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I QUIT!!!!


Apr 9, 2011
Reputation score
I can understand if your mad about everything, but don't take out on me. I went from 19 to -135 in less than 3 days. Its not just one of you, but half of the entire community seems to be haters. So, I suspend myself from these forums and probably won't come back to, what seems like, a fucking shit hole that's all about some watching a handful of blogs and giving it out to others, but all of them complain that something they can't find is not worth looking at at all. The only ones not ranting are the ones contributing the most, don't show up much, or don't find time to show up and rant. The only good people so far only use the RP threads, except for a handful of people. I'm ok with the administrators, but not for much longer.

Prove it to me that its ok and I might come back. I set it so I get e-mails from PMs, friend requests, posts on this thread, and posts on my profile. I also now allow anyone to e-mail me directly, members and administrators.

Edit: If still want to be an ass, I took out every single link I posted. If I'm the ass, why are you the ones on this thread blasting me and I didn't say anything other than I quit? Thats just plain stupid. Also, its the reaction one "oops" is answered by, "YOU FRIGGIN IDOT!". Now that I deleted those links, I leave nothing behind. Wait. I did leave something, but the thing is......I don't want it.

Edit 2: Ok, whats with the 40 friendship requests from just 3 people.?You know who you are. Is it a joke, anxiety, etc. etc.?

On a side-note: Luppikun, from what I've seen, two dots does make infamous; it doesn't change to anything else though if it goes to two, its still infamous. The reason why, I am the most infamous from what I can tell from the member list and people with almost 1 red have infamous rank.

Another thing: Darkfire is 70% correct, all that rep loss on my threads are on the original posts. Other than that, I admit it, I hate critisim. It makes me like worse every......single..........time. I'm glad that people who know me personally already know and through rumors, others got it to. It didn't spread completly until high school. Now, people know and avoid critisism of me, but that did make me more prone to it and, for some, they would just avoid me like they don't know me.
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Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Re: I QUIT!!!!

I'm sorry, what?

We have to prove to you that we can be decent? You've done nothing but act like a complete moron and now you're pulling this dramafest because we don't treat morons well?

Also, I resent the accusation that the real contributors are the only ones not harrassing you. I'm fairly certian I've done a reasonable amount of both in the last few days.

Piss off and good riddance.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: I QUIT!!!!



May 12, 2009
Reputation score
Re: I QUIT!!!!

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, you quit alright. Just like I did when I thought Incubus was calling me a nigger, see but -actual- ignorant people can't see beyond the wording of things to their true meanings and are quick to oust. I came back because of the way things were explained. So while Incubus is an asshole, a racist asshole he is not. As for your whining about -113 rep, you're lucky. I wanted more than one red dot so stop complaining. REP DOES NOTHING, YOU CAN STILL LOOK AT HENTAI AND JERK OFF HERE, IT'S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD, YOU BABY.

HONESTLY I COULD GIVE A FLYING FUCK LESS WHICH WAY MY REP TURNS OUT TO BE, be it a full bar of green, or a full bar of red I don't care, and you shouldn't either. Do you really have to answer to these people on this forum? Do they feed you, fuck you, put clothes on your back, or a roof over your head? Hell fucking no. So here's what I propose you quit: QUIT YOUR FUCKING WHINING, HO.

Love Always,

P.S. If it's that bad, kill yourself.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: I QUIT!!!!

At least I found some amusement when Megamickel made his exit. This..... this is just 'meh'.

/agree with Oni.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: I QUIT!!!!

I never really noticed your presence around these forums, so let me act as an unbiased opinion here. I've taken the liberty of looking through your posts to see if we really are what you claim to be. But before we delve into that, I'd like to make a note here that posting a message like this, especially the part where you complain about the amount of rep points you have, really doesn't cast you in a favorable light to those who don't really know you, especially myself.

Wow....you to take a chill pill, I saw your post, but I got mine directly from google translator. It said something different. Anyone would know that, I even said it was google translator. Sorry but thats exactly what i got from it. At least you can tell what the poll submisssions mean, the Uterus and Ryona ones were hard to tell. Lastly, no need to tell me that the submissions are more important than the votes, I read the entire thing and tried to be as accurate as possible.

So here we have the first slip up I saw after about ten posts. In this situation, even though nnescio was a little harsh (And I do mean, LITTLE), you were being a couple steps more angry in your response. Even if you were trying to help, the fact of the matter is nnescio did in fact make a translation first, you supplemented it with the poll results. He misunderstood your intentions, and you got angry. You were both a little rude, but you both made up. No harm done, though you did come off as a little rude.

Your next post after another dozen or so posts irritated just me. It's in a thread I deleted because it was a hentai dumper repost. You commented on the excessive number of links the dumper put to download Artificial Girl 3. Of course, I was just annoyed because you were stating an issue that nobody's going to address. And since it's just me, it doesn't really matter; I complain all the time.

Says the guy that has his first post here. It isn't called that, Nice Back is searchable and official. Its in alot of databases and such as such. "Nurse always rings twice at night" is WAY too long for it to be the real name, its more of a description than the name.

Also, never heard of Cry but I can search for it and get it, but that won't be right away. I'm getting something else together at the moment.

A couple posts later you were berating someone who brought up the fact that there was another name to the game you posted. When RaptorJesus later confirmed that that person knew exactly what he was talking about, you immediately went on the defensive and tried to defend your reasoning, which pretty much amounted to nothing, rather than just apologize. Later in the thread, you mentioned your first neg reps.

You can create a new thread for that or this thread will be locked for being off-topic. If its locked its your fault, no offense.

Edit: I can see that comment that got me into the red, I have no mental mulfunction you flamer!

I've started to notice a trend of passive-aggressiveness. You start to get angry at someone and criticize them, and then immediately say "no offense". Let's just get this straight: One or two off topic posts will not make me lock a thread. In fact, I'm actually fine with the post you were replying to. Even if it was a request for you to do something, it was still vaguely relevant and could have easily sparked further discussion. Compared to the Shinobi Girl and Jungle Girl Remake threads, that's quite a number of leaps better.

So far, I've been noticing that you have a tendency to overreact a little over criticism, even when it was totally harmless and meant to add more information, and not to prove you wrong.

I wasn't pointing it out for anyone but the poster. He won't stop till he learns.

Once again, only annoying me. But I pretty much forgot about it immediately after. And for reference, this was in response to my request to stop posting in hentai dumper threads, where I used one of your posts as an example.

I can upload that right away if you really need it.
Don't blam summer, its not summer, its spring. Also, I'm horrible with tell someone's age.......ever think of that? SethK is partially right (its really crazy how he said it), drink some water and cool off. Don't need to flame everyone to make yourself feel better, release so you don't sound crazy too.

I think this is where you started getting a little "popular" with people here. In this post, you were responding to one of Oni's angry rants. This, I totally understand; Oni has that effect on people. But then I saw this:

If you mean it, I would like it if my rep wasn't red anymore. It is only at -13 rep, but that because I have only one reputation loss, and no gain. All because I said I couldn't upload Cry to a page that would make that page off-topic. Happy to see you satisfied in any case. :)

Edit: I see that comment, but its still -3, but you tried man and thank you. The other guy's comment asked "What's your mental malfunction?", it pissed me off. "Sorry that I have ADD you little ****!"

Alright, seriously? You've mentioned how you didn't want your earlier thread to be closed due to off topicness, and then you commented on your own thread, asking for rep? It makes you look very petty when you start making your rep record a big deal, just so you know. As I've said in the Rep FAQ, if someone made a nasty comment about you in reps, go to the appropriate thread or just ignore it. I will give you credit though; in that thread, you were quite helpful in aiding everybody who asked for assistance.

Any reason why you guys just skipped the links I posted of their offical blog and say you don't know anyway you could know the facts from an offical of Sony? All you have to do is look at my last post on this thread and there are mutiple links to playstation, PSN, PS3, and PSP blogs. Thats just sad man, it was posted 4 days ago.

Another passive aggressive approach from you. You later calmed down and understood that people made a mistake and simply glanced over your post. But at this point, you're starting to show to me that you're quite easy to set off when it comes to even the simplest things.

In that last statment I said why I thought that it was. I can accept it isn't, but it is definitely based off it.No one reads Off-topic threads and this still counts as everything else since it started as a video. We are discussing what is shown in it. /end story

You were responding to two posts here. One for Sinful, one for Oni. In the conversation with Sinful, you were proven wrong and you tried to backpedal. No, you weren't trying to just explain that it LOOKS like a Blizzard game. Your previous post firmly declared that you thought it was a Blizzard game. When you got called out, you didn't want to say, "Oh. I'm wrong. My apologies." What you said instead was, "Oh, well I meant to say this instead. I'm not wrong. I just didn't say it clearly." That's pretty weak, man.

And as for the response to Oni... Well, like I said, understandable.
Then came some posts that I just want to say one thing in response: Relax, man. Also, more passive-aggressiveness from you.

thats that link I showed all of you, a link to a facebook page of the same name.
I can't find it, Daemon....don't act like you don't see these posts. :(
That post was two years ago, this thread is dead. So why did you really bump this? You need a better reason than that.

(Not intended to be an offensive statement).

And of course, the whole tangent between you and WithdrawnWing. You admitted to the fact that you were a little foolish. Ironically enough, what I'm about to tell you is something Toxic once said to me in response to me defending myself in the same way. Amnesty upon admission does not exist. You knowing and regretting what you did is not a valid punishment.
And to top it off, you commented even more about your rep, which irks me to no end.
That was my goal, and thank you for letting me know I made it. Also, Toxic turned our reputation into the red. My rep is now -39, but before it was 19. His comment was: "You're a fucking numbskull. And spell it right." He definitely hates it more than you like it, with it miles ahead of yours.

There was also this Youtube mini-fiasco, which Nunu promptly took care of. In it, Oni once again flipped his shit, though this time he was justified. The funniest part is, you mentioned how you always did everything for a reason. Can I take that as a confession that you had a purpose in mind when you threw the Fairy Fighting thread back off track after it finally started becoming stable again?
Created a new Youtube account and uploaded a couple videos that I took, with my iPhone 4, just two hours ago. My teacher lit methane bubbles on his bald head four times. I have taped each one.

Sorry about the small screen. No it was not my idea to light bubbles on his head.
And as a side note, you also got annoyed with Incubus when he pointed out your double post. Your argument was that you had a completely different video to share, and Inc responded that unless it was really important, it didn't justify a second post. Then you claimed to be annoyed at that with your *...* words-in-action thing. You weren't even in the right. You aren't allowed to be angry. Inc was completely correct, and you still acted as if you did nothing wrong.

And finally, the argument in the Reputation Hilarity thread. A lot of things there that I don't quite feel like bringing up. But essentially, all I see in there is, "PEOPLE ARE NEG REPPING ME. I AM MAD."

So what do I see in you as a member in these forums? I see a fine contributor who has posted several games, lent his hand at several more, and made a number of harmless and, at times, humorous posts.

But with the internet, people can be a little more loose with their tongues. With you, you're much more sensitive to that. You care way too much about what other people think of you. You hate the neg rep you get, you hate the arguments you're getting into, but here's the thing: None of that ever needed to happen. You brought it all upon yourself. You're kind of like the non-dumper version of Youngmike.

The small criticisms people made, you went a step higher and left a more critical remark. And then as people began to notice your tendency to misinterpret or otherwise make passive-aggressive comments, they didn't like what they saw. And with your overly-sensitive mindset, you took that dislike as fuel for even more anger. And from there, things simply spiraled out of control.

Do I think you should leave? Quite frankly, I don't mind you. You just need to calm down and realize that we just want you to have a little etiquette when you're talking with us.

Of course, I thought that until you started this thread. Get off your high horse. We don't owe you shit and we don't have to prove anything to you. This is the reason why I made such a long-winded post: You criticized the forums and its members and then act like you're some kind of gift from the gods. We are NOT "a fuckin' shithole" and we do NOT cater to your every whim.

So I have a proposal for you: Instead of bitching about your negative rep and the fact that people dislike you here, how about you take a step back and find out why people are angry.

And if you were too lazy to read my admittedly, way-too-long post, here's what I think. If you want to leave, by all means, get out. But don't start shit when it's your own personality that's shit.
Jul 28, 2010
Reputation score
Re: I QUIT!!!!


That's probably one of the best posts I've read in the last few weeks anywhere about anything.

Just to throw on a small extra note to Demi: if you're going to leave, then just do - don't start drama. There's a difference between a "goodbye" thread and a "FAWK Y'ALL, I'M OUT, PEACE" thread after all.


Turtle Poker
May 18, 2010
Reputation score
Re: I QUIT!!!!

I've never seen someone with three red dots before :D

Doesn't mean it hasn't happened though.


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: I QUIT!!!!

Wow he's more hated than Ken F Johnnedy and Youngmike.

As for passive aggressive defense, don't forget his PRE-EMPTIVE attack in this thread. You see, we can't respond negatively to him in this thread because he covered his tracks by saying, "If I'm the ass, why are you the ones on this thread blasting me and I didn't say anything other than I quit? That's just plain stupid." Despite the fact he called this place a shithole and said we need to prove ourselves to him. Once again, he attacks people, talks a bunch of shit, but if people become aggressive at his remarks, he becomes a defensive dick. Ironically I like him in the shoutbox, but any place he has actual time to think about what he's saying, he becomes completely unlikeable.


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: I QUIT!!!!

Demi, I don't know you and frankly, I don't want to know. Let me tell you one thing. Stop acting like a spoiled brat. If you want to leave, just do it. I have my share of bad experiences with another community. I was a regular member there for several years, at least until a new generation of members came and the atmosphere got a lot worse. I didn't take it well. I flamed, I argued, I raged, trying to bring back the old order, which still had supporters.

But in the end, when I came to the conclusion that the situation is truly lost, I simply left. I didn't make a dramatic exit. I didn't announce it to those morons in the forum. One day, I just logged off and didn't come back. No one will suddenly feel regret when you post a thread like this, they'll disregard it at best or use it as a last chance to throw some extra barbs at worst. There's no point in drama. You're just trampling your own chances of salvaging whatever remains of your dignity. If you're not mature enough to do at least that... Well. You deserve everything you went through, and I regret not being there to add more. Sucks to be me.

I've never seen someone with three red dots before :D

Doesn't mean it hasn't happened though.
You should have seen my rep at that forum. Granted, I asked for it... But I actually reached the maximum number of red dots.

Meh. That's not much.


Wait. 3 red dots is "Infamous around these parts"? I thought that was 2?
I think that's the only "title" a person with neg rep will get. Sadly.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Re: I QUIT!!!!

The titles are separate to the dots and as far as I can tell, scale based on other members.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: I QUIT!!!!

Haha, if I didn't know any better I'd have thought Dark had something against me.

Though saying that he probably does want to PUT something against me :p


Apr 9, 2011
Reputation score
Re: I quit????

Well, I had a revelation today. I'm just going to ignore your critisism and I'll say what I want. I won't even thing about responding if its a stupid question. Thats when you negg me and clutter a thread with it. Hell, negg all you want. From now on, I really don't care. I have just one thing to say.
Wait, who's Deminies?
*Deminies sends RaptorJesus into a flashback, onto the rep thread discussion between Deminies and ToxicShock.*
Toxic can't feel emotion because whores don't have souls.
/end flashback

Note: I don't think I'll need this thread anymore...unless someone has something else say about this post, I am carefree. I see more negs but don't see a problem anymore. "ME LIKEY DOTS!" is no more. It is now, "Oh look something changed.....what else is new...."

"New notification, Deminies status is now: mmmmm....food."


Feb 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: I QUIT!!!!

Who wants to bet he won't manage to stay calm and throws another fit soon enough?