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List of games with female victim energy drain / エナジードレイン


Jungle Girl
Jul 22, 2012
Reputation score
Heroines whose energy is drained? Awesome!
Trying to find games (or comics, anything really) where the heroine gets her energy drained? Less awesome. Usually very poorly tagged.
But I think I have a solution: I'll just go to some forum where the most knowledgeable hentai conosseaurs connoisseur nerds gather, and lure them into telling me everything they know, by starting a thread where I pretend to know something. We'll see if it works.

Thread will be updated as I can. Please be patient and merciful, I'm not ultra active.
And, jokes aside, I do count on your contributions.

Deciding what is energy drain and what goes into the list might be tricky. Do I include games with only a few energy drain animations? Do I include games where there the heroine is conventionally molested but the text claims the monsters are "draining her mana"?
I've decided the discerning factor is "can someone with an energy drain fetish get off to this, where they wouldn't with another game?".
Decided on dividing games in categories. Yes, to an extent they're arbitrary, that's better than just listing everything undifferentiated I think.
  • Primarily about energy drain. Energy drain is the main mechanic, or rather close to it. The villains really want to drain the heroine, and nearly all content in the game features that.
  • Lots of energy drain. Games are not specifically about energy drain, but there is quite a lot of it. Maybe the game caters to it as one of several fetishes, there are at least a good portion of enemies that have draining as their main objective, or at very least I feel there are enough scenes to suggest this.
  • Some energy drain. There's undeniably energy drain in the game, and it's not barely there or buried (otherwise I wouldn't list it), but it's nowhere near a major mechanic. Someone specifically looking for energy drain will probably just look at a couple of specific scenes.
  • Informed energy drain. There's molestation/sex/induced orgasm etc. and the game insists that this involves energy drain. If you buy it, there's probably a lot of it.
I'll put little stars (★) next to favorite games, this is not influenced by the category.
All links are to threads here where you can find more info, or to F95 where there's no thread here.

Contributed in this thread or elsewhere.

  • Eronest, in the nest of the dominator (F95)
    Nice game, really shows off what Godot engine is capable of, but has no energy drain despite mentioning it on the DLSite page -- it means, you have to run out of shield before enemies start raping you.
  • Shinobi Gear (F95) via Jesus
    Played through the game start to finish and watched the gallery, couldn't find a single energy drain animation.
    Maybe I'm a moron who missed it, or it's a different game?
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Alice in Cradle [Incomplete 🇬🇧 ] Free, great art, shaping up to be promising, and english translated. Sadly no gallery yet, but let's hope.
Melody Blood [Abandoned] Sprite game primarily focused on energy drain via breast sucking. While it was abandoned in 2018, there's a quite a bit of content. You might also be interested in the sprite rip.
Melody Blood 3D [Incomplete] The game Melody Blood was abandoned for. May or may not be finished, current version isn't much, but there's a lot of promising videos on the author's Twitter.

Guilty Hell [Released] Popular game, with good reason. Primary fetish is licking/suckling, energy drain being implicit, but plenty of animations clearly show the heroine's magical power being drained.
Guilty Hell 2 [Incomplete] More of the same, which is great. Development, so far, very steady. Our thread isn't ultra active, but the one on F95 is. And frequently posts download links.
Nightmare Sphere [Released] Old game, small sprites, was an actually very playable free metroidvania. Primary fetish was battle rape, but while all monsters drain your purity and corrupt you there were three or four which had explicit energy drain animations. The sequel is sadly abandoned.

Chronos Fear [Abandoned] From the author of Hanakanmuri. Promising but abandoned (in a very bad way) ryona flash game, now nigh-irretrievable due to the loli content making it hard to share. There is at least an energy drain scene (jellyfish), if you really gotta see it keeep in mind you can restart the current screen with Q, even if you're dead.
Hachina Ghost Story [Released 🇬🇧 ] From the creator of Mission Mermaiden. Caters to a very large array of fetishes with hypnosis/mindbreak at the center, but it has at least a couple of explicit energy drain animations in the first stage (hanging tentacles and level boss) and several scenes of implied drain (things such as suckling).
SiNiSistar [Released 🇬🇧 ] Great slow-paced gameplay and dreadful atmosphere, well deserving of its popularity. Main fetish is ryona, has vore too — if you can handle that, many scenes show explicit suckling/draining, although it's hard to tell if it's energy or body fluids.
SiNiSistar2 [Incomplete 🇬🇧 ] Shaping up to be an improvement on its already exceptional predecessor, it also has already more explicit energy drain scenes — the grab of the leeches and tentacled creatures in the demo clearly drain the heroine's newly-introduced mana meter.
Unholy Sanctuary [Released] The 2010, most "gamey" originator of the now-thriving hentai series does have a few energy drain scenes — the succubus and ghost. To a quick glance, nothing like it in the sequels.
Untitled Sailor Moon game [Abandoned] Old, abandoned, only one enemy has an energy drain animation. Still, try this: click on your favorite sailors, press enter, choose free battle, conjure a red slime lady, and watch. Worthwhile.

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Eclipse Fragment [Incomplete] New game by the creator of Twilight Scramble. Barely started, but seems to be more of the same.
Magical Girl Haltiel R [Released] Made by a prolific energy drain artist who primarily does manga, it's CG-heavy, with little battle rape. Most monsters practice energy drain, there's also plenty of dicking. This is actually the third game of the series, and this group seems to have made a lot of other games, all very focused on energy drain — I organized all I could find in the Haltiel R thread.
Miifa's monster subjugation [Incomplete] Free, will be short even when finished. Has loli.
RuuTrusted [Incomplete] Ruu goes to forest, Ruu gets engulfed in slime and/or swallowed by slimy monsters, Ruu gets spat after she got herself covered in goo, her clothing dissolved in slime, and her HP/MP drained. In development, I like the art.
Twilight Scramble [Released 🇬🇧] A personal favorite. Dozens of enemies, all with their own restraint/drain animations. Furthermore, very well made drain, with much better animations than the average Rpg, visible enemy energy bars that get refilled at your expense… Also does some petrification and vore, but restraint and mana drain is the main focus. Now with a fan translation!

A brilliant exorcist doesn't yeld to tentacle demons [Released 🇬🇧 ] Machine-translated, not so much a game as a well-built CGI vehicle you can finish in an hour. Main fetishes are demon rape, and corruption / whoreification of the exorcist heroine. All in-battle molesting and post-defeat cgis are intended to be the demons draining your shamanistic power, even the plainer sex scenes, but plenty of the scenes do show the energy drain. You can download it translated straight from F95.
Maken-shi Sara [Released 🇬🇧] By the authors of Lili's drain dungeon, a much higher-scope game, available in English. Primary fetish is enforced orgasm. Several battle sprites and defeat events feature energy drain. There's a also a 2.0 upgrade that adds an extra chapter (and that chapter's boss drains), but as far as I can tell the update will overwrite the translation — unless I missed something, you'll get either English or the update
Mutation [Incomplete] Early in development. Primary fetish is restraint/enforced orgasm, but most of the enemies also have energy drain as part of their molesting.
Tail Teller 2 [Released] Haven't played, but checked the gallery and confirmed that it does contain several energy drain defeat CGs. Doesn't look like much to me, might be good enough for you. Not translated.

Aria and the Secret of the Labyrinth [Released 🇬🇧 ] Ryona game with fan translation available. At least two enemies, the big red slime and the succubi, have explicit energy drain animations. Fetish of the game is a bit strong for me, but you should be able to check quickly if it's good for you.
Brilliant Blossom Princess Prececile [Released] Well-drawn game where a magical girl fights evil villains. The long defeat scenes always have her detransforming, but only a few have explicit energy drain. Has NTR elements, but they're not really in the way — see here or in the thread if you're worried.
Holy light Princess Pony Celes (F95) [Released 🇬🇧 ] New game by the author of Prececile. Very well made game, with fun and rewarding exploration and a great fan translation, but it has even less energy drain than Prececile — as far as I can tell, only the first and final boss.
Magical Girl Luna's Misforturnes [Released 🇬🇧 ] Fantasticly made game, with a cute plot and a lot of polish. Main fetish is restraining, but there are some enemies with explicit energy drain animations -- in the gallery, look for the angel enemies, and some stuff from the postgame, among others. F95 thread has the translation.
Magic Knight Fione [Incomplete] Free to download (for now, it's still a trial), enforced orgasm centered. Enemies mostly care about rising your libido bar, the ones with explicit energy drain CGs mostly do it to that end in the middle of 25 molesting animations.

Magical Valkyrie Lyristia (F95) [Released 🇬🇧 ] The evil organization "drains the energy" of the heroines and any victim they catch with rape. Popular enough to get a spin-off and its own hentai anime, it's a decent little game.
Taima Miko Yuugi (F95) [Released 🇬🇧 ] Taking the game on its own, it's absolutely amazing — with nice gameplay and mechanics, and even a decent story, plus it's translated! But I'd debate if it's an energy drain game — all CGs are conventional monster-on-exorcist molestation, that the game text informs you is draining the heroine's mana because that's how horniness works in that universe.

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Lili's drain dungeon [Released] Small, self-contained game, exactly what is says on the tin. Easy to check out, since it's all CGs and you can just get check them out in the link in the thread. Has a sequel in the works, apparently.


Mirai Escape [Released] By the authors of Lili's Drain Dungeon and Maken-shi Sara, resambles the first one gameplay wise. It has a female and a male protagonist version. I only found one energy drain animation — the enemy that looks like a black button. I didn't like this game much, but you'll find my save here.

Rignetta's Adventure (F95) [Released 🇬🇧 ] Wolf RPG game, hentai content is small-res sprites but to be fair there's a ton of it since there's a ton of monsters. Some are energy drain-ish (see jellyfish) but mostly it's informed drain, with sex scenes that are also allegedly draining you and making the enemies level up.

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So, we talked about games. But there's something else you might want to see.

is your friend. The tag you should check is "エナジードレイン" (energy drain). You might also want to try things like "エネルギー吸収" (energy absorption), "魔力吸収" (magic absorption), or whatever the works you enjoy are tagged as.
As you might already know if you're familiar with Pixiv, that website won't allow you to sort by "best", only by new (sorting by best is a premium feature) — so you may have to waddle through some less-than-amazing stuff before you get to something good and up your alley. You can partially get around this by searching for a tag that shows you stuff that filters by number of likes/bookmarks, such as "1000users入り" — e.g., searching "500users入り エナジードレイン" will give you all energy drain pics with over 500 likes.
"エナジードレイン" is also useful for searching on other platforms. Although you'll find much less stuff.

Some of these below, you may need to filter for the appropriate tags.
I'm not aiming for a complete list, just for artists that did something I genuinely enjoyed, and other people might.
(A brilliant exorcist doesn't yeld to tentacle demons)
(Melody Blood)
(Twilight Scramble)


Yeah, broscience. But if it helps put a focus on your fetish and understand it better, it's useful.

So, most popular fetish, by far — for men, or women — is domination.
But, a lof of aspects of it are actually very, very taboo. Rape, for instance, is a frequent fetish, but the overwhelming majority of the people who enjoy that it would be horrified at the thought of doing it in real life.
So, a lot of times the fetish is sublimated — modified, sanitized, changed in a form that we find acceptable.
The primary way, is moving it on hentai, fictional content. Someone with a fetish for women getting hurt might recoil at even the though of slapping a woman, but enjoy an anime heroine get crushed in a wall guilt-free on pixiv's ryona tag.
Secondary, sometimes, is inversion, where you identify with the dominated instead of the dominator. Most hentai games have you playing as the heroine, and I think I remember reading in a thread here, that a lot of people identified with the heroine. Which makes plenty of sense to me — I'd feel more guilty handling a molester hero, than the molested heroine, I can push my fetish much further in the second case.
But the third way, is modifying the fetish in something more acceptable. I think a very good example is the role vampire bites have been having since victorian times, as a methaphor for sex.

If you look at it from these lenses, energy drain is one excellent example of this sort of sublimation, which is why I think it's a little more frequent than the relatively scarce content leads to think.
It's a very powerful form of domination — a heroic character getting their power stolen by the enemy? weakened, and also used as an instrument to make the villain stronger? having one's own essence itself stolen? — but it's also very harmless, leaving the victim without any wound, indeed potentially unharmed.
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I'll add Shinobi Gear, the Quarta Knight games, Taima Miko Yuugi / Exorcism Shrine Maiden, and Magic Detective Fione. Angelic Apostle Liebe too, arguably
I'll add Shinobi Gear, the Quarta Knight games, Taima Miko Yuugi / Exorcism Shrine Maiden, and Magic Detective Fione. Angelic Apostle Liebe too, arguably

Thank you, Jesus. I knew hentai was not a sin!

As expected, the first few posts will make a fool of me while the obvious stuff I missed gets filled in.
Checking out those games ASAP, thank you so much.
Thanks for this thread! I'll keep you updated if I find more too!
Untitled Sailor Moon game [Abandoned] Old, abandoned, only one enemy has an energy drain animation. Still, try this: click on your favorite sailors, press enter, choose free battle, conjure a red slime lady, and watch. Worthwhile.
Both links seems to be down on the topic, how did you dowload it?
Thanks for this thread! I'll keep you updated if I find more too!

Both links seems to be down on the topic, how did you dowload it?

Simple: I've download it in 2015 when the thread was fresh!
I uploaded my version, hopefully should work.
Found some energy drain in the flash demo of Chronos Fear (fly and jelly fish enemies). May have more that I have missed, I didn't try the newer RPG Maker demo because it is apparently less complete than the flash version.

Too bad this game seems now abandoned...
A few energy drain scenes also in [つきみたけ] アリアと迷宮の秘密 (RJ269554) (at least the succubus defeat scene, the slime, didn't see all of it yet)

Thank you, added.

Also added info about the Twilight Scramble translation, and slightly reorganized the list -- so translated games get union jacks.
Speaking of translated games, I'm looking at Magical Girl Luna (EDIT: Link to F95 removed because I'm not trying to get all those loli bans), which is excellent but I think ED is barely present. Investingating.

Edit: added link to Luna thread. Turns out there's no download link in the OP, I thought there was because it's in the forum rules.
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Adding Hachina Ghost Story. Or however it's meant to be translated. Yes, this one has energy drain, unlike Mermaiden — with the light leaving your character through tentacles and all.
Not bothering putting it in the OP, because it's info that will change soon, but the thread on F95 has both a download link and a full save.

If you're looking for the thread for Magical Girl Luna's Disaster, it's here:

Thanks, updated.
I love you, OP. Lots of new interesting stuff to look through, can't believe I'm only just seeing this thread now.
Updated thread.
Added the new game Mutation (from the thread I just made) and Rignetta's adventure to RPG section.
Modified Maken-shi Sara's entry to add some info about the 2.0 update.

I love you, OP. Lots of new interesting stuff to look through, can't believe I'm only just seeing this thread now.

Very nice of you to say, glad I was useful!

Found some energy drain in the flash demo of Chronos Fear (fly and jelly fish enemies). May have more that I have missed, I didn't try the newer RPG Maker demo because it is apparently less complete than the flash version.

Could I ask you to DM me with a link of the old flesh version? I tried, but I can't find it on my own.
I'll repeat: DM me, don't post in the thread — main reason I can't find this thing is because it's a loli game that can't be posted here.
There is this circle that primarily about energy drain this is their newest game if you want to check RJ01079729 their circle is called koso koso room. (Sorry the name of the game is in Japanese so can't even read moonrunes)
There is this circle that primarily about energy drain this is their newest game if you want to check RJ01079729 their circle is called koso koso room. (Sorry the name of the game is in Japanese so can't even read moonrunes)

Oh, I've seen images of this one, I follow , he posts frequently on the energy drain tag!
Didn't realize it was a game, and confirms that he mostly makes Manga.
Amazing find, thank you!

It's called "Magical Warrior Haltiel R", apparently. And I'll check it out soon.
Could I ask you to DM me with a link of the old flesh version? I tried, but I can't find it on my own.
I'll repeat: DM me, don't post in the thread — main reason I can't find this thing is because it's a loli game that can't be posted here.
Yeah ik, I had to search real hard in Web archives to find it.
As soon as I find the link again, I'll DM you. Otherwise I think I still got it so I may upload it somewhere and DM it
Ok, added Haltiel R to the thread, from my own thread. thanks again @Deathman Forces for the heads-up!
Aside from the previous Haltiel games, the circle has made about a billion other energy-drain themed games, I've put links to the galleries in that thread.

Also added this Brilliant Blossom Princess Prececile to my to-do list.
DLSite description explicitly mentions energy drain and detransforming, so there's gotta be something. Ostensively, it's an NTR game, but sorta not wuite (kinda weirdly, you're apparently playing as the unseen nice-guy childhood boyfriend of the long-named titular magical girl, so at the end of the day it's the usual wet & tentacly fare, but your POV MC is supposed to be just offscreen feelin' cucked).

Yeah ik, I had to search real hard in Web archives to find it.
As soon as I find the link again, I'll DM you. Otherwise I think I still got it so I may upload it somewhere and DM it

Thanks again, gotta get around to that one too.