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Re: Hate Thread

Ergh, I hate cleaning up dog shit. It's a good thing I haven't eaten today yet otherwise I would've puked my guts up.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate my now ex-girlfriend. The one who was on here a few months back when a shitstorm got all swirled up.

3 to 4 weeks ago now she decided that she didn't want to be with me anymore because it was a long-distance relationship, and after being together for 3 and a half years she needed to do "some personal exploration and be alone for a while to remember what it's like to be single."

Apparently it's a very long, drawn out process for her. How long, you ask? After a week and a half of being separated she got with some fucking jerk who goes to school with her. He's a complete dunce who has the looks and IQ of an opossum, and like lucky high school freshmen they have no chemistry beyond whatever physical experiences they're currently having.

Meanwhile I'm left holding everything. It's been a few weeks now, and it still hurts.

Fucking bitch. I hope that lump they found in her breast goes full force and they have to chop a tit off. That'd make her and I about square after the mountain of bullshit she and her parents put me through. I have no sympathy for her.
Re: Hate Thread

Moving right along

I hate how my landlord doesn't allow overnight guests because this house is supposed to be a "quiet place to study" for students of the nearby college campus.

Imagine my bloody murderous rage when I get woken up two hours before my alarm goes off by his screaming children running around his portion of the house. This is pretty much a regular daily occurrence. I swear one day I'm going to go on a killing rampage and shove metal retail hooks down the throat of every kid I can find.

Thank god I can stay at my girlfriend's place most of the time, or I probably already would have.
Re: Hate Thread

Aren't landlords great?

Says he who will most likely be in charge of subletting early next year. Knowing me, they'll probably hate me too, but damnit I'm sick of the way things are now with certain people forcing others to pick up the slack.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when I try to do homework and the programs on the computer conspire to slow me down.
Re: Hate Thread

Ergh, I hate cleaning up dog shit. It's a good thing I haven't eaten today yet otherwise I would've puked my guts up.

I can understand the puke-inducing reaction and annoyance... 10+ cats, mostly strays that jerks dump in our neighborhood, the occasional dog that rampages about and brothers/brother's girlfriend when they can't be bothered. (Kidding on the last part... trash cleaning none the less <<') With so many animals it's bound to happen sooner or later. Though with cats it feels worse, they still look upon humans with what can also only be described as barely concealed contempt.

It's never nice.

Also, sympathies to you Lucas, different circumstances but I think I can relate to the aftermath. B1 Ack, has the Landlord been poked for his child's hypocritical behavior Alias?

What do I hate... being sick yesterday and all today, unable to concentrate well? Hell yes, add that to being naturally lethargic/woozy under heat or strong lights and it's been a glorious day. Got some Benylin drinky stuff. Not bad, better than pills by miles.

Edit; Oh hai, I'm a Jungle Girl now!.. Yay?
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Re: Hate Thread

@ Lucas: Well, sucks that she dumped ya, and decided that a week was long enough to be single.
Honestly, if she's as horrible as you say she is, just fuckin' forget her. Just do everything short of purging her completely and totally from memory. It's just not worth it to dwell on it.

@ Alias: I'll bring the body bags if you do rage.

@ chibi: must be all that pr0n you're downloading. :p

I hate how large of a temperature drop it is when I wake up and take the covers off. Fucking freezing. I like the cold, yeah, but HOLY JEBUS CHRISPIES.
Can't do anything about it, though. Personal heater's busted, and family refuses to turn up the house's heat.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the feeling of hate.

The very fact that I even posted it here is kind of hypocritical, but I'm still going to post it anyway.

The dark, evil feeling that consumes you really kills your soul, and after awhile, you'll realise that your hate was unnecessary.

Hate has also gotten many people into deep shit.
Re: Hate Thread

@ Lucas: Well, sucks that she dumped ya, and decided that a week was long enough to be single.
Honestly, if she's as horrible as you say she is, just fuckin' forget her. Just do everything short of purging her completely and totally from memory. It's just not worth it to dwell on it.

@ Alias: I'll bring the body bags if you do rage.

@ chibi: must be all that pr0n you're downloading. :p

I hate how large of a temperature drop it is when I wake up and take the covers off. Fucking freezing. I like the cold, yeah, but HOLY JEBUS CHRISPIES.
Can't do anything about it, though. Personal heater's busted, and family refuses to turn up the house's heat.

I'm on my boy's computer. It's SO. SLOW.
Re: Hate Thread

hate has gotten me everything I ever wanted in life.
Re: Hate Thread

You hated the cash register so much, he let you have that Whopper meal for free?
Re: Hate Thread

The cash register gave itself a gender and then gave me food? Seems pretty intelligent, don't it?
Re: Hate Thread

I was so hoping you wouldn't notice it....
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the feeling of hate.

The very fact that I even posted it here is kind of hypocritical, but I'm still going to post it anyway.

The dark, evil feeling that consumes you really kills your soul, and after awhile, you'll realise that your hate was unnecessary.

Hate has also gotten many people into deep shit.

Hate is the only word I can use, besides possible loathing, for the feelings I have with some of the people that dwell in this world. I'll accept a little darkness, because I am in no way ready to forgive... or forget.
Re: Hate Thread

Look, I said I didn't mean it when I kicked your dog. Seriously I'm sorry, Sinful.
Re: Hate Thread

Look, I said I didn't mean it when I kicked your dog. Seriously I'm sorry, Sinful.

You're the one that kicked my Dog? You son of a bitch! I thought you were just apologizing for pissing in my cheerios that one time.

Which I forgave you for cause I did it back... and if ye don't eat cheerios well, someone had a pissy day.
Re: Hate Thread

Ooh... I, uh, mean... I kicked your.... Streetlight... Cup... Accountant?
I'm gonna just go eat my cheerios.