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Re: Hate Thread

*Gives Dark a chocolate pretzel* Jesus. I mean, I can see tech support but...but yeah.
Re: Hate Thread

Why'd you lock it? That takes away the fun from us, the user base :(

I liked the part where he said he saw it posted in our hentai section.
Re: Hate Thread

I think that argument is almost exactly the same, I was just trying that Vukis idea that religious people are the risk takers is wrong. Whats the term for the four square "what if" reference tool? Look something like this.

xxxxxxxxxxxxGodxxxxxxxxxxxNo God

Obviously very simplified and is certainly not an argument to be religious since an avoidance of punishment is not intrinsic motivation for lifestyle, but a basic illustration nonetheless.

Punnet Squares.
Re: Hate Thread

I've said it before and I'll say it again; I really fucking hate this cold I have.
Re: Hate Thread

I liked the part where he said he saw it posted in our hentai section.
The worst part is, it actually IS posted in our hentai section.

It's still there.

I'm reporting it.

Damn Russki haxx0rs...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that I start reading Between Failures because of above post to find out that the pages load very slowly, and yet I'm still addicted to it.

Kill me.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that the old dude living in the flat bellow moved out and that the flat remains empty. Old people living below you are the ultimate source of a free heated floor.

I hate that somehow I feel uncomfortably cold sitting indoors whilst wearing two t-shirts, a sweater, a thin fleece and fingerless gloves. Yet my two flatmates are apparently fine with a single t-shirt+skirt, and single collared shirt+trousers. They don't want to turn the heating on because they don't need it, and I'm freezing my ass off contemplating putting on a hat.

I've been resorting to drinking hot water (never really drank tea/coffee) and doing bouts of hourly exercise just to keep warm, whilst they don't show a sign of being cold. I'm left to conclude that I have somehow become cold blooded over the course of 2010, and that they must both have Eskimo blood.

[Edit+] It hurts to use my mouse wheel! My fingers are that cold! I don't understand why I'm so cold and it's pissing me off. >: (
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Re: Hate Thread

Heh, the way I tell it's cold inside is when my afore mentioned cold sensitive tooth hurts when I take a deep breath inside, that happened once yesterday x.x
Re: Hate Thread

I'm like the latter there Squid - I'm not too bothered by the cold and quite happy to wear a light t-shirt and three-quarter shorts, but it's the biting wind outside that annoys me.

Hnn... hatey hatey hatey; losing all interest in what I want/am supposed to be doing. I don't feel very creative or inspired lately. It'll pass.
Re: Hate Thread

I used to be able to walk around in shorts and teeshirt in the coldest of (British) weather when I was younger, but for the last few years I've been feeling it more and more.

And I should really be working on my timeline, but a log of a Dwarf Fortress succession game is keeping me from it.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm the same way too Squid. Once I give in and turn on my heat, I put it at like 70ish but it never actually feels comfortable enough....I get cold so I'm always wearing sweaters, sweatshirts, and robes. And almost always have my blanket wrapped around my shoulders when I sit at the computer. And I'm still cold half the time!

And Dragon I know how it feels :( I lost motivation recently too but something almost always comes up to turn things around. I had my "turn around moment" two days ago. Hope you get yours soon :)
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Re: Hate Thread

Aye, it's a recurring thing, however reading helps when listening to and then getting on with it.

^^' So that helped-ish now right after feeling down and lonesome. Naturally the pessimism within one will be around sooner or later.
Re: Hate Thread

I used to be able to walk around in shorts and teeshirt in the coldest of (British) weather when I was younger, but for the last few years I've been feeling it more and more.


I don't know what happened to me. I once walked to school in -30 (F) weather in nothing but a pair of pants, boots, t-shirt and hoodie, none of it especially thick. I was cold, but I wasn't uncomfortably so. Now I get cold when it's below 50 outside. And I've suddenly started sleeping with a down comforter. A down comforter! I've never used one of those things in my entire damn life.

I'm still more resistant to the cold than most people I know, but I wish I had that immunity back.
Re: Hate Thread

Yeah, I currently sleep in a thick quilt, a blanket on top of that as well as a dressing gown and my usual teeshirt and lazing around bottoms. And I used to be able to sleep with just a thin blanket in the attic bedroom in winter and there's no heating up there.
Re: Hate Thread

Welcome to getting old or at least that's what I assume it is, since I started getting that way about 4 years ago. At least you aren't feeding the invisible birdies in the park yet.
Re: Hate Thread

Heh, I'm in the same boat as Alias and Oni... maybe Ronny's right, we're getting old... or finally growing up.
Re: Hate Thread

The last 3 or 4 years, when I get too cold I start chronically coughing.