.

Anyway, I've always been an opponent of war and the military in general, but I'll raise a glass to those who have risked their lives to ensure that people like me can live comfortably, without fear. You're better people than I am.
Re: Remembrance Day


I wish I had a crusty grandpa who fought in a war...

Seriously though, I always feel odd around veterans. They just seem like they've experienced things I could never even imagine. It's a neat feeling, but I wish I could give it a name.

Anyway, cheers to the vets. I'm anti-war, but I'm pro-vet.
Re: Remembrance Day

Bless those that put themselves in a situation that may cripple the body or haunt the mind to protect others. Not sure what else to say.
Re: Remembrance Day

I was really surprised to see that the guy was really not much older than I was, maybe by three or four years. Kind of scary when I think about it.

A lot of these guys and gals are still just kids really... It's kinda sad.
Re: Remembrance Day

Even as a pacifist, I have an enormous amount of respect for anybody willing to risk their own future in order to do what they believe is right. Veterans have definitely earned the respect they get and then some.
Re: Remembrance Day

Being slightly younger then some of you, most of the people I grew up with who went in are still there. So far they've all been doing pretty good, but most still have upwards of six months to go, and most have kids of their own, or some on the way...
Re: Remembrance Day

I was really surprised to see that the guy was really not much older than I was, maybe by three or four years. Kind of scary when I think about it.

I was only 20 when I went over, and a guy in another platoon was only 19... maybe 18. Young folks barely out of highschool start training and sign a dotted line saying they've committed themselves to the coming mission, fully aware of everything that can happen because they drill it into our heads. It is kind of scary, but it's always the young that have fought. All those old vets we see today were only 18/19 or so when they went into WWII. Folks even lied about their age to get in early.

It's a sad thing of war...

Also, a picture done up by artist Silvia Pecota.
