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Re: Hate Thread

I hate Rapidshare. "Waiting sucks" indeed. Yet they make you wait 15+however much they feel like after every download, even if you didn't actually even start downloading it. And the variable automatic waiting time on top of that. And limited speed. Meanwhile Megaupload has waiting time of 45 seconds, no more or less and they give higher speed. And Mediafire doesn't have waiting time, has higher speed and even allows parallel downloads.
Re: Hate Thread

I fucking hate road works. I need to make a MASSIVE detour the next few days just because they want to renew the asphalt. Not to repair anything major. Just to waste money so their budget balances out.

I hate detours too but its because 9 times out of 10 after following the detour I end up getting lost and going in circles! They hardly ever put a second sign saying this is how to get back to where you were going.
Re: Hate Thread

Shopping in general, as I've said before, but specifically, clothes shopping.
Re: Hate Thread

So, apparently enough people who read (or at least enough people who use the EC forums) didn't 'appreciate' the strip on Oct. 8. So, the people who do EC decided to modify the strip. It's nothing horrible and I could see it being something they would have gone with anyways, but my problem is that I don't see any reason for readers to have such a huge problem with it.

Current page:

Original Page:

Seriously. Everything up 'till now has been perfectly acceptable, but people draw the line at two fictional girls kissing?

I hate people. The individual is fine, but people... people are fucking stupid.
Re: Hate Thread

Personally I like the original better o,o
Re: Hate Thread

Personally I like the original better o,o

Says the guy on a hentai forum... Surprise!

But yeah, I saw that today and was like WTF?!

EDIT: I hate that our physics teacher gave us a problem on our last test, that not only none of the class were able to solve, but when he was trying to show is un the blackboard we had to correct his mistakes several times. I then asked him: "So do you still think it was right to give us this question, seeing as not only did none of the students manage to do it, but neither did you." His reply: "You know all the mathematical theory required to derive the necessary formulas and do the calculations."

Well, theoretically we know the formulas needed to derive most if not all of the formulas of general relativity. That doesn't mean we can do it. And it definately doesn't mean we can do it on a test with limited time.
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Re: Hate Thread

I liked, then loved, then hated eerie cuties, right around the course of a week.
Re: Hate Thread

Holy fuck... people had an issue with that? Two girl's kissing?

Well I suppose we can keep toting us being a civilized Western Civilization following the good ol word of Christ then, and look back fondly on the days we could crash into other people's empires who had no problem with homosexuals, and let them get torn apart by dogs in the streets for entertainment.

Yes. We are an amazing people.

There's another thing about this... this is the author's getting attacked and brought to change their work because of the fan base. That also seems wrong on its own.
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Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, what's wrong with a little kissing between girls? It's just some soft, warm lips pressed deliciously tight against one another. Maybe a little tongue cascading between the two as hair gently brushes against the cheek.........Wait, what was the problem again? Ohhh... I guess if I think about it, the girl's fate is so much worse in the edited one. No offense to cheerleaders but kissing isn't a punishment its fun.....

Since they changed it for societal pressure, it's lame and upsetting but come on, we all know she wanted to kiss that girl. :)
Re: Hate Thread

I think, or at least hope for their sake, that their arguments were based more on the depiction of it being, in the context of that one strip itself, not only technically non-consensual, but between high schoolers, even if it wasn't "sexual acts," but that the behavior itself is still inherently a sexual one
[/devils advocate]
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, looking at it from a less "Why so anti-lesbian" and more "Why so anti-rape" angle, it makes more sense.

And then there's the implications that being turned into a blonde makes you a sex crazed slut...

I'm not agreeing with it, but I can definitely see legitimate reasons for people to take offence at it; that is to say reasons that aren't related to homosexuality.
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Re: Hate Thread

I think, or at least hope for their sake, that their arguments were based more on the depiction of it being, in the context of that one strip itself, not only technically non-consensual, but between high schoolers, even if it wasn't "sexual acts," but that the behavior itself is still inherently a sexual one
[/devils advocate]

You beat me Toxic. Grrrr...

I really don't see a problem with it, but I can understand the issue. That was my first thought when I saw it was taken down. PooPoo on prudes.
Re: Hate Thread

I still think one of the things that bothers me the most about this is that the writer's weren't able to get out the story they wanted to tell. Okay yeah, it was a small little thing in the end, but they were still accosted to the point where they changed their work.

It's just one step closer to the community taking over for the creative efforts because of what they may or may not like.

And yes in further investigation it does appear that the fuss wasn't really over homosexuality, but that is what it appears like.
Re: Hate Thread

Jumping to conclusions is a part of being human. Still an annoying occurance, but... eh, whole thing's a mess, I won't dive in to it.
Re: Hate Thread

Jumping to conclusions is a part of being human. Still an annoying occurance, but... eh, whole thing's a mess, I won't dive in to it.

I'm going to pull out. I've already made an ass out of myself enough as it is.
Re: Hate Thread

We pretty much hit the nail on the head with regard to the whys and wherefores, but, from the creators themselves (to elaborate on what Sin said already):

...Let me just clarify that it wasn't in any way about homophobia, it was more about mind-control, and on who it was applied to and what for. Some felt the strip had lost a bit of its innocence. To those who were interested in Brooke's exploration of her sexuality, let me reassure you that it will be dealt with again, and with Brooke having full control over her thoughts and desires. We touch on it in the bonus story of the upcoming book, and in the next arc as well. So do not feel like we've abandoned this or changed what's coming next because of this change. For those wanting to read the old strip, we've moved it to the "extras" section of the site.--Gisele

Given that Nina, while a vampire, does have the mentality of a 10 year old girl (or under) I can see folk having an issue with her being made to make out with an upper-classman, especially by her own doll. Personally, I didn't have an issue with it, except it only made me want to pound Blair even harder than I usually do.

And I find it ironic that the succubus is the one ruining his fantasy...
Re: Hate Thread

When walking across a parking lot and someone honks to get your attention. There's over 200 cars in this lot, how the hell am I suppose to know which one just honked at me if I wasn't ready for it the first time. Bonus points if the person get's all mad that you didn't respond. Likewise, when someone honks to get someone else's attention and you can't shake the feeling they were honking for you...