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Re: Confessions

I think your overestimating us Rule. 22 and still working on the whole "first kiss" thing myself. Have never had a girl friend period. Plenty of female friends, but never anything close to a "relationship". Sex isn't really one of my worries in life, though the whole social side of being a virgin is bothersome, and it certainly wouldn't hurt to lose that title. I suppose occasional hentai and fapping helps keep the instinct at bay, though over all I can say that I actually have an incredibly low sex drive.

Doesn't stave off the strange periodic loneliness still. God do I feel lonely sometimes.
Re: Confessions

b) define 'fatties'. Are we talking 'MAN THE HARPOONS', or you just don't like a woman with some cushioning?

Yeah, I'm not too fond of women being pudgy at all. Kinda shallow in a way, but I love love love long slender legs in a pair of denim short shorts.

@Squid: Yeah, I get the whole loneliness bit too, probably explains my bitter outlook of life. Well, some other stuff most likely factors into that as well, but thats neither here nor now. Besides, thats what I have alcohol for.
Re: Confessions

Sex is overrated, IMO. I lost my virginity last year (age 20) and I dunno. It's good, no doubt...but I would say you're not missing out on any sort of mind-blowing experience like you see in a lot of movies. It is what it is, and unless you're dating some sort of sex god/goddess, you'll probably feel the same way too about sex after it happens.
Re: Confessions

Sex is overrated, IMO. I lost my virginity last year (age 20) and I dunno. It's good, no doubt...but I would say you're not missing out on any sort of mind-blowing experience like you see in a lot of movies. It is what it is, and unless you're dating some sort of sex god/goddess, you'll probably feel the same way too about sex after it happens.

It's like my Dad always said. The second most overrated thing is Virginity. The most over rated thing is Sex.

Or was it the other way around? :confused:
Re: Confessions

Fun fact: I've slept with more girls than I've kissed.

Fun fact2: I'm a lot more nervous about a kiss than sex.

Fun fact3: Of the above mentioned activities, I know what I'm doing in only one of them.
Re: Confessions

I thought the fun part of both of them was supposed to be figuring out what you're doing.
Re: Confessions

Heh, I haven't been in a proper relationship since I was like ten, but I lost my virginity to my fuckbuddy at age 17... Then she moved:( Now I don't have access to string free vagina anymore.
Re: Confessions

Well, I've already turned in my V-Card. Had to have been at 19 or 20, since I was with the b/f for my 21st birthday. That being said, there've only been two guys I've been with intimately: that b/f and the lust-ridden relationship that broke the two of us up because Copper is something of an idiot but we got back together again until he moved to Florida. The only other guy I've had a long term relationship with, there was hardly anything physical between us and without going into details, I'm glad.

So I guess to answer the question...No. *laughs*
Re: Confessions

Huh. Well. I can tell you that while sex is indeed fun... it's really overrated when I can get all the satisfaction I want from myself.

Cuddles though... you can't replace those. Human contact in general is something that's really awesome. I miss it xD
Re: Confessions

Yeah, seriously. There's times I miss that more than the sex, though that is a nice perk sometimes.
Re: Confessions

Yeah, I'm not too fond of women being pudgy at all.

I personally have no quarrel with most women unless they're the aforementioned harpoon-worthy ones, or super anorexic-looking. Basically, if their ribs are easier to see than their boobs, its a bad thing.

Also, unlike the vast majority of guys in my area, I'm not a fan of overly sized breasts. Sure its nice to see an impressive rack every now and again, but they just look awkward to me when you start going past a D. >_>Go away.
Re: Confessions

I've never had anything that I can really cite as a "preference" because I honestly just never cared.
However, and I know how weird this may sound, but I need to ask if I'm the only one in these next thoughts. I mean, it's weird enough that I have absolutely no cares, but when it comes to black girls, I don't know why but I can never really see one as extremely attractive. Unless they're light-skinned black and even then it's not so much. And I mean a wholly-attractive, not just hot. I know you all probably realize the semantic difference between the similar visually descriptive terms, but I hope everyone understands the page I'm on when I say that.
Re: Confessions

Yeah, I get what you're talking about because I'm exactly the same.
Re: Confessions

I lost my own virginity was at 16. That guy wasn't anything special. being more concerned with getting his rocks off than actually performing well. I've had a few partners in my years, and really I gotta say that I quite enjoy sex. Its the combination of human contact and human pleasure that just simply can't be matched in my books.
Re: Confessions

I'm the same too. Not that big of fan of dark skinned women, but I don't care about their size unless it is "man the harpoons" size.

My confession? I am pretty deeply atheist but I haven't told any of my religious family.

Oh and 21 virgin, but its not a priority.
Re: Confessions

Doesn't stave off the strange periodic loneliness still. God do I feel lonely sometimes.

Cuddles though... you can't replace those. Human contact in general is something that's really awesome. I miss it xD

This. Especially Squid's. I think I wish for being together with a girl more than sex, though that IS something I would like to get out of the way. Just so I can turn in my V-Card, as Copper put it. It's burning a hole in my pocket.
Re: Confessions

Eh, you're not the only virgin around here. 23 and still going strong. Not really one of my 'high priorities', mostly because all the girls around where I live are either a) fucking annoying, b)fatties or c)aren't interested in me. And to be honest I can't be arsed to branch out when fapping is good enough for me at the moment. And who else knows what I like more than me, eh? That and I'm not really the social type, so going to pubs/clubs isn't really something I'd do.

o_O... I'm briefly acknowledging you exist to say weren't you with Firi at one point? I thought that disqualified you from virginal..

As for my thoughts... um. I'd decided to stay a virgin for life at 20, lost it at 21, and now back to celibate-for-life.. My sexual peak has come and gone, methinks.

Been with.. three people, two of them only once..

And, black girls are hot. But, they have a scary tendency to be very hot for a few years, then go evil and whale-sized when they get older. Not so cool. Also, anything from this


Up to this:


is fine with me. Not sure about the milk though.


Is fine with me.
Re: Confessions

I've one answer to that; Trolls trolling trolls.

On the topic of the women in those pics though; first one is awwwwwriiight, the second one not so much.
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Re: Confessions

Reading this and figured I might as well..

I'm sorta of a closet pervert. I don't think anybody really knows I am, but the fact I don't want to be is what bugs me so much. Sex is more than just what a lot of the media portrays it these days. The media says 'it's ok to do it, it's only for fun.' and 'as long as you got a condom you should be fine.' It's more than that, sex is the physical expression of love.

Problem is, I used to have a girlfriend, and after we went out for a year and a half I proposed to her. She accepted... then two weeks later dumped me. The thing was I was so damn excited about her accepting I started to write my vows, record all her favorite songs for the wedding. I didn't want to screw this up. Apparently I didn't have to worry about me screwing up because in the end she just told me it was over.

Thing is, she never told me why. I'm still a virgin, and... well I just miss being close to somebody. We would hug and kiss, (and yes we would even do sexual teasing and such. Pretty much everything BUT the actual 'real deal.')
We had promised we would get married first before we would do that. I honestly didn't care about sex the way I felt about her. I could live without it, as long as I was with her I was happy. But when she left, I pretty much had a mental breakdown and now I'm this creepy perverted thing. Ugh.. had to get that out.
Oh yeah, and that's why alot of porn is disgusting to me. They just say "fuck" over and over and over again. You can tell there is no connection between the two people, or any love or intimacy. It's just stupid. Games are games though. They aren't real, so it doesn't bother me.

I personally have no quarrel with most women unless they're the aforementioned harpoon-worthy ones, or super anorexic-looking. Basically, if their ribs are easier to see than their boobs, its a bad thing.

Also, unlike the vast majority of guys in my area, I'm not a fan of overly sized breasts. Sure its nice to see an impressive rack every now and again, but they just look awkward to me when you start going past a D. >_>Go away.

And amen to that. Boobs are good... but if I can't hold them in my hand or if I have to use both hands just to grab one... that's a big turnoff. Probably causes horrible back problems for the woman too.

Getting done reading everybody's fetishes, I actually feel a bit better now. I thought I was a sicko for liking the tentacle stuff, but I like it because it well.. pleases the woman in all the places possible. So if the chick is crying or something it's still a turnoff. A bit of bondage is my thing... but no chains or whips. Something about being seduced by a beautiful girl just makes it real hot.
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